This lesson is complete and has many slides about the characters of the Hunger Games! Two starters, two vocabulary sheets, 10 slides about the characters, a writing and a speaking tasks etc... You will love it but the kids will love it more!
I this lesson, you can go through the present, past and future of French verbs and explain all the different endings to the class. Then there is a text based on school and work where students will need to change the tense to the tense of your choosing. Very good revision for the GCSE!
I put a lot of effort in this lesson, great objectives, great slides and great reading with speaking, all about the family, the connectives and the opinions! This is a very good lesson to show progression. There is also a reading, a speaking and a writing!
In this lesson which I prepared for my interview, you will find everything you need: starter, reading, listening, writing and speaking, all about the bedroom and the prepositions.
This is a whole lesson with slides with answers following each task, perfect for a cover lesson if required. The lesson is about what you and others do during their free time. There is a reading and the lesson emphasises time phrases and sports!!
This is a resource to cover two lessons with Metro 1 if you wish. It has everything from verb to have to the feeling verbs towards animals and finally how to construct the plural and singular for the animals.
This resource is fantastic if you want to include history and science in your lesson. I will explain how the French days copy the names of the planets. I will also ask kids to write key history dates from English to French. There will be a history video about Oradour-sur-Glane.
This is a short presentation to test y7 students on what they have learnt so far! Following the test, students are required to write own dialogue to present in front of the class.
This is a thorough test for a higher set on the near future and the transports! If they don't know the answers, they simply have not practised enough!!! The powerpoint is the same as the test on Word to enable correction. Good luck!! This test can also be used with a lower set if allowed to work in pairs and used as an activity! It will get them to scratch their head!
Food and drink sentence builder. This is a good example of what a student could say or write. Students will get multiple choice vocab to use for their writing or speaking.