We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
A FREE resource from Blossoming Minds!
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension booklet aimed at year 2. It is all about microhabitats and looks at the definition of a microhabitat, followed by a short look at three focus microhabitats. Perfect to cover the English and Science curriculum.
The booklet is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels and answers.
The PDF booklets are all in a zip file.
Find many more great value comprehensions and many more resources at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/blossomingminds
This is a plan and resources for a beginner’s Spanish lesson to use with KS2. It involves children learning the vocabulary for different countries they might like to visit. The plan could be used for an individual lesson, or as part of a longer holidays/vacations unit.
The plan gives details of a game for a starter, how to teach the vocabulary, a whole class listening game, a speaking and listening activity, a written activity and a plenary. The written activity is split into 3 differentiated levels. The lesson is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
I have also included a version of the written activity for Google Slides if you would like your class to complete it on a tablet or computer. To do this both you and the children need internet access and Google accounts. You can choose to use either the printed or digital worksheets.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. These are in the zip file and are:
Lesson Plan (pdf) 5 pages
A 43 slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open.)
Starter resource (pdf and word) 38 pages
Resources for speaking and listening games (pdf) 14 pages
Written worksheet (pdf) 16 pages (split into 3 levels) colour and black & white and answers
A downloadable pdf file that includes links to make copies of the Google Slides versions of the written worksheets. This is optional. You can choose to use the printed worksheets instead. (pdf) 2 pages. There are 19 Google Slides split into 3 levels.
This is Lesson 1, Unit 6 by Blossoming Minds, but can be used individually. You might be interested in:
Beginner Spanish 25 Lesson Bundle
A bundle of 3 reading comprehension booklets that tell the stories of some of Shakespeare's most popular romantic comedies.
All the booklets are aimed at Lower Key Stage 2, with each story adapted to be suitable for this age range . The texts and questioning are differentiated for three different ability levels.
The following are included:
- Much Ado About Nothing (story format)
- Twelfth Night (story format)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (play format)
Perfect for a Shakespeare unit, a unit on play writing or for Shakespeare Week in March.
PDF file format. Answers included.
A bundle of 3 reading comprehension booklets that tell the stories of some of Shakespeare's most popular tragedies.
All the booklets are aimed at Lower Key Stage 2, with each story adapted to be suitable for this age range . The texts and questioning are differentiated for three different ability levels.
The following are included:
- Macbeth (story format)
- Romeo and Juliet (play format)
- Hamlet (play format)
Perfect for a Shakespeare unit, a unit on play writing or for Shakespeare Week in March.
PDF file format. Answers included.
This is a plan for an assembly about why we shouldn’t always follow the crowd, with a focus on William Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’. There is a PowerPoint included that tells the story of Romeo and Juliet. The plan is easy to follow and requires no resources, so is perfect for using at the last minute!
I like leading assemblies that are interactive, engaging and relevant to the children’s lives. This assembly not only uses the Shakespeare story to introduce the theme, but allows the leader to tell an anecdote linked to a school scenario. You can use the example in the plan or use an anecdote from your own childhood. There is a lot of opportunity for children to think about their own experiences and to feedback. There is also an example prayer/reflection to finish with.
(The PowerPoint is also available separately.)
A 34 page presentation telling the story of Romeo and Juliet. It is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s play, suitable for ages 7 to 11. It could be used as part of a lesson or for an assembly.
Also perfect for using during Shakespeare Week.
A bundle of 6 reading comprehension booklets that tell the stories of some of Shakespeare's most popular plays.
All the booklets are aimed at Lower Key Stage 2, with each story adapted to be suitable for this age range, with a range of interesting questions. All six stories are differentiated for three different ability levels.
The following are included:
- Macbeth (story format)
- Twelfth Night (story format)
- Much Ado About Nothing (story format)
- Romeo and Juliet (play format)
- Hamlet (play format)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (play format)
Perfect for a Shakespeare unit, a unit on play writing or for Shakespeare Week in March.
PDF file format
This resource is a comprehension booklet aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 (7-9 yrs). It is a story adapted from Shakespeare’s play of Twelfth Night. The story is a romance and covers the themes of identity, disguise and love among others. The story has been adapted so that is is suitable for ages 7-9.
There are three differentiated booklets. The higher booklet has three pages of text for the children to read before they complete a range of questions based on a mixture of the KS1 and KS2 SATs.
The middle and lower ability booklets have the text split into separate pages with questions on each page.
PDF file format.
A bundle of 3 reading comprehension booklets to introduce your children to the works of Shakespeare.
All the booklets are aimed at Lower Key Stage 2, with each play adapted into a fictional story format suitable for this age range . The texts and questioning are differentiated for three different ability levels.
The following are included:
- Macbeth
- Twelfth Night
- Much Ado About Nothing
PDF file format. Answers included. (Also available as part of other Blossoming Minds' bundles.)
This bundle contains 5 assemblies exploring the theme of love.
Each assembly focusses on a Bible quotation or proverb. They are all highly interactive, with opportunities for discussion and feedback throughout. Each includes either an anecdote relevant to the children’s experiences or requires a volunteer to act out a scenario. There is a pdf plan and PowerPoint presentation for each assembly. You can use the plans on their own or alongside the PowerPoint presentations. (These are not editable. Please click ‘Read Only’ to open the PowerPoint presentations.)
