It took me days to complete this. I was tasked to write the whole unseen poetry module for KS3/4 year 9. I prepared 24 lessons with a detailed scheme of work, a formative and summative assessments and finally model answers, for each lesson, colour coded etc…
This is worth hours of work. I hope I can save you this pain for just a few pounds.
I would be surprised if you find this bundle needs improving.
You will find a lovely array of different themes poems from old age, to relationships, love and more serious societal issues. I cannot imagine you would be after anything more detailed. I even factored in all the HW for a total of 6 weeks lessons, 4 lessons per week.
This is a thorough test for a higher set on the near future and the transports! If they don't know the answers, they simply have not practised enough!!! The powerpoint is the same as the test on Word to enable correction. Good luck!! This test can also be used with a lower set if allowed to work in pairs and used as an activity! It will get them to scratch their head!
Perfect lesson to go with Studio 1 pages50 and 51. I added a reading with 8 questions, a writing, a matching task and a vocab task. Perfect cover lesson with all the answers.
This is a great easy to follow lesson for a non French speaker or a French teacher who wishes to wrap up the topic on personality and physical features. There is a worksheet to go with the slides. This lesson comprises everything: reading, speaking and writing.
Food and drink sentence builder. This is a good example of what a student could say or write. Students will get multiple choice vocab to use for their writing or speaking.
I this lesson, you can go through the present, past and future of French verbs and explain all the different endings to the class. Then there is a text based on school and work where students will need to change the tense to the tense of your choosing. Very good revision for the GCSE!
This resource is fantastic if you want to include history and science in your lesson. I will explain how the French days copy the names of the planets. I will also ask kids to write key history dates from English to French. There will be a history video about Oradour-sur-Glane.
In this reading I included the irregular verbs in the past tense! This is perfect for all sets, just decide how many questions you wish your students to answer! Perfect as a task for consolidation or as an assessment.