Check out my prep-free complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."
Check out my prep-free complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."
Psychology of St. Patrick’s Day and Luck Guided Reading + Google Apps Version. This engaging resource dives into the psychology behind luck, as explored by researchers and psychologists. It answers key questions like: What is luck? Are some people really luckier than others? and How can we improve our own luck? Featuring anecdotes from figures like Steve Jobs and Tom Brady, this resource is a fun and educational way to celebrate the holiday. Perfect for sparking a little discussion in your class, it’s sure to bring some holiday spirit, and maybe even a little extra luck!
This flexible assignment is perfect for in-class learning or as a homework task, making it a standalone resource for educators. Plus, an answer key is included.
**Includes Google Apps version of worksheet for distance learning
Halloween: Psychology of Fear and Scary Movies + Google Apps Version
Thanksgiving: Psychology of Giving Thanks & Gratitude + GoogleApps Version
The Psychology of Christmas and Gift Giving + Google Apps Version
Psychology of Love and Valentine’s Day + Google Apps Version
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Psychology of Love and Valentine’s Day– Give Your Students a Valentine’s Day Gift! Valentine’s Day is more than just flowers, chocolates, and sweet gestures. It’s a celebration of love that’s backed by fascinating psychology. What happens in our brains when we fall in love? How do these emotions tie into the traditions of the day?
This engaging, flexible assignment is perfect for both in-class activities or as a homework task, with no outside resources required. Plus, an answer key is included for easy grading! Celebrate and learn this Valentine’s Day.
**Includes Google Apps version of worksheet for distance learning
shared experiences
Halloween: Psychology of Fear and Scary Movies + Google Apps Version
Thanksgiving: Psychology of Giving Thanks & Gratitude + GoogleApps Version
The Psychology of Christmas and Gift Giving + Digital Resource Version
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Stress and Health Powerpoints / Google Slides with speaker notes and an embedded video link is a great resource to add to your psychology curriculum. I have used these with my A.P. classes as well as regular psychology classes. Lecture contains four PowerPoints, 21 slides total with speaker notes to guide you through the lecture.
This also optional STUDENT GUIDED NOTES for students to complete during lecture for differentiated instruction. To top it off, a 25 question assessment covering all the notes is included. Make it easy on yourself.
Includes Google Slides versions of PowerPoints for distance learning
For the entire unit, including these PowerPoints, warm-ups, worksheets, assessment, project and lesson plans, go to Stress and Health Complete Unit.
Topics Include:
Stress vs. Stressors
Types of Stress
Sources of Stress, including 4 Types of Conflict Situations
General Adaptation Syndrome (Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion)
Social Readjustment Rating Scale
Psychological, Behavioral and Physical Effects of stress
A/B Personality Types
Coping with Stress
Cognitive Appraisal
Denial, Intellectualization
Relaxation Techniques
support groups & more
Always more fun to come! “☆ Follow” me to be the first to know about new products and free stuff. Find me on Pinterest! And follow me on Teaching Psychology on Facebook, Teaching History on Facebook and now on Instagram!
File under: Stress and Health Lesson Plans
Psychology: Motivation and Emotion PowerPoint / Google Slides is a great resource to add to your psychology curriculum. This 32 slide PowerPoint is packed with beautiful graphics, engaging video clips and presenter notes that aid your understanding of each slide. I have used these with my A.P. classes as well as regular psychology classes.
Slideshows include speaker notes that guide you through the slides and short video clips. PowerPoints also include optional student-guided notes for students to complete during lectures for differentiated instruction.
** Includes Google Slides versions of PowerPoints for distance learning
Save some money by getting this product with the entire unit including, warmups/exit tickets, worksheets, video/video guide, lesson plans, Kahoot! review, crossword and assessment. Just go to Motivation and Emotion Unit Bundled!
