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A boat full of sounds

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Elementary Music. Books_Worksheets_Games

Elementary Music. Books_Worksheets_Games
Ο Βασιλιάς των Ζώων

Ο Βασιλιάς των Ζώων

E-book μ’ ένα παραμύθι με μουσική και πολλά μουσικά παιχνίδια. Το παραμύθι αυτό είναι μια διασκευή ενός μύθου του Λαφονταίν από τη Δέσποινα Μπογδάνη-Σουγιούλ για το βιβλίο Μουσικής της Γ΄ και Δ΄ Δημοτικού. Το εικονογραφήσαμε, ηχογραφήσαμε την αφήγηση και προσθέσαμε τραγούδια που γράφτηκαν από μαθητές Δ΄ Δημοτικού. Το λιοντάρι είναι μόνο του στη σπηλιά του και ο ποντικός θα του δώσει μια ιδέα για να κάνει φίλους. Δημιούργησα αυτό το βιβλίο το 2020-23 με μαθητές μου της Δ΄ Δημοτικού, οι οποίοι αφηγήθηκαν το παραμύθι και έγραψαν τους στίχους των τραγουδιών. Στην τελευταία σελίδα του βιβλίου θα βρείτε το εικονικό δωμάτιο του λιονταριού με πολλά online μουσικοκινητικά παιχνίδια που δημιούργησα ειδικά για το παραμύθι, βίντεο για το λιοντάρι και φυσικά το αγαπημένο τραγούδι “The lion sleeps tonight” από την ταινία The Lion King.
Γνωρίζουμε τον Αντόνιο Βιβάλντι 1 & 2

Γνωρίζουμε τον Αντόνιο Βιβάλντι 1 & 2

Δύο e-books για να γνωρίσουμε τον Αντόνιο Βιβάλντι και το έργο του, ιδιαίτερα τις διάσημες Τέσσερις Εποχές του. Μέσα από βίντεο, εικόνες, εκπαιδευτικά παιχνίδια και δραστηριότητες δίνουν μια εικόνα της εποχής (Μπαρόκ), της πόλης (Βενετία), του συνθέτη με ζωντανό και ελκυστικό τρόπο για μαθητές και μουσικόφιλους. Τα στάδια της ζωής του συνθέτη παραλληλίζονται με τις εποχές του χρόνου: Άνοιξη-πρώτη αναγνώριση, Καλοκαίρι-επαγγελματική καταξίωση, Φθινόπωρο-δόξα και αναγνώριση, Χειμώνας-θάνατος μέσα στη φτώχεια και ‘ανακάλυψή’ του στις αρχές του 20ού αιώνα.
Μουσικές Φόρμες 1. Για παιδιά 5-9 ετών

Μουσικές Φόρμες 1. Για παιδιά 5-9 ετών

Παρουσίαση και Φύλλα εργασίας για την κατανόηση της μουσικής φόρμας από παιδιά μικρής ηλικίας. Το πρώτο μέρος ασχολείται με τις έννοιες Ίδιο, Παρόμοιο και Διαφορετικό που είναι πρωταρχικής σημασίας για την αναγνώριση της φόρμας. Τα παιδιά θα πρέπει ν’ αναγνωρίσουν τις έννοιες αυτές οπτικά (μέσα από εικόνες αντικειμένων, γεωμετρικών ή άλλων σχημάτων κλπ), ακουστικά (μέσα από μοτίβα) είτε μέσω μιας ιστορίας (μέρη μιας ιστορίας και δραματοποίηση). Τι περιλαμβάνεται: Εικονογραφημένη παρουσίαση με οπτικά και ηχητικά παραδείγματα (25 σελίδες). **Φύλλα Εργασίας (28 σελίδες): 6 σελίδες για την έννοια Ίδιο, 6 για την έννοια Παρόμοιο, 6 για την έννοια Διαφορετικό, 5 σελίδες που συνδυάζουν και τις τρεις έννοιες 5 σελίδες που συσχετίζουν τις μουσικές φόρμες με τα μέρη μιας ιστορίας 4 άδειες σελίδες για να δημιουργήσετε τα δικά σας παραδείγματα Οι δραστηριότητες ζητούν από τα παιδιά: -Να κυκλώσουν το σωστό ζευγάρι -Να ζωγραφίσουν κάτι που να ταιριάζει με την έννοια που παρουσιάζεται -Ν’ αναγνωρίσουν αν οι δύο μελωδίες που ακούν είναι ίδιες, παρόμοιες ή διαφορετι��ές -Ν’ αναγνωρίσουν τα μέρη μιας ιστορίας & -Να συνεχίσουν την ιστορία.
Musical Forms for K-3, part 1

