Intro to B1.2
Students work through the senses and sense organs, then plan and carry out an investigation into senses (worksheet attached for the weaker students). Could run this over two lessons and do some good HSW
I designed a website (included) which contains lots of information. Students need to use this to complete the worksheet.
Starter activity is the same as plenary to show progress (can use plickers for this)
Students complete pre reading prior to the lesson.
Main objective for this lesson is to look at exam technique by looking at some pre-written answers to questions and determining why they lost marks
Nice starter activity to show the decay process working
Rotation squares activity. Students start with the question in the middle and then follow the arrows. Each question builds on the previous questions. Answer included
Students complete the pre reading prior to starting the lesson
Starter 1 – Students answer the 4 mark question on “What is a species”
Starter 2 – Students get a card, they have to find their partner
Main activity – Videos and teacher input to then answer the exam questions
Plenary – Students in pairs try to remember the 6 marking points for species and courtship
You may need to rename the video files to have the .flv file extension, or load them in VLC player. Either way will get them to play if you find they can't play normally, although, you shouldn't have issues.
Students complete the pre reading before they arrive at the class as this is a flipped lesson.
Starter students sort themselves into groups based on the card they are given
Main students have a piece of pre-mRNA and make different splicing patterns, then create the a.a sequence from these and have an exam question to answer
Plenary students participate in a Kahoot.
A variety of stations which are self assessing and cover the whole topic.
Task examples include:
Mark the answers
Answer the questions
Model with lego
Draw the pyramids
Learning mats covering the AQA B1 spec, B1,1, B1,2, B1.3 & B1.5. QR codes to videos, past paper questions and worked examples. Enjoy.
Past paper questions and worked examples also attached
Students complete the flipped learning prior to the lesson
Starter recaps the diagrams they were looking at last lesson on Haploid and Diploid number
Main looks at exam questions, some long answer, building to a 25 mark question. Dependent on time, they could plan this lesson, then write it as homework or in the next lesson (How I am doing it)
Plenary - Odd One Out. Which is the odd one out and explain why
Starter - Classification and Protein synthesis recaps
Main - Students do three activities to look at similarities between species
Plenary - Exam questions and MS
Students complete their pre reading prior to arriving at the lesson
Starter - Students do a short quiz to check pre reading understanding, then do a small task checking knowledge on an element of the last chapter
Main - Students have 4 tasks from which to choose from (one is an iPad task)
Plenary - Complete the diagram as fast as possible in your groups of four
Students complete the pre reading prior to the lesson.
They then take a small test to test their pre reading.
Students work through the basic concepts before tackling some exam questions
Starter - Spot the mistakes in the diagram
Main - Dissection and dice game
Plenary - Exam Questions
DIssection worksheet not included as gained from a free resource on TES
Pre reading included
Students complete the flipped learning (attached) prior to the lesson. They then arrive and complete a variety of tasks.
Starter - Odd one out, with reasons why
Main - Labelling EM images of cells
Plenary - Exam Questions
Practical based on the popular Twilight film where the students plan a practical looking at whether garlic can act as an antibacterial.
Two lessons included
The first is them planning and carrying out the practical.
The second is them collecting the results and starting the writeup of the practical