Topics Include
Drive reduction theory
Optimum arousal theory
Yerkes-Dodson Law
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs/motives
-Abraham Maslow
intrinsic v. extrinsic motivation
Minnesota semi-starvation study
Set point theory
basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Settling point theory
Social facilitation, unit bias
anorexia nervosa, bullimia
Achievement motivation theory and NAch
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
David McClelland
James Lange Theory
Cannon-Board Theory
Schachter Singer Two-Factor Theory
Charles Darwin
Paul Ekman
Universal Facial Expressions
• Psychology of Emotion + Google Apps version for distance learning
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs + Google Apps version for distance learning
• Body Story - The Science of the Diet Video Guide + Google Apps version for distance learning
• Theories of Motivation Review and Practice + Google Apps version for distance learning
• The Psychology of Hunger + Google Apps version for distance learning
• Motivation and Emotion Crossword Review
• Discovering Psychology Motivation and Emotion Video Guide: Episode 12 + Google Apps
• Motivation and Emotion Unit Bundled! + Google Apps version for distance learning
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File under:
High School Psychology
Developmental Psychology PowerPoint/Google Slides is a great resource to add to your psychology curriculum. This 32 slide PowerPoint is packed with beautiful graphics, engaging video clips and presenter notes that aid your understanding of each slide.
PowerPoints also include optional STUDENT GUIDED NOTES for students to complete during the lecture for differentiated instruction. I have used these with my A.P. classes as well as regular psychology classes.
** Includes Google Slides versions of PowerPoints for distance learning
Save some money by getting this crossword with the entire unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, project, review and assessment. Go to Developmental Psychology Unit Bundled.
Topics Include
Child Development
stranger anxiety
separation anxiety
contact comfort
Harry Harlow
Konrad Lorenz
Mary Ainsworth
secure v. insecure attachment
parenting styles - authoritarian authoritative, permissive
Jean Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development
Lawrence Kohlberg’s moral reasoning
primary sex characteristics
secondary sex characteristics
prefrontal cortex development
Erik Erikson’s identity formation
identity crisis
early adulthood
middle adulthood
late adulthood
social clock
senile dementia
Elisabeth Kubler’s five stages of grief
• Effects of Alcohol & Smoking during Pregnancy Infographic Analysis + Google Apps version
• Playing with Piaget Activity + Google Apps version for distance learning
• Developmental Psychology Crossword Review
• Developmental Psychology Unit Bundled + Google Apps version for distance learning
Always more fun to come! “☆ Follow” me to be the first to know about new products and free stuff. Find me on Pinterest! And follow me on Teaching Psychology on Facebook, Teaching History on Facebook, and now on Instagram!
Transform your students’ perspective with this engaging guided reading on the Psychology of Giving Thanks. Perfect for the season, this resource explores the powerful link between gratitude and psychological well-being through research studies. Students will learn six practical, easy-to-apply methods for practicing gratitude, empowering them to enhance their mental health and overall outlook on life.
This flexible assignment is perfect for in-class learning or as a homework task, making it a standalone resource for educators. Plus, an answer key is included.
**Includes Google Apps version of worksheet for distance learning
Halloween: Psychology of Fear and Scary Movies + Google Apps Version
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Psychology of Fear and Scary Movies - Students dive right into the reasons why people love to be scared. . . and why some people can’t stand it. This flexible assignment is perfect for in-class learning or as a homework task, making it a standalone resource for educators. Plus, a answer key is included.
**Includes Google Apps version of worksheet for distance learning
**Topics include: **
biology of fear
theories behind fear
tension, relevance, and unrealism
fight-or-flight response
excitation transfer
Psychology of Emotion + Google Apps version for distance learning
Motivation and Emotion Unit Bundled+ Google Apps version for distance learning
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Friday the 13th
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Psychology: Thinking and Language Unit covers everything you need to teach your students about the Thinking and Language unit. Bundle includes Thinking and Language PowerPoints with video clips and presenter notes, worksheets/activities, warmups, video and video guide, crossword review, Kahoot! review, assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This is the complete package. I have used this for both AP Psychology and regular classes.
Each lesson begins with a warm-up, PowerPoint lectures, a review handout or activity and an exit ticket. PowerPoints include speaker notes that guide you through PowerPoint lectures, and short video clips. PowerPoints also come with optional student guided notes for students to complete during lecture for differentiated instruction.
**** Includes Google Slides versions of PowerPoints for distance learning.**
**** Added Google Apps versions of worksheets for distance learning.**
Topics Include
mental set
functional fixedness
availability heuristic
belief perseverance
divergent thinking
Sternberg’s Five Components of Creativity
language development
one word stage
two word stage
telegraphic speech
Learning Theory approach to language
Nativist Approach to language - innate processes
Language Acquisition Device(LAD)
Noam Chomsky
critical period
Washoe and Kanzi
linguistic-relativity hypothesis
mental rehearsal
This Psychology Unit Includes:
• Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours!
