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Check out the complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, , assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."




Check out the complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, , assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."
Reconstruction Unit Bundled - Primary Source Activities, PPTs, Lesson Plans

Reconstruction Unit Bundled - Primary Source Activities, PPTs, Lesson Plans

Reconstruction Unit Bundled The Reconstruction Era in the United States just lasted 12 years, but huge changes took place during this period. This short unit covers three constitutional amendments, the nation’s first presidential impeachment, the election of the first African American Senator, and the birth of the KKK. This Reconstruction unit includes Reconstruction PowerPoints, primary source activities, warmups, exit tickets, a writing activity, review crossword, and editable assessment all bound together by daily lesson plans. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about the Reconstruction Era. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. I have used this for both AP U.S. History and regular classes. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, PowerPoint lecture, a primary source activity and an Exit Ticket. Reconstruction PowerPoints includes presenter notes that guide you through PowerPoint lectures and short video clips. Topics Include 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments Presidential Reconstruction - President Andrew Johnson - Impeachment - President Ulysses S. Grant Radical Reconstruction - Black Codes - Freedmen’s Bureau Farming Changes - Share Cropping - Tenant Farming Cities and Industry - Funding Reconstruction - Reconstruction Corruption - KKK - Spreading Terror Reconstruction Ends - Election of 1876 - Compromise of 1877 - Reconstruction - Success or Failure This Unit Includes: • Reconstruction PowerPoint with Video Clips, Lecture Notes + Quiz • The Reconstruction Amendments Primary Source Activity • The Freedmen's Bureau Bill Primary Source Activity • Reconstruction Crossword Puzzle Review • And more not in my store! More on the way! "Follow me" to be the first to learn about more great stuff! Find me on Pinterest at Teaching History or U.S. History Store. And follow Teaching History on Facebook.
Psychology Therapy Unit Bundled - PPTs, Worksheets, Assessment & Video Links

Psychology Therapy Unit Bundled - PPTs, Worksheets, Assessment & Video Links

Psychology: Entire Therapies Unit includes Therapy PowerPoints with video links, presenter notes, worksheets, warmups, and assessment, are all bound together by daily lesson plans. This unit has everything you need to teach all about the various methods of therapy. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary. 8-10 days worth of lessons also include a couple of online videos for a deeper understanding of therapy. I have used this for both AP Psychology and regular classes. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, PowerPoint lecture, a review handout or activity and a Exit Ticket. Unit ends with a review crossword and assessment that covers everything from the unit. Topics Include Psychotherapy - Psychoanalytic Approach - Humanistic Approach(Phenomenological) - Person-Centered Therapy - Cognitive Approach - RET, Beck's - Behavior Therapy - Counter, Operant - Individual Vs. Group Therapy Biological Approach - Psychosurgery - Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) - Drug Therapy - Therapeutic & Lifestyle Change More stuff on the way! For more great products, visit my store at Big Ideas in Teaching or find me on Pinterest!
American Colonies Unit - Bundle - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Test

American Colonies Unit - Bundle - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Test

The American Colonies Unit includes American Colonies Powerpoints with short video links, primary source readings, maps, a project and assessment all bound together with daily lesson plans. Just copy/paste into your lessons. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This is the complete package. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, and continues with Powerpoint notes, primary source document reading or map activity and a Exit Ticket. An optional Travel Poster Project is included and the unit also contains assessment that can be given as an open note quiz or test. Powerpoint notes include lecture notes to guide you through the presentation. I have used these lessons with Honors, AP and regular students. The American Colonies Powerpoints also include youtube links to short videos that engage the students. Topics include: Brief summary of French and Spanish Colonization Jamestown - Virginia Company - John Smith - John Rolfe - Tobacco - Indentured Servitude - Headright System - House of Burgesses New England Colonies - Puritans, - Separatists, - Pilgrims - Mayflower Compact - William Bradford - Wampanoags - - Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, Salem Witch Trials - Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson Lord Baltimore, Maryland Act of Religious Tolerance James Oglethorpe Native American Relations - Bacon’s Rebellion, The Pequot War, King Philip’s War New Netherlands, New York, Henry Hudson William Penn, Society of Friends
Sensation and Perception Unit: PPT, Worksheets, Guided Notes, Test + GoogleApps

