I have been teaching Biology for 20 years and I have struggled to find concise and engaging resources for teaching Biology, which is why I have set about creating my own.
I hope that my resources are enjoyed by your pupils and of course support their learning of such an interesting and great subject.
I have been teaching Biology for 20 years and I have struggled to find concise and engaging resources for teaching Biology, which is why I have set about creating my own.
I hope that my resources are enjoyed by your pupils and of course support their learning of such an interesting and great subject.
This pack of five worksheets is designed to be visually appealing for A Level students to learn and revise the heart structure and cardiac cycle topic.
The worksheet pack includes:
1.) Worksheet on the structure of the heart
2.) Worksheet on the cardiac cycle
3a.) Worksheet on the role of atrioventricular valves
3b.) Worksheet on the role of semilunar valves
4.) Worksheet on the coordination of the cardiac cycle
All answers to the worksheets are included, these can be projected for students to check and mark their own answers.
The GCSE Biology worksheet pack focuses on the topic of energy flow and feeding relationships. It is aimed at the CIE IGCSE course and covers topics 19.1 and 19.2.
There are four worksheets for students to complete, covering the following subtopics:
WS1 Energy flow between organisms and their environment and key definitons for the topic
WS2 Food chains and energy transfer between trophic levels
WS3 Food webs
WS4 Pyramids of numbers and biomass
Clear and comprehensive answer sheets are provided for each of the four worksheets.
The accompanying PowerPoint has the worksheets and answers integrated into it, along with the key ideas for the students.
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Always a challenging topic at GCSE, this visual worksheet should help your students get to grips with the Nitrogen Cycle. There is an answer sheet for the teacher included in the pack, great for non-specialists teaching GCSE Biology.
Perfect for use when both teaching the topic area and also when revising. The worksheet will help students learn the parts of the Nitrogen Cycle and familiarise themselves with key words.
** Now with A4 colour poster version.
A pack of five worksheets for the teaching or revision of the GCSE Biology topic digestion. Worksheets are designed to be visually appealing, engaging and encourage independent learning by students.
The pack includes:
1.) Worksheet on the structure and function of digestive system
2.) Worksheet on the digestion of food by enzymes (differentiated support version provided too)
3.) Worksheet on the overview of digestion (includes role of bile)
4.) Worksheet on absorption and villi adaptations - Now Updated with microvilli added to the diagram and table
5.) Crossword on the digestion topic
All worksheets are provided with answers.
A comprehensive and visually appealing A level worksheet pack summarising the biochemistry topic of proteins. There are two worksheets included in the pack, designed for pupils to work through independently.
Answers are provided for the teacher.
Worksheet 1 covers:
Structure and properties of amino acids
Formation of dipeptides
Worksheet 2 covers:
The four levels of protein structure
Focus on haemoglobin as an example of a protein
The worksheets are provided in both an A4 and A3 format.
A3 size is recommended for printing for students.
This 2-piece worksheet bundle would make a great lesson on using the microscope and how to calculate magnification, size of specimens and converting units of measurement.
A cut and stick and cloze activity aimed at A level students.
The activity is designed so that students can learn and identify the key stages of meiosis and describe what happens in each of the main stages. The cloze activity allows students to become more familiar with the key terminology associated with this topic.
This activity can be completed by students independently as all instructions are given on the sheets. Ideal for both teaching the topic and also as a revision aide.
The activity has been provided in both an A3 and A4 format to allow for printing in either size. I would advise to print in A3 if possible as it keeps all the stages of meiosis on one sheet and makes it easier for the student to compare the two different stages of meiosis.
A completed answer sheet is provided for the teacher.
This is a huge bundle of resources covering many of the topics studied in Year 1/ AS year of the OCR A Biology course.
Due to the similarities with other A level specifications this bundle would be well suited to other exam boards too.
Topics covered include:
1.) The heart and circulation
2.) The cardiac cycle
3.) Nucleic acids
4.) Protein synthesis
5.) Mitosis and meiosis
6.) Cell structure
7.) Transport in plants
8.) Statistics for biologists
9.) Prokaryotes
10.) Biochemistry: Carbohydrates
11.) Biochemistry: Lipids (Trigylcerides)
12.) Biochemistry: Proteins
13.) Biochemistry: Water and it’s properties
Answer sheets are provided for all resources included in this bundle
This GCSE Biology worksheet pack covers the key concepts associated with the enzyme topic. The resources are designed to be visually appealing to students and can be worked through independently. Each worksheet should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The resource pack can be used to introduce the topic or for revision/assessment purposes.
Included in the pack are:
Worksheet on how enzymes work and covering key terminology
Worksheet on factors that affect enzymes
Crossword on the enzyme topic
Answer sheets are included for all of the above.
A comprehensive and visually appealing A level worksheet summarising the biochemistry topic of lipids (triglycerides).
It covers:
Structure and properties of glycerol and fatty acids
Formation of triglycerides
Role of lipids in organisms
The worksheet is provided in both an A4 and A3 format. A3 size is recommended for printing for students.
Answers are provided for the teacher.
A poster pack covering the stages of both mitosis and meiosis, with diagrams and detailed explanations of what is happening at each stage. Ideal for A level Biology students.
The posters are great for display around the classroom or to give to the students for revision.
All posters have been provided in a choice of black and white or colour.
Students may wish to label the diagrams with the names of the different structures, detailed in the accompanying explanation of each stage.
Both posters have been provided in both an A3 and A4 format to allow for printing in either size. I would advise to print on A3 if possible for the meiosis poster, as it keeps all the stages of meiosis on one sheet and makes it easier for the student to compare the two different stages of meiosis.
A clearly laid out and visual worksheet which focuses on the labelling of the parts of the fermenter and their roles.
The fermenter commonly comes up on GCSE Biology exam papers and this worksheet will help your students to get to grips with how the fermenter works, providing them also, on completion, with a clear and comprehensive revision resource.
A completed answer sheet is provided for the teacher and can be projected on the board when going through the sheet with students…
A worksheet with accompanying answer sheet on the structure and function of synapses.
The sheet also includes an extension activity for students on the affect of drugs on synaptic transmission.
This sheet is also available as part of a bundle along with worksheets on neurones and the eye, link below:
A comprehensive and visually appealing A level worksheet pack summarising the cell ultrastructure topic. There are three worksheets included in the pack, designed for pupils to work through independently. Once completed these worksheets will create a set of useful and detailed revision notes for students.
Answers are provided for the teacher.
Topics covered are:
ultrastructure of animal cells
ultrastructure of plant cells
structure and function of the key organelles/cell structures
The worksheets are provided in both an A4 and A3 format.
This resource pack contains four diagrams for biology students to work independently through and label. The diagrams could be used in assessment too rather than just as a class activity. The diagrams are aimed at GCSE students but could be used with able KS3 students or as a recap as part of an introduction to A level topics.
The pack includes:-
1.) Structure of the Heart
2.) Structure of the Lungs
3.) The Structure of Digestive System
4.) The Structure of the Eye (Two versions, one for AQA one for CIE)
Each diagram has a copy to label and a labelled copy to display.
Two clear and visual worksheets, covering the structure and function of the female and male reproductive systems. Each worksheet should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and they are designed to be worked through independently by the students. The sheets are also useful as an assessment and/or revision tool.
Answer sheets are included for the teacher.
A visually appealing and well laid out A level worksheet pack focusing on plant responses and the plant hormones involved. There are three worksheets included in the pack, designed for pupils to work through independently. Once completed these worksheets will create a set of useful and detailed revision notes for students.
Worksheets cover the following:
Overview of plant responses and the roles of the 5 main plant hormones. This worksheet comes with 5 information sheets, one for each hormone, that pupils can use to complete the table element of the worksheet.
Plant responses to the environment
Types of plant response (tropisms)
Answer sheets are provided for all three worksheets.
The GCSE Biology worksheet pack focuses on the topic of classification. It is aimed at the CIE IGCSE course.
There are four worksheets for students to record the key classification features of the following:
The five kingdoms
The five vertebrate classes
The four arthropod groups
Plant classification: Ferns, monocotyledons and dicotyledons
Answer sheets are provided for each worksheet.
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A visual worksheet which gets pupils to identify the location of a number of endocrine glands in the body. The worksheet also allows pupils to learn about the hormones produced by the main glands, their target organs and the effect of the hormone.
The second worksheet is a crossword to consolidate students’ knowledge of the endocrine system and strengthen their use of key words associated with this topic and aid correct scientific spelling too.
Both worksheets have an answer sheet for the teacher.
This Biology GCSE worksheet pack covers the topic of characteristics of life and is a great introductory lesson for any Biology GCSE course.
Objectives covered are:
Define the terms which describe the characteristics of living organisms
Recognise examples of characteristics in different organisms and how they relate to one another for survival
Resources Included:
Two worksheets with answer sheets included
The first worksheet is designed for pupils to record the key definition for each characteristic.
The second sheet is a set of questions, which are of varied demand and can be used as either a consolidation task, an assessment or as a homework which can be peer marked the following lesson.
A colour poster of the characteristics of life for display
Key features of the worksheets:
Visually engaging for students and clearly laid out
Familiarisation of students with key words, their correct spelling and definitions
Neat summary of the content for students’ notes (can be easily placed into a file or stuck into books)
Comprehensive corresponding answer sheets for the teacher
Helpful for lesson preparation for non-specialist science teachers
These sheets are also available in a whole lesson pack with a PowerPoint to support the delivery of the lesson and integration of the worksheets into the lesson.