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Leavers Farewell Card Newspaper Front Page
A powerpoint slide in colour which can be edited and printed at 50% to make popular Leavers farewell card.
Everything can be edited, from the Masthead, to the quote, to the Lead story and the photos.

Verb Tenses SPaG Starters for Whiteboards Part 2
A Powerpoint with 15 Verb Tenses Starter activities for pupils to work on independently on their whiteboards as soon as they come into the lesson, while teacher is meeting and greeting, or taking the register.
Great as a settler as each starter slide is really clear, with an explanation, an example and 3 exercises to complete.
The activities could be written in exercise books too, but this series was designed as a manageable activity which pupils can write up easily on their whiteboards and hold up to show teacher once the register is taken.
Each Starter slide is followed by an Answer slide, so even non-specialists/cover teachers can confidently feedback correct answers.
Verb Tenses covered:
present continuous tense
past continuous tense
future continuous tense

Verb Tenses SPaG Starters for Whiteboards Part 1
A Powerpoint with 15 Verb Tenses Starter activities for pupils to work on independently on their whiteboards as soon as they come into the lesson, while teacher is meeting and greeting, or taking the register.
Great as a settler as each starter slide is really clear, with an explanation, an example and 3 exercises to complete.
The activities could be written in exercise books too, but this series was designed as a manageable activity which pupils can write up easily on their whiteboards and hold up to show teacher once the register is taken.
Each Starter slide is followed by an Answer slide, so even non-specialists/cover teachers can confidently feedback correct answers.
Verb Tenses covered:
simple present tense
simple past tense
simple future tense

Homophone SPaG Starters for Whiteboards Part 1
A Powerpoint with 15 Homophone Starter activities for pupils to work on independently on their whiteboards as soon as they come into the lesson, while teacher is meeting and greeting, or taking the register.
Great as a settler as each starter slide is really clear, with an explanation, an example and 3 exercises to complete.
The activities could be written in exercise books too, but this series was designed as a manageable activity which pupils can write up easily on their whiteboards and hold up to show teacher once the register is taken.
Each Starter slide is followed by an Answer slide, so even non-specialists/cover teachers can confidently feedback correct answers.
Some examples of homophones covered:

A Christmas Carol Knowledge Organiser Flashcard
A printable A3 Knowledge Organiser for Macbeth including Context, Plot, Characters, Quotations, Key Terms and Themes.
Designed as a large flashcard:
Part 1: Learn the content
Part 2: Test yourself (turn sheet over and fill empty template)
Perfect for exam revision.

Macbeth Knowledge Organiser Flashcard
A printable A3 Knowledge Organiser for Macbeth including Context, Plot, Characters, Quotations, Key Terms and Themes.
Part 1: Learn the content
Part 2: Test yourself (turn sheet over and fill empty template)
Perfect for exam revision.

AQA English Language Paper 2 Crib Sheet
Q2 - Q5 question formats, marks, timings, suggested response structures and suggested sentence openers
Printable colour A4 sheet on two sides including Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 (full page on reverse side)
Q2 – summary and inference
Q3 – language analysis
Q4 – comparison of views and perspectives
Q5 – non-fiction writing
Compact sheet which pupils can use in lessons to support writing exam responses. Also useful handout for pupils to use as quick revision tool leading up to exam.

AQA English Language Paper 1 Crib Sheet
Q1 - Q5 question formats, marks, timings, suggested response structures and suggested sentence openers
Printable colour A4 sheet on two sides including Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 (full page on reverse side)
Q1 – comprehension
Q2 – language analysis
Q3 – structure analysis
Q4 – evaluation
Q5 – creative writing
Compact sheet which pupils can use in lessons to support writing exam responses. Also useful handout for pupils to use as quick revision tool leading up to exam.

Power & Conflict Poetry (All AQA Poems) (Teacher Copy)
A bundle including all 3 Teacher Copies of homeworkd booklets of AQA Power and Conflict Poems with correct answers highlighted in red.
15 weeks’ worth of homework tasks based on the AQA Power and Conflict Anthology of poetry.
3 booklets of A4 printable Powerpoint slides (3 sheets per lesson, including poem and questions).
Easy and quick to self-assess in class as responses are chosen from multiple choices.
A separate file is available to purchase, with correct answers clearly highlighted for all 5 poems.
Tasks focus on comprehension, selecting relevant evidence, poetic devices analysis, writer’s ideas and themes.
Poems included
1 - Percy Bysshe Shelley - Ozymandias
2 - William Blake - London
3 - William Wordsworth - Extract from, The Prelude
4 - Robert Browning - My Last Duchess
5 - Alfred Lord Tennyson - The Charge of the Light Brigade
6 - Wilfred Owen - Exposure
7 - Seamus Heaney - Storm on the Island
8 - Ted Hughes - Bayonet Charge
9 - Simon Armitage - Remains
10 - Jane Weir - Poppies
11 - Carol Ann Duffy - War Photographer
12 - Imtiaz Dharker - Tissue
13 - Carol Rumens - The Émigrée
14 - John Agard - Checking Out Me History
15 - Beatrice Garland - Kamikaze