• Warmup and Exit Tickets PowerPoints + Google Slides versions for distance learning
• Thinking & Language PowerPoints with Video Clip /Speaker notes + Google Slides versions
• Student Guided Notes for students to complete during lecture for differentiated instruction
• Psychology Algorithms v. Heuristics Review and Practice + Google Apps version
• Psychology Problems with Problem Solving Review and Practice + Google Apps version
• The Creative Brain: How insight Works Video Guide + Google Apps version
• Stages of Language Development Comic Strip Design + Google Apps version
• Theories of Language Development Theories Review and Practice + Google Apps version
• Thinking and Language Crossword Review + Keyless Pdf version for distance learning
• Kahoot! Review Game (students play with their phones!)
• Editable assessment/test
• Plus extras!
More on the way! “☆ Follow” me to be the first to know about new products and free stuff. Find me on Pinterest! And follow me on Teaching Psychology on Facebook, Teaching History on Facebook and now on Instagram!
File Under:
Psychology Units
Psychology Bundle
High School Psychology
Psychology worksheets
Psychology: Thinking and Language PowerPoint is a great resource to add to your psychology curriculum. This 28 slide PowerPoint is packed with beautiful graphics, engaging video clips and presenter notes that aid your understanding of each slide. I have used these with my A.P. classes as well as regular psychology classes.
PowerPoints also include optional student-guided notes for students to complete during lecture for differentiated instruction.
** Includes Google Slides versions of PowerPoints for distance learning.
Save some money! Get this product with the entire bundled unit including, worksheets, lesson plans, project, review, video/video guide, Kahoot! and assessment. Grab Thinking and Language Unit Bundled.
Topics Include
mental set
functional fixedness
availability heuristic
belief perseverance
divergent thinking
Sternberg’s Five Components of Creativity
language development
• babbling
• one word stage
• two word stage
• telegraphic speech
Learning Theory approach to language
Nativist Approach to language - innate processes
Language Acquisition Device(LAD)
Noam Chomsky
critical period
Washoe and Kanzi
linguistic-relativity hypothesis
mental rehearsal
• Psychology Algorithms v. Heuristics Review and Practice + Google Apps version
• Psychology Problems with Problem Solving Review and Practice + Google Apps version
• The Creative Brain: How insight Works Video Guide + Google Apps version
• Stages of Language Development Comic Strip Design + Google Apps version
• Theories of Language Development Theories Review and Practice + Google Apps version
• Thinking and Language Crossword Review
• THINKING AND LANGUAGE UNIT BUNDLED + Google Apps version for distance learning
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Psychology: Learning Powerpoint/Google Slides with speaker notes and embedded video links is a great resource to add to your psychology curriculum. PowerPoints/Google Slides comprise of 46 slides, and include short video clips with check for understanding questions. I have used these with my A.P. classes as well as regular elective psychology courses.
PowerPoints contain speaker notes that guide you through lectures as well as optional student-guided notes for students to complete during lecture for differentiated instruction.
** Includes Google Slides versions of PowerPoints for distance learning
Make it easy for yourself! For these PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, Kahoot game, warmups, exit tickets, assessment and more, go to Learning Unit Bundled.
Topics Include
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
• Extinction
• Reconditioning
• Stimulus Generalization
• Discrimination
• Flooding
• Systematic Desensitization
• Counterconditioning
Edward Thorndike
B.F. Skinner
• Skinner Box
Operant Conditioning
• Shaping
• Positive, Negative Reinforcement
• Positive, Negative Punishment
• Primary and Secondary Reinforcement
• Fixed Ratio Schedule
• Variable Ratio Schedule
• Fixed Interval Schedule
• Variable Interval Schedule
Cognitive Learning
Latent Learning
Observational Learning
Cognitive Maps
Mirror Neurons
Alfred Bandura
Bobo Doll
• Learning Unit Bundled + Google Apps version for distance learning
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File under:
Learning Psychology
Learning Psych
Psych learning
Psychology of learning
worksheets/activities, warmups, projects, video and video guide, multiple projects, sleep journal, review crossword, Kahoot! Review, assessment and daily lesson plans.
