
Nuclear decay lesson - equations physics science P4 alpha beta decay
Lesson and worksheets on nuclear decay, with questions for alpha and beta decay, extensions and mixed questions. Used for higher physics gcse AQA year 9 and for foundation combined AQA year 10 (omitting the mixed questions) and worked well for both.
For AQA, but likely similar to other exam boards. This lesson is focussing on the equations of decay and not explanation of types of decay.

Energy power time differentiated worksheet science physics key stage 4
Worksheet of questions for energy, power and time. Used with a mixed ability year 9 for key stage 4 physics. The worksheet is differentiated for different abilities.

Charge, current and time work sheet questions Q=It
Q=It worksheet questions for GCSE physics/science.
First question involves recall of equation and units as this is required by the AQA and edexcel specifications.
Questions get gradually more difficult and the last few involve unit conversion.

Lesson segment powerpoint explaining electricity
Powerpoint of a lesson segment of explaining electricity. The Institute of Physics states that one of the misconceptions in this topic is students not being able to explain the concept of electricity.
This powerpoint is aimes at KS4, but could also be used or adapted to KS3. Not exam board specific.

GCSE Physics - Electricity equations matching card game
Matching card game for equations in the topic of electricity and circuits for physics GCSE.
These equations must be able to be recalled by students in the Edexcel and AQA specifications.
There are prompts listed alphabetically (as they are in the exam for lower level questions).

GCSE Physics - Development of the Atomic Model - Matching Card Revision Game
Development of the atomic model matching card game for revising GCSE combined science and triple science. Based on the Edexcel curriculum, also applicable to the OCR curriculum as this part is very similar.
Print the page out, write the answers or an answer key on the back, cut out the cards and try matching them up.