Power & Conflict Poetry (All AQA Poems)
15 weeks’ worth of homework tasks based on the AQA Power and Conflict Anthology of poetry.
3 booklets of A4 printable Powerpoint slides (3 sheets per lesson, including poem and questions).
Easy and quick to self-assess in class as responses are chosen from multiple choices.
A separate file is available to purchase, with correct answers clearly highlighted for all 5 poems.
Tasks focus on comprehension, selecting relevant evidence, poetic devices analysis, writer’s ideas and themes.
Poems included
1 - Percy Bysshe Shelley - Ozymandias
2 - William Blake - London
3 - William Wordsworth - Extract from, The Prelude
4 - Robert Browning - My Last Duchess
5 - Alfred Lord Tennyson - The Charge of the Light Brigade
6 - Wilfred Owen - Exposure
7 - Seamus Heaney - Storm on the Island
8 - Ted Hughes - Bayonet Charge
9 - Simon Armitage - Remains
10 - Jane Weir - Poppies
11 - Carol Ann Duffy - War Photographer
12 - Imtiaz Dharker - Tissue
13 - Carol Rumens - The Émigrée
14 - John Agard - Checking Out Me History
15 - Beatrice Garland - Kamikaze

Power & Conflict Poetry Part Three (Teacher Copy)
Power & Conflict Poetry Part Three (Teacher Copy)
Answer Booklet
5 weeks’ worth of reading homework tasks based on Power and Conflict Poetry.
17 x A4 printable Powerpoint slides (3 sheets per lesson, including poem and questions). Can be printed into a booklet.
Easy and quick to self-assess in class as responses are chosen from multiple choices.
A separate file is available to purchase, with correct answers clearly highlighted for all 5 poems.
Tasks focus on comprehension, selecting relevant evidence, poetic devices analysis, writer’s ideas and themes.
Poems included
1 - Carol Ann Duffy - War Photographer
2 - Imtiaz Dharker - Tissue
3 - Carol Rumens - The Émigrée
4 - John Agard - Checking Out Me History
5 - Beatrice Garland - Kamikaze

Unseen Poetry (Teacher Copy)
Answers Booklet
7 weeks’ worth of reading homework tasks based on poetry.
23 x A4 printable Powerpoint slides (3 sheets per lesson, including poem and questions). Can be printed into a booklet.
Easy and quick to self-assess in class as responses are chosen from multiple choices.
A separate file is available to purchase, with correct answers clearly highlighted for all 7 poems.
Tasks focus on comprehension, selecting relevant evidence, poetic devices analysis, writer’s ideas and themes.
1 - A Poison Tree by William Blake (1789)
2 - Romance by Edgar Allan Poe (1843)
3 - A Birthday by Christina Rossetti (1862)
4 - The Voice by Thomas Hardy (1912)
5 - The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost (1915)
6 - Cedars by Grace Hazard Conkling (1920)
7 - Touched by An Angel by Maya Angelou (1993)

Unseen Poetry
7 weeks’ worth of reading homework tasks based on poetry.
23 x A4 printable Powerpoint slides (3 sheets per lesson, including poem and questions). Can be printed into a booklet.
Easy and quick to self-assess in class as responses are chosen from multiple choices.
A separate file is available to purchase, with correct answers clearly highlighted for all 7 poems.
Tasks focus on comprehension, selecting relevant evidence, poetic devices analysis, writer’s ideas and themes.
Poems included:
1 - A Poison Tree by William Blake (1789)
2 - Romance by Edgar Allan Poe (1843)
3 - A Birthday by Christina Rossetti (1862)
4 - The Voice by Thomas Hardy (1912)
5 - The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost (1915)
6 - Cedars by Grace Hazard Conkling (1920)
7 - Touched by An Angel by Maya Angelou (1993)

Power & Conflict Poetry Part Two (Teacher Copy)
Answers Booklet
5 weeks’ worth of reading homework tasks based on Power and Conflict Poetry.
17 x A4 printable Powerpoint slides (3 sheets per lesson, including poem and questions). Can be printed into a booklet.
Easy and quick to self-assess in class as responses are chosen from multiple choices.
This is the teacher copy, with correct answers already highlighted. A separate file is available to purchase, without correct answers highlighted, designed for pupil use.
Tasks focus on comprehension, selecting relevant evidence, poetic devices analysis, writer’s ideas and themes.
1 - Wilfred Owen - Exposure
2 - Seamus Heaney - Storm on the Island
3 - Ted Hughes - Bayonet Charge
4 - Simon Armitage - Remains
5 - Jane Weir - Poppies

