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Various resources available in a number of subject areas - main focus is the development of engaging and current assemblies for use with pupils working at a Primary level.




Various resources available in a number of subject areas - main focus is the development of engaging and current assemblies for use with pupils working at a Primary level.
The Environment - Scheme of Work - KS2

The Environment - Scheme of Work - KS2

A series of 8 lessons covering the environment. All PowerPoints and tasks are completely editable. Covering the various types of pollution, renewable energy and what we can do to help protect our environment.
Perseverance and Resilience - Assembly

Perseverance and Resilience - Assembly

Fully customizable PowerPoint regarding perseverance and resilience. Covers what the terms means and how they impact everyone. Discusses examples of when famous individuals have shown perseverance and resilience.
Discrimination Assembly - Primary

Discrimination Assembly - Primary

A fully editable PowerPoint assembly based on the topic of discrimination. It runs through what discrimination is, what it covers, real-life scenarios, what are the impacts and what we can do to stop it. Encourages pupils to get involved with questions and discussion points added throughout.
Extreme Weather Scheme of Work - KS2

Extreme Weather Scheme of Work - KS2

A series of 8 lessons including worksheets, PowerPoints and website links. All resources editable. Lessons focus on the causes, impacts and prevention methods relating to various types of extreme weather. The final two lessons focus on a case study linking to the issues with flooding in Bangladesh.
Role Models Assembly - Primary

Role Models Assembly - Primary

An editable PowerPoint assembly on the topic of role models. Covers celebrity role models, good characteristics, what they can do in school to be a role model and an inspiring video.
eSafety Assembly - Primary

eSafety Assembly - Primary

A fully editable 24-slide PowerPoint providing information and statistics regarding how young people can stay safe online. Focussing on the dangers involved in internet use and encouraging them to think about their digital footprint and the things they post online.
Brazil - Scheme of Work - Key Stage 2

Brazil - Scheme of Work - Key Stage 2

A series of 8 lessons covering the topic of Brazil. Activities are differentiated for higher and lower ability pupils. The lessons cover the location of Brazil, the rainforest, comparing life in England to Brazil and favelas. All PowerPoints and worksheets are editable.
Healthy Lifestyle Assembly - Primary

Healthy Lifestyle Assembly - Primary

A fully editable PowerPoint assembly based on the topic of healthy lifestyle. It runs through what health means, why it is important and what we can do to improve our health. Encourages pupils to get involved with questions and discussion points added throughout.
Communication Assembly - Primary

Communication Assembly - Primary

A PowerPoint and relevant videos regarding the importance of communication. Focussing on the importance of respect this assembly focusses on communication in sport and in with regard to animals.
SOW: English - Letters: Upper KS2/Lower KS3

SOW: English - Letters: Upper KS2/Lower KS3

A 12 lesson SOW containing PP’s and activities which focus on the topic of letter writing. Pupils will produce independent writes of a postcard and complaint letter. Lesson activities focus on informal vs formal language, connectives, correct use of paragraphs and persuasive writing techniques.
Introduction to HTML

Introduction to HTML

A set of lessons providing an introduction to HTML coding and suitable tasks. These activites are suitable for either both KS2 and KS3 pupils. Pupils will require access to Notepad in order to practise their coding. This set of resources includes PowerPoints to guide both pupils and staff through the activities.
Jobs and Careers Lesson - Y4,5 and 6

Jobs and Careers Lesson - Y4,5 and 6

A lesson focussed on expanding pupils knowledge of different job roles available to them in the future. Also covers what is meant by personal skills and qualities. Pupils complete a quiz to find out the job roles they’re best suited to. This lesson contains differentiated resources for pupils to work through.