6 full days of learning here - biggest upload yet and it’s a big file!
These are the slides I used for my ‘Habitat Wednesdays’ last year, where we immerse the class in a whole day of learning around a specific biome. The day followed rough format:
Morning block play (building a Habitat with k’nex etc whilst researching)
Tabletop maths play (dice and spinners - then jotter work)
Games outside
Poetic Writing
Music (using Garageband but could just use percussion)
Art (painting progression)
Paired Dance
6 stories, all written by pupils with accompanying tasks, backdrops and soundtracks.
We would usually airdrop a story to pupils and have them read twice (once alone, second time paragraph at a time with their partner) before coming to the carpet to tackle the Quickfire Questions as a whole class.
The Comprehension activity is completed in jotters and the creative task is very free and pupil led.
First resource I’ve ever charged for - spoken with the pupils and they are happy to share and for all funds raised to go towards P7 camp
This is a series of 4 money lessons that link to the Global Goals (SDG 1 No Poverty). It’s a pretty hard hitting topic and will definitely be pertinent to many of your pupils (1 in 4 children in Scotland currently growing up in poverty).
Looking at coins with fun, open ended activities, the lessons centre around cost of the school day, uniform, wages, wealth inequality and budgets.
I intend to take my class through taxes and government spending, as well as enterprise activities but will look to upload those slides at a later date!
Ten sheets that I used to anchor my planning for my Wednesday Global Goal days. Hopefully act as a useful idea bank and a stimulus for creating your own immersive days in the classroom.
These slides are designed help your class understand how international initiatives like the UNCRC are enacted nationally, locally and then in their own school. Looking at Shannari and your own school values, the class should have lots of examples to draw upon when creating their own charter.
This is a whole day of Encanto learning, with 6 curricular areas being covered.
Literacy: I would envision having learners use garageband to record their own podcast but you could even have them do so with the audio recorder that comes as standard on iPads. Alternatively, they could simply record a short interview or promotional video discussing the importance of representation.
Maths: volume of cuboids and cubes (following a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach)
Art: Origami butterfly and discussion of the symbolism
Science: I would look to draw on an interactive whiteboard with the simulation however pupils could observe and jot on their own whiteboards or even create models with playdough? The dancing raisin experiment DOES NOT replicate the water cycle but it does show gases and liquids interacting and CAN be illuminating to understanding evaporation.
Dance: Bachata isn’t originally a Colombian dance (it’s Dominican) but it is popular in the region and some of the dances in the movie use steps and elements from the genre.
A quick lesson that explores mortgages and sees pupils using their knowledge of multiplication and percentages to garner an underatanding of how the property market works.
This is a four part sequence, with quick recall/check-in activities included, aimed at upper primary. Through the lens of Global Goal Number 6, clean water & sanitation, pupils will considered in some depth the challenges faced globally in accessing safe and clean water whilst also learning to identify, calculate and convert fractions and percentages.
Many of the activities are designed for pupils to lead their learning, co-constructing SC and deciding upon the ‘how’ when it comes to most methods of calculating and converting. The lessons all follow a CPA approach.
These slides are created on Keynote and can be exported from powerpoint to any apple device for pupils to manipulate and learn with all the individual pieces.
Battleships works well using the drawing tool, chess is a simple case of drag and drop (get the kids to tell the other player the grid references to help identify which pawn/bishop/knight etc)
The football slide can be adapted and used with basketball, hockey, volleyball and more.
This is a four lesson unit of work that explores 2D shape whilst exposing children to abstract art from a diverse group of artists around the world.
Lesson one: Kandinsky and Circles - learning to use a compass and identifying properties of a circle
Lesson two: Thomas and Circles - learning about Archimedes and how to calculate the circumference
Lesson three: Malevich and regular/irregular shapes - lots of drawing and drilling down into the definitions of regular and irregular
Lesson four: Ocampo and symmetry - opportunities to practice with partners and concrete materials and exploring what symmetry and mirroring are
All my Christmas lessons packed in here:
A 3 lesson unit of script writing, with WAGOLLs, progressions and full story
Two circuit lessons
Two maths lessons (revising FDP, Time and Measure)
A couple more small activities
Currently delivering this to two P6 classes but could be used from P4 to P7 with ease.
A series of 5 lessons that explores budgeting and calculating percentage increase/decrease all whilst discussing the Global Goals:
"You now work for Breakwater Bank.
Your first client has asked you to invest £200 in a variety of companies. They are looking for you to buy shares in businesses that are looking to rapidly expand.
You must read and understand the goals of each business before deciding how many shares you will buy.
You need to calculate your expenditure, display your investments in a graph and email your client justifying your decisions"
The Napier Code is a 6 lesson mathematics unit that explores patterns and sequences within number through an immersive story telling experience. It’s effectively a play on the Da Vinci Code but uses the Scottish Mathematician John Napier as the central figure in a deathly treasure hunt around Edinburghs landmarks.
Covered are:
Fibonacci Numbers
The Golden Spiral
The Number 9
Quadratic Sequences
Pascals Triangle
The Vedic Square
This is a 4 lesson unit of work that explores equations and algebra tiles through the Global Goal lens of ‘Life on Land’. The unit exposes pupils to endangered species in Scotland whilst also allowing them to learn facts about the animals through solving equations.
Very much designed to follow a CPA approach to numeracy, algebra tiles are highly recommended (if you don’t have them, just chop up lots of yellow and green paper - it’s what I have done!)
Building on previous unit of time work linked to Global Goals 11, this is 4 lesson unit looking at buses.
Lesson 1
Pros and Cons of buses and navigating bus timetables
Lesson 2
Create a bus route and calculate how much money a bus can make
Lesson 3
Create a bus timetable from specific arrival times
Lesson 4
Calculate charging times for electric buses
A fun IDL lesson mashing maths and PE together, where pupils consolidate their understanding of fractions whilst getting active outside or in the gym hall.
A handy activity for the start of the year, presenting pupils with the opportunity to explore their reasons for coming to school. Some short case studies of athletes who have used their platform to affect social change is followed by a discussion and reflective activity for the class to complete.
A selection of individual, pair and team activities that require nothing more than a tennis ball. I have been taking my class outside to play these for 2x20 minute sessions after break and lunch.
Each lesson follows this structure
Role Play in English
Classroom is setup into market/café/bus etc
Children develop roles and play
Identifying key phrases
Key English vocab then picked out and scribed on board
French vocab then taught and compared to English
Script Writing
(1:1 devices? Go to settings and change your keyboard to French!)
Write script – usually no more than 8 lines of dialogue
Pair up to revise
Role Play
Come back together as a class to role play once again
However, this time in French
This is a unit of lessons that involve your class building a paper town as a hub for their learning. they can add to it as the topic progresses. I have plans to look at bus timetables, cars and pedestrians but these initial 4 lessons cover cycling in cities.
Lesson 1:
Consider and identify problems with transport in cities worldwide and in local area, initial time assessment, create paper city
Lesson 2:
Consider pros and cons of cycling, discuss Finnish town video, time telling activities, explore how bike gears work
Lesson 3:
Compare and contrast road cycling and cycle path, calculate journey times, create paper cycle path solutions
Lesson 4:
Balance exercises, calculating journey times