Exam questions & mark schemes for all 3 ecosystems.
Jigsaw group task: Each group has a different assigned ecosystem
(Masai Mara/Terai region/Peat bogs); concept maps to fill in for each ecosystem included in the powerpoint.
OCR Biology A PAG 11: Investigating the effect of temperature on heart rate in Daphnia.
Links with A-level Biology topics: control of heart rate; homeostasis;features of an ectotherm.
Could be also used for teaching high ability KS3 or KS4 Biology students.
Powerpoint & planning sheet designed for an observation lesson.
Students have to design their own method using the equipment provided (this is listed in slide 9 in the powerpoint).
Planning sheet is differentiated into red/amber/green tasks to stretch & challenge students.
Answers for extension questions are included in the powerpoint.
Video links are included which show the Daphnia's heart beating & how to carefully handle the Daphnia.
OCR A2 Biology Module 5 (New specification). All answers to exam practice questions included in presentation.
***Video links are included in the notes section now (if the embedded video does not work)***
Presentation includes:
- lesson objectives
- engaging starter- reviewing 'fight or flight' response & introducing hormonal control of heart rate
- embedded video to review AS knowledge of electrical control of the heart
- concept map about chemoreceptors & baroreceptors; exam practice questions (print & enlarge to A3) for students to fill in
- OCR past exam paper question & answer included
- maths skills in Biology exam practice questions & answers included.
Designed for an observation lesson which was graded outstanding.
Powerpoint includes starter; lesson objectives; video link (hyperlinked on slide 2--> click on 'LO1'); questions; 'respiration race game'; creative writing task with success criteria; support sheet for lower ability students; plenary.
Respiration race questions- print out on different coloured paper & cut up. Assign each group one colour to make it easier for you to track who has answered the questions.
Learning objective checklist can be used as a starter/mini plenary/plenary activity to check progress.
New specification OCR Biology A. Linked with Oxford Press Year 2 Biology A Textbook.
Powerpoint lesson includes: practical activities investigating reflex actions; exam practice questions & answers; mark scheme.
Exam Practice questions from the ecology section on module 6; difference between intraspecific & interspecific competition; competitive exclusion principle; past paper exam questions for students to complete which are differentiated into green/amber/red (mark schemes included); plenary: word taboo.
Note: I print the green/amber/red questions in packs which students work together in groups to answer within a time limit. Then rotate questions with another group to correct/annotate before marking.
Used for an interview lesson observation which was graded outstanding.
12 page booklet with exam practice questions (differentiated into green/amber/red) on genetic diagrams involving codominance &sex-linked characteristics. Glossary of key terms included in booklet.
Presentation includes: million pound sweet drop live game; answers for all questions in the booklet.
Designed for an observation lesson with a focus on active learning.
Information hunt about the structure of the plant and their functions.
Extension task on worksheet.
Autograph activity to review learning.
Million pound sweet drop live group quiz.
Leaning objective checklist that can be used as a quick settler/mini plenary/plenary to check progress.
Introduction to biomolecules (module 2) with an independent learning tasks on researching the definitions of ionic bonds, covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds, ions (anions & cations) monomers and polymers. ; practical activities investigating the properties of water; plenary: multiple choice quiz
Lesson is based on the use of 'mosquito' devices; activities included in powerpoint where students evaluate these.
Powerpoint includes: starter; lesson objectives; instructions for pair/group work; success criteria for task.
Designed for an observation lesson.
This resource focuses on revision of: cardiac cycle; protein structure; classification.
Lesson includes:
- Starter: Million pound sweet drop live quiz game
- Spot the mistakes task in a student's exam answer (includes mark scheme & examiner's report)
- Task for students to look at examples of extended written exam answers & how to improve them (this task uses some exemplars that OCR have provided)
- Connect 4 task with answers included. Students choose 4 exam questions up/down/across/diagonal to complete (print slide from powerpoint & enlarge to A3; print mark scheme packs for students)