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Area Dice Game

Area Dice Game

This is a great game for 1-2 players. Equipment -squared paper -2 dice -coloured pencils/ felt tips (textas) Instructions - Each player chooses a different coloured pencil / felt tip - Players take it in turns to roll the dice. - They use the number on each dice to colour in the number of squares, and write the area in the middle of the shape.eg - Game ends when players run out of room to draw. - Winner is the player who has used the largest area/most squares.
Year 1 – Spring Block 2 – Number Place Value (Within 50) - week 5- numbers to 50

Year 1 – Spring Block 2 – Number Place Value (Within 50) - week 5- numbers to 50

This resource follows the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to Maths Mastery and also includes reasoning questions. It is linked to WRM small steps: Numbers to 50. Curriculum links: - Count to 50 forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any number. - Count, read and write numbers to 50 in numerals. - Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least. I hope you find this resource useful, Your feedback is always welcome :)
Quiz, Quiz Trade  activity cards - Interpreting pictograms

Quiz, Quiz Trade activity cards - Interpreting pictograms

This is a great co-operative learning game for consolidating new learning in a fun and active way. Also great for revision. My classes enjoy the excuse to move around, work with different partners (and their friends) and have fun while learning. It does take some practice for them to get the hang of each step so I recommend playing more than once. (Great as a warm up game).