Sensation and Perception Unit: PPT, Worksheets, Guided Notes, Test + GoogleApps

Sensation and Perception Entire Unit Bundled, includes Psychology: Sensation and Perception PowerPoint with presenter notes, worksheets, warmups, activity, review crossword, short videos with questions, assessment and daily lesson plans. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about the unit of psychology. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This is the complete package. I have used this for both AP Psychology and regular classes. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, powerpoint, a review handout or activity and an Exit Ticket. Sensation and Perception PowerPoints / Google Slides include short video clips and speaker notes that guide you through PowerPoint lectures. PowerPoints also include optional student guided notes for students to complete during lecture for differentiated instruction. ** Includes Google Slides versions of PowerPoints for distance learning ** Includes Google Apps versions of worksheets for distance learning Topics Include Five Senses Vision - Rods and Cones - pupil - lens - blind spot - retina - visual acuity - after image - color blindness - optical nerve Hearing - auditory nerve - cochlea - conductive deafness - sensorineural deafness Smell - olfactory nerve Taste - five tastes - expectations and taste Touch - pressure, temperature and pain - Gate theory Body Senses - vestibular sense - kinesthesis Perception Gestalt - proximity - similarity - continuity - common fate - closure - figure ground perception Stroboscopic Motion Depth Perception - Monocular Cues - perspective, clearness, overlapping, shadow, gradient texture, motion parallax Binocular Cues - retinal disparity and convergence Perceptual constancies - color, size, shape, and brightness constancies For more great products, visit my store at Big Ideas in Teaching or find me on Pinterest!
Psychology: Personality Unit | PPTs, Worksheets, Guided Notes, Review, Test + GoogleApps

Psychology: Personality Unit | PPTs, Worksheets, Guided Notes, Review, Test + GoogleApps

Psychology & AP Psychology: Entire Personality Unit includes PowerPoints with video clips and presenter notes, worksheets, Role-play Activity, quiz, warmups, review, assessment and daily lesson plans. This bundle has 7-10 days worth of lessons, everything you need to teach all about personality, no book needed. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This is the complete package. I have used this for both AP Psychology and regular classes. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, PowerPoint lecture, a review handout or activity and an exit ticket. Unit ends with a role play review activity and assessment that covers everything from the unit. Psychology: Personality PowerPoints include presenter notes that guide you through the lecture and short video clip links. PowerPoints also include optional STUDENT GUIDED NOTES for differentiated learning. ** Includes Google Apps versions of worksheets for distance learning ** Includes Google Slides versions of the PowerPoint lectures Topics Covered Five Approaches of Personality Theory Trait approach Psychoanalytic approach Learning approach Humanistic approach Sociocultural approach Trait Approach - Allport, Cattell, Eysenk, The Big Five Psychodynamic Approach - Id, Ego, Super Ego - Defense Mechanisms - Freud’s Five Stages of Development - Jung, Adler, Horney, Erikson Learning Approach - Maslow Hierarchy of Needs - Self-efficacy, self concept, congruence Sociocultural Approach - Acculturation This Psychology Bundle Includes: • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmups and Exit Ticket PowerPoints + Google Slides versions for distance learning • An Adaptation of the Myers Briggs Personality Test + Google Apps version • Psych Personality PowerPoints with Student Guided Notes + Google Slides versions • The Big Five Traits of Personality Worksheet + Google Apps version for distance learning • Defense Mechanisms Activity • Defense Mechanism Homework • Freud’s Five Stages of Development Chart  + Google Apps version for distance learning • Erickson’s Developmental Stages of Personality Small Group Activity • Behaviorist and Humanist Approaches to Personality Theory Worksheet  + Google Apps • Personality Review Worksheet  + Google Apps version for distance learning •  Exit Tickets or Tickets Out the Door Printable • Kahoot! Online Review Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test • Plus Extras! More stuff on the way! For more great products, visit my store at Big Ideas in Teaching or find me on Pinterest! File under: Psychology Personality Lesson Plans
Psychology: Learning Unit: PowerPoint, Guided Notes, Worksheets, Review & Test