This bundle has everything you need to teach all about consciousness and altered states of consciousness in your psychology classes. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This is the complete package. I have used this for both AP Psychology and regular classes.
Each lesson begins with a warm-up, PowerPoint/Google Slides lecture, a review handout or activity and an exit ticket. PowerPoints include SPEAKER NOTES that guide you through the slides and short video clips. PowerPoints also include optional STUDENT GUIDED NOTES for students to complete during lecture for differentiated instruction.
** Includes Google Slides versions of PowerPoints for distance learning.
** Includes Google Apps versions of worksheets for distance learning
Topics Include
• preconscious
• subconscious/unconscious
• non-conscious
Altered States of Conscious
• circadian rhythms
• NREM four stages of sleep
• REM Sleep
Sleep Disorders
• insomnia
• narcolepsy
• night terrors
• sleepwalking
• sleep apnea
• psychodynamic(Freud) theory of dreams
• Neural Activation theory
• information processing theory
• physiologic theory
Psychoactive Drugs
• addiction & dependence
• Depressants
• alcohol, barbiturates, opiates
• Stimulants
• nicotine, cocaine, methamphetamines, MDMA
• Hallucinogens
• LSD, marijuana
• hypnosis
• biofeedback
• meditation
This Bundle Includes:
• Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours!
• Warmups and Exit Ticket PowerPoints/Google Slides + Student Guided Notes
• Consciousness Psychology PowerPoints with Video Clips + Google Slides versions
• Psychoactive Drug Brochure Project
• Sleep and Dreams Project + individual student PDFs for distance learning
• Psychology’s Sleep and Dreams Journal - PDF printout and Google Apps Instructions
• Methamphetamines / Cocaine Chart + Google Apps version for distance learning
• Marijuana/Opioids Chart + Google Apps version for distance learning
• Sleep: CNN Special with Dr. Sanjay Gupta Video Guide + Google Apps version
• Consciousness - Meditation Informational Text & Infographic + Google Apps version
• Consciousness Crossword Puzzle Review + PDF without key for distance learning
• Exit Ticket or Ticket Out the Door
• Kahoot! Online Review Game - Students use their phones!
• Editable Assessment + Key + PDF without key for distance learning
• Plus extras
Always more fun to come! “☆ Follow” me to be the first to know about new products and free stuff. Find me on Pinterest! And follow me on Teaching Psychology on Facebook, Teaching History on Facebook, and now on Instagram!
File under:
AP Psychology
Psychology AP
Altered States of Consciousness
Consciousness Psychology PowerPoint / Google Slides is a great resource to add to your psychology curriculum. This 37 slide PowerPoint is packed with beautiful graphics, engaging video clips and speaker notes that aid your understanding of each slide. PowerPoints also include optional STUDENT GUIDED NOTES for students to complete during lecture for differentiated instruction. I have used these with my A.P. classes as well as regular psychology classes.
Save some money by getting this product with the entire unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, project, review and assessment. Go to CONSCIOUSNESS UNIT BUNDLED.
Topics Include--------------------
• preconscious
• subconscious/unconscious
• nonconscious
Altered States of Conscious
• circadian rhythms
• NREM four stages of sleep
• REM Sleep
• Sleep Disorders
• insomnia
• narcolepsy
• night terrors
• sleep walking
• sleep apnea
• psychodynamic(Freud) theory of dreams
• Neural Activation theory
• information processing theory
• physiologic theory
Psychoactive Drugs
• addiction & dependence
• Depressants
• alcohol, barbiturates, opiates
• Stimulants
• nicotine, cocaine, methamphetamines, MDMA
• Hallucinogens
• LSD, marijuana
• hypnosis
• biofeedback
• meditation
• Sleep and Dreams Project
• Psychoactive Drug Brochure
• Psychology’s Sleep and Dreams Journal
• Sleep: CNN Special with Dr. Sanjay Gupta Video Guide + Google Apps version
• Consciousness - Meditation Informational Text & Infographic + Google Apps version
• Consciousness Crossword Puzzle Review
• CONSCIOUSNESS UNIT BUNDLED - Worksheets, PPTs, Projects, Plans & Test + Google Apps
Always more fun to come!“☆ Follow” me to be the first to know about new products and free stuff. Find me on Pinterest! And follow me on Teaching Psychology on Facebook, Teaching History on Facebook and now on Instagram!