Power & Conflict Poetry Part Three
5 weeks’ worth of reading homework tasks based on Power and Conflict Poetry.
17 x A4 printable Powerpoint slides (3 sheets per lesson, including poem and questions). Can be printed into a booklet.
Easy and quick to self-assess in class as responses are chosen from multiple choices.
A separate file is available to purchase, with correct answers clearly highlighted for all 5 poems.
Tasks focus on comprehension, selecting relevant evidence, poetic devices analysis, writer’s ideas and themes.
Poems included
1 - Carol Ann Duffy - War Photographer
2 - Imtiaz Dharker - Tissue
3 - Carol Rumens - The Émigrée
4 - John Agard - Checking Out Me History
5 - Beatrice Garland - Kamikaze

Power & Conflict Poetry Part Two
5 weeks’ worth of reading homework tasks based on Power and Conflict Poetry.
17 x A4 printable Powerpoint slides (3 sheets per lesson, including poem and questions). Can be printed into a booklet.
Easy and quick to self-assess in class as responses are chosen from multiple choices.
A separate file is available to purchase, with correct answers clearly highlighted for all 5 poems.
Tasks focus on comprehension, selecting relevant evidence, poetic devices analysis, writer’s ideas and themes.
1 - Wilfred Owen - Exposure
2 - Seamus Heaney - Storm on the Island
3 - Ted Hughes - Bayonet Charge
4 - Simon Armitage - Remains
5 - Jane Weir - Poppies

English Homework - Paragraphs
English Homework - Paragraphs
5 weeks’ worth of homework activities in an A4 Powerpoint editable and printable booklet.
Easy and quick to peer or self-assess in class.
Tasks focus on the following:
Homework 1 – Shifts in Time or Place
Organise the text in paragraphs by adding // to indicate a break in time or a change of place
Remove any paragraphs you think are incorrectly placed and organise the text into functional paragraphs by adding // to indicate a break in time or a change of place.
Homework 2 – Paragraphing for Effect
Organise the text in paragraphs to entertain, amuse, or surprise the reader.
Homework 3 – Speech Paragraphing
Re-write the conversation, inserting paragraphs where they should be.
Homework 4 – Developing and Contrasting
Read the paragraph. Instead of maintaining the same style, develop the passage by writing your own second paragraph
Read the dialogue. This time, instead of maintaining the same style, create a sense of contrast by writing your own paragraph that creates a strong sense of contrast with the dialogue.
Homework 5 – Topic Sentences and Sentence Expansion
Insert the appropriate topic sentence and discourse markers so the argument makes sense
Expand these short sentences into longer ones or several by providing answers to the following questions: when? with whom? how? why? how much? what? or what do they do?

English Homework - Sentences and Punctuation
English Homework - Sentences and Punctuation
6 weeks’ worth of homework activities in an A4 Powerpoint editable and printable booklet.
Easy and quick to peer or self-assess in class.
Tasks focus on the following:
Homework 1 – Identifying sentences
Label the subject and the verb in each sentence
Identify the sentences
Homework 2 – Simple or compound?
Turn the simple sentences into compound sentences
Identify whether the sentences are simple or compound
Homework 3 – Simple, compound or complex?
Turn the simple sentences into complex sentences
Identify whether the sentences are simple, compound or complex
Homework 4 – Demarcating sentences
Rewrite the sentences using correct punctuation
Homework 5 – Correcting punctuation
Rewrite the sentences using correct punctuation, removing comma splice or run-on sentence errors
Homework 6 – Colons and semicolons
Rewrite the sentences placing a colon where required
Rewrite the sentences placing a semicolon where required

English Homework - Verb Tenses
5 weeks’ worth of homework activities in an A4 Powerpoint editable and printable booklet.
Easy and quick to peer or self-assess in class.
Tasks focus on the following:
Homework 1 – Identifying verbs
Complete the clauses
Underline the verbs
Homework 2 – Present and past tense
Turn to the past tense
Turn present to past
Homework 3 – Correcting tenses
Rewrite the sentences using the correct verb tenses
Homework 4 – Correcting tenses
Rewrite the sentences using the correct verb tenses
Homework 5 – Correcting tenses
Rewrite the sentences using the correct verb tenses

Power & Conflict Poetry Part One (Teacher copy)
5 weeks’ worth of reading homework tasks based on Power and Conflict Poetry.
17 x A4 printable Powerpoint slides (3 sheets per lesson, including poem and questions). Can be printed into a booklet.
Easy and quick to self-assess in class as responses are chosen from multiple choices.
This is the teacher copy, with correct answers already highlighted. A separate file is available to purchase, without correct answers highlighted, designed for pupil use.
Tasks focus on comprehension, selecting relevant evidence, poetic devices analysis, writer’s ideas and themes.
1 - Percy Bysshe Shelley - Ozymandias
2 - William Blake - London
3 - William Wordsworth - Extract from, The Prelude
4 - Robert Browning - My Last Duchess
5 - Alfred Lord Tennyson - The Charge of the Light Brigade