Psychology: Learning Unit: PowerPoint, Guided Notes, Worksheets, Review & Test

Psychology: Learning Unit Bundled, includes Psychology: Learning PowerPoint with speaker notes, worksheets, warmups, activity, review crossword, Kahoot! Review game, short videos with questions, assessment and daily lesson plans. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about the unit of psychology. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This is the complete package. I have used this for both AP Psychology and regular elective classes. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, PowerPoint, a review handout or activity, and an exit ticket. Learning PowerPoints/Google Slides include short video clips, and speaker notes that guide you through PowerPoint lectures. PowerPoints also include optional student-guided notes for students to complete during lectures for differentiated instruction. ** Includes Google Slides versions of PowerPoints for distance learning ** Includes Google Apps versions of worksheets for distance learning Topics Include Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditioning - UCS, CS, UCR, CR - Extinction - Reconditioning - Stimulus Generalization - Discrimination - Flooding - Systematic Desensitization - Counterconditioning Edward Thorndike B.F. Skinner - Skinner Box Operant Conditioning - Shaping - Positive, Negative Reinforcement - Positive, Negative Punishment - Primary and Secondary Reinforcement - Fixed Ratio Schedule - Variable Ratio Schedule - Fixed Interval Schedule - Variable Interval Schedule Cognitive Learning Latent Learning Observational Learning Cognitive Maps Insight Mirror Nuerons Alfred Bandura Modeling Bobo Doll More stuff on the way! For more great products, visit my store at Big Ideas in Teaching or find me on Pinterest!
Renaissance & Reformation Unit PPTs, Guided Notes, Worksheets, Kahoot Review, Test + GoogleApps

Renaissance & Reformation Unit PPTs, Guided Notes, Worksheets, Kahoot Review, Test + GoogleApps

Renaissance and Reformation Unit Bundled includes Renaissance & Reformation PowerPoints with video clips and presenter notes. Unit also includes, warm up PowerPoints, informational text documents with questions, primary source documents, project, exit tickets, crossword review, video/video guide, and editable assessment. Everything is put together with detailed daily lesson plans. Just copy and paste to your lesson plans. Renaissance & Reformation PowerPoints include video clip links, and presenter notes. Presenter notes aid your understanding of each slide and can act as a cheat sheet for details you may forget. Some slides have discussion questions into help engage your students. Topics Covered Renaissance The works of de Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael Origins of the Renaissance Italian Renaissance Humanism Humanities Classicalism - Perspective Niccolò Machiavelli Northern Renaissance Albrecht Dürer Hubert van Eyck Thomas More Shakespeare Johannes Gutenberg - Printing Press Protestant Reformation Martin Luther Certificates of Indulgences Justification of Faith Pope Leo X Lutheranism John Calvin Predestination Theocracy John Knox King Henry VIII “Bloody Mary” Elizabeth I Anglicanism This Item Includes: • Renaissance & Reformation PowerPoints • Birth of the Renaissance Informational Text • Niccolo Machiavelli’s, The Prince Primary Source Activity • Renaissance Trading Card Project & Scavenger Hunt • Luther’s 95 Theses Primary Source Worksheet • Renaissance Video Guide, Key and Video link • Protestant Reformation Chart • Renaissance Crossword Puzzle Review • Exit Tickets • And more not in my store! More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest here!
Ancient Rome Unit - PPTs, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test

Ancient Rome Unit - PPTs, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test