The following assemblies are included:
Forgiveness fosters love
Love your neighbour
Love does not keep a record of wrongs
Love is not jealous
Love is patient
Each assembly finishes with a prayer/reflection.
No resources are needed, so the plans are ideal to use without requiring preparation.
This is a 3 page plan and a 14 slide PowerPoint presentation for an assembly on love. In this assembly, children are encouraged to think about love being patient. The plan is easy to follow and requires no resources, so is perfect for using at the last minute! You can use the plan on its own or alongside the PowerPoint. (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open the PowerPoint.)
I like leading assemblies that are interactive, engaging and relevant to the children’s lives. So this assembly involves a long anecdote on a childhood incident where the assembly leader is impatient. You can use the example in the plan or use an anecdote from your own childhood. There is a lot of opportunity for children to think about their own experiences of patience and love and to feedback. The assembly includes a quote from the bible and an example prayer/reflection to finish with.
This is a 3 page plan and a 13 slide PowerPoint presentation for an assembly on Love, with a focus on forgiving people who wrong you. It is easy to follow and requires no resources, so is perfect for using at the last minute! You can use the plan on its own or alongside the PowerPoint. (This is non-editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open the PowerPoint.)
I like leading assemblies that are interactive, engaging and relevant to the children’s lives. This assembly involves a long anecdote on a childhood friendship. You can use the example in the plan or use an anecdote from your own childhood. There is a lot of opportunity for children to think about their own experiences of friendship and love and to feedback. This is followed by a quote from the bible to discuss and an example prayer/reflection to finish with.
This is a 3 page pdf plan and a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation for an assembly on love, with a focus on part of a Bible quote. In this assembly, children are encouraged to think about how love should not be jealous . The plan is easy to follow and requires no resources, so is perfect for using at the last minute! You can use the plan on its own or alongside the PowerPoint (This is non-editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open the PowerPoint).
I like leading assemblies that are interactive, engaging and relevant to the children’s lives. So this assembly involves using volunteers on the spot to act out a school scenario about jealousy. There is a lot of opportunity for all children to think about their own experiences of jealousy and love and to feed back. There is also an example prayer/reflection to finish with.
This is a lesson plan to teach children about Lent and why Christians give something up during Lent. It is suitable for ages 7-11. The 5 page lesson plan (pdf) includes details of a starter, an introduction to an event in Jesus' life, a brainstorming activity, a poem writing task and a final drama activity. The plan includes learning objectives for three levels of abilities and assessment for learning strategies. There is also a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation included, which gives details about Lent and tells the story of an event in Jesus' life linked to Lent. This is not editable. Please click 'Read Only' to open the PowerPoint. The plan also includes differentiated templates for the poem which the children write during the lesson. No further preparation required.
You might also be interested in our Lent assembly and Key Stage 1 lesson plan on 'Giving Something Up':
This is a bundle of 15 Spanish lessons, perfect for using with beginners after they have mastered the basics. They are aimed at KS2.
The lessons teach the children vocabulary for food, drink, hobbies, transport and holidays.
The plans all give details of a starter, how to teach the new vocabulary, followed by a combination of listening activities, speaking activities, reading/writing activities and plenary. Each lesson is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All resources are included in the price. This includes a PowerPoint for each lesson containing the new vocabulary.
Fantastic value
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2 all about St David’s Day. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘where,’ ‘who,’ ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page. Answers are also included.
PDF file format.
A collection of non-fiction comprehension activities for year 2 about pancake day. Each booklet comes in 3 differentiated levels. They are all based on the reading SATs paper, containing a similar style of questions. They are also laid out in the same way as a SATs booklet to provide the children with greater experience.
The following comprehensions are included:
How to make a pancake
What is Shrove Tuesday?
Mardi Gras
Save over 40% compared to buying each separately!
This resource is a comprehension activity for year 2, perfect for using on or around Pancake Day / Shrove Tuesday. There are three differentiated sets of instructions on how to make the perfect pancake, with differentiated questions. There is a different booklet for each level.
Each booklet contains a title page with helpful words followed by four pages with short written extracts and several questions per page. There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘which,’ ‘how,’ ‘where’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The higher and middle levels contain 16 questions each and the lower level contains 15 questions.
There is a colour and black & white booklet for each level and answers are also included.
PDF file format.
You might be interested in:
Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) Comprehensions - Year 1
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) Comprehensions - Year 3 and 4
A collection of comprehension activities for year 2, all with the theme of Lent or Easter.
Each booklet comes in 3 differentiated levels. They are all based on the reading SATs paper, containing a similar style of questions. They are also laid out in the same way as a SATs booklet to provide the children with greater experience. The four comprehensions are a range of instructions, fiction and non-fiction.
The 4 topics explored in the comprehensions are:
Pancake recipe (instructions)
Easter food (non-fiction)
Easter story
Hot cross buns (instructions)
This is a lesson plan (pdf) to teach children all about Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. It is perfect for ages 7-11.
The lesson is highly interactive and contains details of a starter, introduction to the topic, main task and plenary. There are whole class discussions and written activities for children to undertake. It includes objectives for children with three levels of abilities. Also included is a 20 slide animated PowerPoint with useful facts for the lesson and the Bible story around which the lesson is based. (This is not editable. Click the 'Read Only' button to open the PowerPoint. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.) There is an optional template for the written activity. No further preparation required.
You might also be interested in our Ash Wednesday assembly and Ash Wednesday lesson plan for KS1: