A detailed analysis of the six main female characters in the film Volver (Raimunda, Irene, Sole, Agustina, Paula and Tía Paula). Specifically designed for the cultural topic of A2 Spanish.
PowerPoint featuring ideas about ways of protecting the planet and the involvement of schools, teachers and businesses. Specifically designed for the environment unit of A2 Spanish.
Word document listing key vocab (nouns, adjectives and verbs) for talking about visual contamination. Specifically designed for the environment unit of A2 Spanish.
PowerPoint featuring ideas about: causes of visual contamination, their impact on the environment and ways of overcoming these. Specifically designed for the environment unit of A2 Spanish.
A collection of pictures from the film Volver which can be used when discussing scenes, characters, themes, colours and camera angles. Particularly useful when writing essays for A2 exams as higher marks are achieved for references to specific scenes in the film.
Revision for all topics of the biopsychology section of the AQA Year 2 (A2) Psychology exam. Colour-coded, written in note form and with pictures to aid revision. Relevant to the new specification (from 2017).
Revision for all topics of the cognitive development section of the AQA Year 2 (A2) Psychology exam. Colour-coded, written in note form and with pictures to aid revision. Relevant to the new specification (from 2017).
Revision for all topics of the addiction section of the AQA Year 2 (A2) Psychology exam. Colour-coded, written in note form and with pictures to aid revision. Relevant to the new specification (from 2017).
Revision for all topics of the social influence section of the AQA Year 1 (AS) Psychology exam. Colour-coded, written in note form and with pictures to aid revision. Relevant to the new specification (from 2016).
Revision for all topics of the approaches section of the AQA Year 2 (A2) Psychology exam. Colour-coded, written in note form and with pictures to aid revision. Relevant to the new specification (from 2017).
Revision for all topics of the memory section of the AQA Year 1 (AS) Psychology exam. Colour-coded, written in note form and with pictures to aid revision. Relevant to the new specification (from 2016).
Revision for all topics of the psychopathology section of the AQA Year 1 (AS) Psychology exam. Colour-coded, written in note form and with pictures to aid revision. Relevant to the new specification (from 2016).
Completed worksheet outlining how each area of child development is linked to others, including:
speech, language & communication
personal, social & emotional
literacy & numeracy
definitions of windows of opportunity and expected rate & sequence.
Created as part of Level 2 Diploma for Early Years Practitioner (2020-21).
Completed worksheet detailing setting policies to support children’s behaviour and how encouragement & reward affect behaviour.
Created as part of Level 2 Diploma for Early Years Practitioner (2020-21).
Completed worksheet describing signs and symptoms of different types of child abuse, including:
sexual abuse
Created as part of Level 2 Diploma for Early Years Practitioner (2020-21).
Completed worksheet detailing how childcare practitioners can support children’s learning, and how learning and development can be affected by dispositional & situational factors. Website links included.
Created as part of Level 2 Diploma for Early Years Practitioner (2020-21).