File under:
Altered States of Consciousness
New Deal Unit - Includes New Deal PowerPoints, primary source readings, editable assessment, and a project, all bound together by daily lesson plans. Just copy/paste into your lessons. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, and continues with PowerPoint notes, primary source document readings and an exit ticket. Unit also includes a Kahoot! review game, assessment/test, a writing exercise regarding the success of the New Deal and a project about Social Security.
Topics from the The New Deal Include:
FDR’s Fireside Chats
First 100 Days
Relief, Recovery and Reform
New Deal Programs
Second New Deal
Social Security Act
Court Packing Scheme
Criticisms of the New Deal
This Unit Includes:
• Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours!
• Warmup and Exit Tickets PowerPoints
• New Deal PowerPoints
• Frances Perkins and FERA Primary Source Exercise
• New Deal Reforms Summary
• Social Security Ad Project
• New Deal Sucess or Failure Essay Outline
• New Deal Crossword Puzzle Review
• Online Review Kahoot! Game - Students use their phones!
• Editable Assessment/Test
More to come. Find me on Pinterest! And follow Teaching Psychology on Facebook and Teaching History on Facebook!
Cold War PowerPoints with Short Video Clips, Presenter Notes & Assessment is packed with maps, primary source documents, stunning visuals and 8 short video clips, everything you need to keep your students engaged. Included is a warm up question and an assessment that covers everything from the notes. Use it as a test or an open note quiz. I have used this with A.P., Honors and regular classes. Powerpoint contains lecture notes that guide you through the notes, helps you to tell the whole story, and verbally assess students on maps and political cartoons.
Save Money and take it easy on yourself,for the entire unit, including these powerpoints, warmups, primary source worksheets, assessment, and lesson plans, go to The Cold War Unit Bundled.
Topics Covered
Origins of the Cold War
- Yalta Conference
- United Nations
- Potsdam Conference
- Iron Curtain & Cominform
- Truman Doctrine
- The Marshall Plan
- Berlin Airlift
- NATO - Warsaw Pact
- Fall of China
- Federal Civil Defense Administration
- Second Red Scare
- McCarran-Walter Act
- Alger Hiss, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
- McCarthyism
The Korean War
Arms Race
- Brinkmanship
- Sputnik
- U2 downing
- Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex speech
• Cold War Map Exercise
• Debating NATO Membership Primary Source Activity
• Cold War Crossword Puzzle Review
• Korean War Map Exercise
• Space Race from CNN’s The Sixties Video Link & Video Guide
• Cold War Entire Unit
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The Twenties PowerPoint with presenter notes is packed with stunning visuals, and 7 embedded video clip links, everything you need to keep your students engaged. Powerpoint contains lecture notes that guide you through the powerpoint, helps you to tell the whole story, and verbally assess students. I have used these notes with A.P., Honors and regular classes. Give yourself a break and let me do the planning for you.
Save money! For the entire unit, including these powerpoints, warm-ups, additional worksheets, assessment, and lesson plans, go to Twenties: Entire Unit
Topics include
- The Harding Administration
- Red Scare
- Palmer Raids
- Sacco Vanzetti
- Emergency Quota Act
- Modern Advertising
- Consumer Debt
- Changes with Women
- The Great Migration
- Lindbergh, Earhart and the Mass Media
- Jazz Age & the Harlem Renaissance
- Prohibition & Organized crime
- Fundamentalism,
- Scopes Trial
- Rise of the KKK.
• Philosophy of Rugged Individualism Speech Primary Source Activity
• Langston Hughes Poetry Analysis
• 1920s Crossword Puzzle Review
• Twenties: Entire Unit
File under:
The Twenties Powerpoints
The 1920 Powerpoints
The Roaring Twenties Powerpoints
The New Deal Powerpoint with embedded video links to Youtube and lecture notes. Includes Apple's Keynote files as well. I have used these with my AP, Honors and regular classes. Included is a 17 question quiz/test that covers everything from the notes. Make it easy on yourself. Get the entire unit, including these powerpoints, warm-ups, worksheets, assessment, project and lesson plans at New Deal: Entire Unit.