Ancient Rome Unit includes Ancient Rome PowerPoints with video clips and presenter notes. Unit also includes, warm up PowerPoints, informational text documents with questions, primary source lessons, maps, exit tickets, crossword review, Kahoot! review game,a project, video/video guide, and editable assessment. Everything is put together with detailed daily lesson plans. Just copy and paste to your lesson plans. This is an Amazing Deal! PowerPoints include video clip links, and presenter notes. Topics Covered: Geography of the Mediterranean Rise of the the Republic - Latins, Greeks, Etruscans - Republic - Patricians, Plebeians, Slaves - Twelve Tables (Twelve Tablets) - Consuls, Senate, Dictator - Legion - Punic Wars - Hannibal - Imperialism Fall of the Republic - Julius Caesar - Octavian/Augustus Caesar - Pax Romana - Caligula, Nero - Trajan, Hadrian - Marcus Aurelius - Hadrian’s Wall Roman Achievement - Greco-Roman culture - mosaic - engineering - aqueducts - colosseum - Galen - Roman Law Rise of Christianity - Judea - Jewish Revolt - Messiah - Jesus - Christianity - Paul - martyr - Emperor Constantine - Edict of Milan - Emperor Theodosius - Pope, Bishops, Patriarchs -Roman Catholic Church v. Eastern Orthodox Church Fall of Rome - causes of Rome’s Fall - German Barbarians **Kahoot! online review game was created and is tailored for the unit exam. This Unit Includes  • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmups and Exit Tickets PowerPoints • Ancient Rome Video Questions - Youtube Video Link included • Persecution of Christians in Rome Primary Source Activity • Ancient Rome PowerPoints • Fall of Rome Mini-Book Project • The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Infotext Analysis • Bread and Circuses Infotext & Primary Source Analysis • Romulus & Remus Myth, Roman Religion, Education & Social Classes • Rome Crossword Puzzle Review • Exit Ticket or Ticket Out the Door Templates • Exit Ticket or Ticket Out the Door Kahoot! Review Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test • Plus Extras! More stuff on the way! “Follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas or World History TpT Store File Under: Classic Rome Roman Empire Rome Ancient Rome Unit Ancient Rome Roman Empire Unit
The Great Depression/New Deal Unit - PPTs w/Videos, Handouts, Tests, Project, Writing Assignment

The Great Depression/New Deal Unit - PPTs w/Videos, Handouts, Tests, Project, Writing Assignment

Two Units in One! Entire Great Depression/New Deal Unit Bundled includes Depression PowerPoints and New Deal PowerPoints, primary source handouts, review assessments/tests, and lesson plans - Just copy and paste into your lesson plans. Each lesson begins with a warm-up question, and continues with PowerPoint notes, a primary source document activity and an exit ticket. Both the Depression unit and the New Deal unit end with a crossword puzzle review, an online Kahoot! game, and assessment/test. A project on Social Security is also included as well as a essay on the success or failure of the New Deal. PowerPoint lectures include presenter notes that sets up each slide and guides you through the presentation. PowerPoints also include youtube links to short videos that engage the students. This unit is a combination of my Great Depression Unit and New Deal Unit. Topics include: The Great Depression - Stock Market Crash - Underlying Causes - Effects of the Crash - Poverty and unemployment - Dust Bowl - Societal Strains - Hoover’s strategy - Hawley-Smoot Tariff - Bonus Army - Election of 1932 - Hoover v FDR The New Deal - FDR’s Fireside Chats - First 100 Days - Relief, Recovery and Reform - New Deal Programs - Second New Deal - Social Security Act - Court Packing Scheme - Criticisms of the New Deal This Unit Includes: • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmup and Exit Tickets PowerPoints • includes Great Depression PowerPoints • Depression Political Cartoon Analysis • Dust Bowl Survivor Primary Source Exercise • FDR Inaugural Adress 1933 Primary Source Exercise • Depression Crossword Review • Online Review Kahoot! Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test • New Deal PowerPoints • Frances Perkins and FERA Primary Source Exercise • New Deal Reforms Summary • Social Security Ad Project • New Deal Sucess or Failure Essay Outline • New Deal Crossword Puzzle Review • Online Review Kahoot! Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test More on the way! Follow me & to be the first to learn about more great stuff! Find me on Pinterest at Teaching History or U.S. History Store. And follow Teaching History on Facebook.