'If you keep trying the same old things, you'll keep getting the same old results'. Imaginative teaching ideas help stimulate students and improve student retention. I don't claim to be an expert but I hope that some of my ideas will help other teachers.
'If you keep trying the same old things, you'll keep getting the same old results'. Imaginative teaching ideas help stimulate students and improve student retention. I don't claim to be an expert but I hope that some of my ideas will help other teachers.
This resource is a power point containing 15 A2 Biology summary sheets. The sheets included cover the following areas:
1: Neuronal communication x 2
2: Reflexes & muscles
3: Hormonal communication
4: Homeostasis
5: Excretion & the kidney
6: Photosynthesis
7: Respiration
8: Patterns of variation
9: Manipulating genomes
10: Genetic engineering & cloning
11: Biotechnology
12: Ecosystems
13: Genetics
14: Plant responces
To accompany the power point is a picture file of each that students can easily get on their phones.
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This resource contains over 80 activities for GCSE Science coving areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Most of the activities are designed to help improve students literacy by having sections within them which force students to engage with a piece of key information then answer a a range of questions on it building in complexity.
Activities also contain a high level of duel coding, incorporating bespoke diagrams which are designed to help students to engage with the text in the activity. There are also a range of opportunities for students to identify and use key words.
Over the lock down and periods of home schooling these activities have proved to improve student progress and improve their literacy skills when engaging with Science.
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Any feedback in the review section would also be appreciated
This resource is a broken down practice exam question to help improve exam technique when answering exam questions on using quadrats
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This resource is a set of flash cards to help students revise the cell membranes content in the OCR A Level Biology specification. Each card gives help on what students need to include.
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This resource is a list of the revision tasks I've set my A Level Biology students. Feel free to edit them depending on how you want to use them or what your school uses. I'll be posting more detailed instructions at
FB: @teachlikeahero
Twitter: @teacherchalky1
Instagram: teachlikeaherorevision
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This resource is a set of multiple choice questions to help students revise A Level Biology questions on cell membranes
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This resource is a set of 26 bespoke 6 mark questions to test students understanding of most of the required practicals in the 2015 AQA Science specification. The questions have been written in a similar style to the practical 6 mark questions in the sample material.
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This resource is a set of multiple choice questions to help students revise A Level Biology questions on cell division
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This resource is a set of flash cards to help students revise the gas exchange content in the OCR A Level Biology specification. Each card gives help on what students need to include.
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This resource is a broken down practice exam question to help improve exam technique when answering exam questions on photosynthesis investigations.
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This resource is a selection of over 400 ideas for activities that you can give a go in Science lessons
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A new lesson covering all the points in the new AQA 2015 GCSE Science specification, Culturing microorganisms section. This resource is designed to be taught in 1 lesson and includes activities for students to work through, group work activities as well as lots of opportunities for AFL. Included is the following:
1: A practical sheet for students to work through
2: A power point with activities leading students through the lesson
3: Calculating bacteria activity
4: Growing bacteria cards
5: 6 mark exam question plenary
6: Bacterial colony size activity
7: A set of notes for students to use
8: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
9: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This set of questions cover the topics included in the AQA Biology GCSE 2015 specification. All the questions come with a a mark scheme which can either be used by teachers or students to mark their answers. All the questions come with mark schemes using the 1-9 grading system and can be used for revision or as assessment at the end of the lesson. Some of the areas covered by this resource are:
1: The required practicals in the GCSE Biology spec
2: The Nitrogen Cycle
3: The Heart
4: Genetic engineering
5: Cloning
6: Blood vessels
7: Cancer
8: Transpiration
9: The Kidney
8: Diffusion
9: Active Transport
10: Biodiversity
11: Decay
12: The carbon cycle
13: ADH
14: The immune system
15: Homeostasis
16: Malaria
17: Reflexes
18: HIV
19: Extinction
20: Evolution
These questions act as goo AFL activities at the end of the lesson and the mark schemes will allow students to see what the exam board want within long answer questions.
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This set of questions cover the topics included in the AQA Science GCSE new spec . All the questions come with a a mark scheme which can either be used by teachers or students to mark their answers. This resource has been developed using the new content in the 2015-2016 specification and is designed to help get students started straight away in September
This resource is a lesson and activities covering the human reproductive content in the new 2016 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A power point including activities to lead students through the lesson
2: A snakes and ladders starter game
3: An information sheet
4: A card sort activity
5: A hormone concentration graph activity
6: An information hunt activity
7: A 6 mark plenary question
8: An exam style question sheet for students to work through
9: A set of notes for students to use
10: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
11: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a power point containing 17 AS Biology summary sheets. The sheets included cover the following areas:
1: Cells
2: Carbohydrates
3: Amino Acid & Lipids
4: Proteins
5: DNA
6: Enzymes
7: Membranes
8: Cell division
9: Substance movement
10: Exchange surfaces
11: Transport in animals
12: Transport in plants
13: Blood, tissue fluid & lymph
14: Classification & evolution
15: Biodiversity
16: Animal & plant pathogens
17: The immune system
To accompany the power point is a picture file of each that students can easily get on their phones.
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This resource is a broken down practice exam question to help improve exam technique when answering exam questions on leaf structure
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