Topics covered are:
The New Deal
FDR’s Fireside Chats
First 100 Days
Relief, Recovery and Reform
New Deal Programs
Second New Deal
Social Security Act
Court Packing Scheme
Criticisms of the New Deal
More to come. Find me on Pinterest! And follow Teaching Psychology on Facebook and Teaching History on Facebook!
The Great Depression - Honors Powerpoint and Apple's Keynote files with Lecture notes and video links to Youtube. I have used this with A.P., Honors, and regular classes. Included is an 18 question Quiz/Test that covers everything from the notes. For the entire unit, including these powerpoints, warm-ups, additional worksheets, assessment, project and lesson plans, go to Great Depression: Complete Unit. There are three slideshows(13 slides total) covering:
Stock Market Crash
Underlying Causes
Effects of the Crash
Poverty and unemployment
Dust Bowl
Societal Strains
Hoover’s strategy
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Bonus Army
Election of 1932 - Hoover v FDR
Presentations uses primary source documents/photos for student analysis.
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Reconstruction PowerPoints with embedded Youtube video links and lecture notes. Enclosed are four edible slideshows (25 slides total) that covers cause and effects and the significance of the events during Reconstruction. Included is an assessment that covers everything from the PowerPoint. Use it as a test or as an open note quiz. Each presentation uses primary source documents, graphs, and maps for student analysis. PowerPoint contains lecture notes that guide you through the PowerPoint, helps you tell the whole story, and question students on graphs, maps and primary source docs. I have used these with AP, Honors and regular classes.
Save Money! For these PowerPoints plus primary source worksheets, review, warm-ups, exit tickets and assessment grab Reconstruction Unit Bundled.
Topics Include:
13th, 14th & 15th Amendments
Presidential Reconstruction
- President Andrew Johnson
- Impeachment
- President Ulysses S. Grant
Radical Reconstruction
- Black Codes
- Freedmen’s Bureau
Farming Changes
- Share Cropping
- Tenant Farming
Cities and Industry
- Funding Reconstruction
- Reconstruction Corruption
- KKK - Spreading Terror
Reconstruction Ends
- Election of 1876
- Compromise of 1877
- Reconstruction - Success or Failure
• The Reconstruction Amendments Primary Source Activity
• The Freedmen's Bureau Bill Primary Source Activity
• Reconstruction Crossword Puzzle Review
• Reconstruction Unit Bundled
More on the way! "Follow me" to be the first to learn about more great stuff! Find me on Pinterest at Teaching History or U.S. History Store. And follow Teaching History on Facebook.
File under:
Reconstruction Lesson Plans
The American Colonies Unit Powerpoint with presenter notes and 7 embedded video links is a great resource to your American Colonies unit. I have used these with my A.P. classes as well as regular U.S. History classes. Lecture is 24 slides total with presenter notes to guide you through the lecture, help you to tell the whole story, and verbally assess and engage your students. Also included is an assessment that can be used as a test or quiz. It is in PDF and Word formats, so its completely editable.
Save money! For the entire unit, including these Powerpoints, warm-ups, primary source doc worksheets, review,assessment, Travel Poster Project and lesson plans, go to The American Colonies Complete Unit. Save time and Save money!
Topics include:
Brief summary of French and Spanish Colonization
- Virginia Company
- John Smith
- John Rolfe
- Tobacco
- Indentured Servitude
- Headright System
- House of Burgesses
New England Colonies
- Puritans,
- Separatists,
- Pilgrims
- Mayflower Compact
- William Bradford
- Wampanoags
- - Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, Salem Witch Trials
- Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson
Lord Baltimore, Maryland Act of Religious Tolerance
James Oglethorpe
Native American Relations
- Bacon’s Rebellion, The Pequot War, King Philip’s War
New Netherlands, New York, Henry Hudson
William Penn, Society of Friends
More on the way! "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff. Find me on Pinterest at Teaching History or U.S. History Store. And follow Teaching History on Facebook.
File Under: Colonial Times, The 13 Colonies, Colonial America, Thirteen Colonies, The Colonies