“N’arrête pas de croire, accroche-toi aux sentiments”…if you can do some basic French to English translation, then you will know which song those lyrics belong to! (but just to make sure, it was Journey with Don’t stop believing)
Another fun, musical activity for your older or gifted and talented pupils to get their teeth stuck in and test not only their translation skills but also their musical knowledge!!
There are 20 famous song lyrics to translate, decipher and recognise. It’s always been a hit with my classes, and I hope your students will love it too.
(Answers included on the second page)
quiz, songs, music, translation, tenses, pop culture, pop, fun, gifted, end of term, intro to music, lyrics
You need this resource! With over 20 pages of verb-based exercises, this comprehensive booklet covers the present, future, two past tenses (passé composé and imparfait) and the conditional mood. For each tense, you will find an explanation, tables with endings, irregular verbs and exceptions, followed by gap fill exercises and extension translation work for each tense.
This booklet is ideal for KS4 but could easily be introduced in Y9 too. I also always ask my students to translate the 100+ sentences in the gap-fill tasks. Perfect companion to the GCSE course!
grammar, paradigms, conjugate, past, present, future, imperfect, booklet, translation, practice
Suitable for both KS3 and KS4 students, this is a great Christmas pack to get your pupils working on Christmas in France.
Activities include: Vocabulary searches, translation, looking words up and drawing them, reading about French Christmas, and puzzles.
This activity pack will easily last a whole lesson and students will tick the cultural box needed for GCSEs.
Bonus - includes a list of Christmas presents with extra ideas on to make full use of the document
ALL ANSWERS provided on last page
Ideal for setting extra work for your students to boost their thinking skills in French during study leave or to sum up the end of the year, this pack includes some top selling resources. You will get:
a French culture quiz
a lyrics game (excellent for 6th formers to work on their translation skills)
a movie titles game
The quiz can be used from beginner level (questions are in English) but the song and movie resources are more for intermediate to advanced levels.
ALL ANSWERS PROVIDED. Written by a native.
Perfect as a follow-up homework or class work once you’ve introduced the near future, this worksheet has three comprehensive activities which really engage students in their learning: exercises include translation, jumbled-up sentences, colour-coding, time markers, and writing. Ideal for beginners , this worksheet also allows your more gifted students to use complex sentences in their writing.
Perfect if you are teaching about summer holidays, this activity sheet has 3 exercises, each focusing on a different skill: writing (spelling practice with a list of holiday vocabulary), listening (gap fill with a song) and translation. It’s ideal for KS4 but would work with younger or older depending on ability.
5 different activities to introduce your beginners to well-being in French. The activities revolve around vocabulary and should last a whole lesson or provide ample work for a couple of homework tasks.
This is a perfect worksheet to get your students thinking in French about their lifestyle and what makes them happy / how they relax.
All answers provided on the last sheet.
Vocabulary, reading, translating and writing practice for GCSE family unit (ideal for Studio Edexcel module 1 and/or AQA theme 1, topic 1)
Worksheets with a variety of fun, engaging exercises, including guess the family member, good expressions for talking about relationships, a cryptogram to decipher, translations,and a cheeky reading activity about the William and Harry divide.
There is plenty here to keep students busy for a few homeworks, or at least a double lesson. This is a great resource pack to reinforce / wrap up / recycle the topic of family.
Give your students the best chance to succeed in their AQA speaking exam.
In this document I go over the three parts of the exam and give specific, easy tips to get top marks along with some examples of answers, and a useful bank of expressions to use in the general conversation, that the examiners will love.
Your students will thank you for having this document, and provided they know their basics and vocabulary, they WILL improve their marks if they follow my recommendations.
Covering most French cultural events and celebrations, this document is the ideal handout for both beginners and intermediate.
The summary calendar is in English with some French words - it details the main festivals pupils need to know about, and represents an excellent foundation for those who will continue with French studies at GCSE level. There are two short activities to reinforce learning, and a link to a French website dedicated to young learners.
A more in-depth document with reading exercises for more confident students. Includes a wordsearch, pictures and gap-fill / multiple choice exercises.
A whole set of activities to cater for both beginners and intermediate students - KS3 and KS4 .
Beginner activities include wordsearch and jumbled up word, more confident students include reading tasks with more complex sentences, stretching to higher level with tenses and opinions.
A bumper worksheets pack with fun activities to get pupils engaged and thinking.
Includes an activity on the historical background of Valentine’s Day, romantic film titles in French , a letter template with lots of good reusable expressions, and plenty of vocabulary.
For the fun part there is also a wordsearch and some easy translation.
All answers provided on the last page
Autumn activities perfect for beginners:
-autumn colours
-odd one out
-jumbled up words
Will do nicely for October half-term homework, or as a pre-holiday lesson.
This cultural pack is ideal to set work for students to do remotely and/or as extension.
You will find some of my top-selling resources such as the Christmas activities and of course, the French culture quizz.
Your students will gain a much better understanding of the main French celebrations.
Each worksheet or activity is full of games, reading tasks and writing prompts. Put together this is hours of French learning, or you could just select a few worksheets to target your needs. Included in the pack is:
cultural quiz
French calendar explanation and mini activities
new year resolutions for KS3 and KS4
Valentine’s day
Toussaint worksheet
Noel worksheets
Almost all worksheets come with answers. Perfect for beginners to intermediate. Perfect to set work remotely.
Need an easy lesson for January?
This beginner to intermediate worksheet is perfect for your classes up to Key Stage 4. All they need is basic knowledge of the immediate future.
You get a variety of exercises mixing reading, translation, writing, not to forget the all-important cultural notes.
This will keep any group busy for a whole lesson, or provide a couple of easy homework tasks
All your Christmas needs in one place!
This bundle caters for all your class needs from beginners to advanced levels (KS3 to KS5).
Includes a range of resources: a cultural text about a typical French Christmas, vocabulary activities, word searches, sentence builders, pros and cons of Christmas, two levels of New Year Resolutions, as well as a list of resolutions, ideas for presents, and a higher level text with exercises on eco-friendly Christmas.
Bonus - a list of French Christmas songs (with Youtube links) to listen to as you work.
Written by a native, answers included.
I created this resource to support Y8 on their unit 5 in the Studio book. Starting with the very basic nous + present tense expressions, I made a table with more complex structures to show students how they can extend their sentences. This worksheet has a big match-up exercise and a writing task. Ideal for beginners. Covers the topic of typical holiday activities.
This is a fun activity to introduce the topic of cinema, or to set your older students as an end of term treat! I’ve compiled a list of 30 super famous (mostly American) movies…but not under their original name, rather how they are known in France. Your students will have to use their knowledge to work out the original title.