Musical Forms for K-3, part 1

This is the 1st part of a set of resources about Musical Forms for K-3 children. I introduce musical forms using vivid images and music examples appropriate to these ages. Each presentation is accompanied by a set of worksheets ready to use in class. You may see the contents of all 3 parts in the promo video. I decided to divide the resource in 3 parts because the complete presentation is too long and would be difficult to upload and use. The general idea is to present briefly each musical form (What it is), give examples about it and ask children to create their own forms using simple motives. This 1st part deals with the ideas of Same, Similar and Different in music. A first step to recognize Musical Forms is to become familiar with these ideas from an early age. Musical forms are created when we repeat the same musical section (Verse form), add different sections (Binary & Ternary form, Rondo form) or variate a previous section (Theme and Variations). These sections are not just thrown one after another, but relate to each other in style, even when they have differences and contrasts. In the presentation and the worksheets children will identify these elements visually (through images, geometric or abstract shapes, etc), aurally (through rhythmic and melodic motives) & through a story with different parts. The presentation includes a brief explanation about these ideas and a few examples . The Worksheets extend the practice in 28 pages. They include 6 worksheets for Same, 6 for Similar, 6 for Different, 5 worksheets which combine the three ideas, 5 worksheets that relate musical form to a story & 4 empty pages to create your own examples. The activities included are: Draw a circle around the correct pair Draw something that is the same, similar or different to the given example Identify the 2 music excerpts you listen to as Same, Similar or Different (QR code with music examples included) Identify the parts of a story Continue the story The whole resource is ideal for SUBS.
The Crab in his Hole. A fairy tale about musical forms

The Crab in his Hole. A fairy tale about musical forms

A Greek folk tale about a Crab having adventures with new animal friends from the sea and the mainland is the main inspiration for the 2 fairy tales of this book. The vivid illustrations of the animals by the artist Petros Gkosiopoulos catch the eyes of the young readers. The book can be read on its own by any teacher, parent or child. In each fairy tale children will find an empty page to add an adventure of their own and draw it on the book. Music teachers can use it to teach musical forms (Binary, Ternary, Rondo, Theme & Variations) in young ages. The idea is that each adventure corresponds to a section of the music. This way children get an idea of form in music while listening and playing the story. The stories are accompanied by Greek traditional music especially recorded for the book by some of the most prominent soloists of Greek music (QR Code inside the book) and 30 pages with Educational Resources for children and music teachers (QR Code inside the book). It’s a great resource for anyone who would like to listen to Greek traditional music and immerse in Greek culture. **Teachers may use any music of their choice (in the musical forms mentioned above) to accompany the story. The crab is a common animal to many countries so it’s natural that teachers would like to bring the story closer to their students knowledge and customs. ** Contents The Crab in his Hole (fairy tale 1) The Crab and his adventures in the Sea (fairy tale 2) Music My violet in bloom, folk dance from Kefallonia island of Greece in 4/4 (adapted for Binary, Ternary and Rondo form) Argitikos Kalamatianos dance fron the Peloponnese in 7/8 (adapted for Theme & Variations) Educational resources 2 Pages with images to colour by Petros Gkosiopoulos 2 pages about the instruments playing in the recordings; Violin, Lute and Santouri Labyrinth Word seasrch Right or Wrong 2 pages Same-Similar-Different & Find the Form (for music lessons) 3 Digital games; The Wheel of the Crab, Matching pairs and a Quizz KABOOM rythm game (16 pages) and rythm cards (4 pages) 3 pages with rythmic phrases that can be used to accompany the music of the book with notes for the teacher in 4/4 & 7/8 meters. Contributors Petros Gkosiopoulos, illustration Konstadinos Krigas, book and cover design Kyriakos Gouventas, Music Editor Musicians Violin: Kyriakos Gouventas Santouri: Vangelis Paschalides Lute: Vasilis Kasouras
Greek Traditional Carols for Christmas & New Year

Greek Traditional Carols for Christmas & New Year

2 easy scores of the most well known Greek Christmas Carols + Presentation of the festive customs in Greece during Christmas & New Year. Singing, food, treats, instruments and customs. Culturally sensitive, perfect for Christian and non Christian students and adults. Ideal for SUBS. 30 pages decorated with ornaments and images divided in 6 sections: Origins 2. Custom 3. Christmas Carol 4. New Year Carol 5. Images and Reflections 6. Notes for the teacher Parts 1 & 2 inform about the origins of the custom in Greece and how it is performed nowadays. Parts 3 & 4 include Instrumental scores and information about the 2 most well known carols in Greece; one for Christmas and one for New Year. Level of score difficulty: Easy Appropriate for beginners and advanced players. Part 5 includes a collection of images of the Greek customs mentioned + pages for reflection (what Greek customs you liked the most) and comparison (similar of different customs for winter holidays in your country/religion) Part 6 includes all that a teacher needs to know about my approach to the subject + a link to a folder with PDF files. EXTRA MATERIAL in the Drive folder The scores in PDF format; 2 scores with the melody (solo) and chords 2 scores with suggested accompaniament for small percussion instruments. Playalong videos in metallophone and keyboard. Links in Soundslice to help students practice in different tempos. Suggested listenings with different performances of the carols (solo, traditional instrumens, marching band, mixed choir) Colouring pages. 7 colouring pages (the ship, instruments, the map of Greece) Reflection. 3 pages where students can write their impressions about the presentation and compare their own winter customs to the Greek ones.
A Paper Concert!

A Paper Concert!

An e-book with ideas about making music with different kinds of paper based on a story. Planned for 1rst grade students, it doesn’t require any musical knowledge and may be used by any teacher who loves music and sound exploration. The story “A Paper Concert!” is an adaptation of a Greek book by Antigoni Parousi that is now out of stock and is not published any more. The little paper wants to find out what he will become when growing up. He meets different paper-heroes who give him their advice till he becomes a kite! The story and the activities I suggest focus on sounds. Children may use the paper-heroes of the story to produce different sounds while listening to the story. This exploration leads to thoughtful music making with paper (improvisation and performance of a verbal score). Key stage 1: experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.


3 Resources
All you need to understand and teach Vivaldi’s THE FOUR SEASONS. For ages 6-11 and for any music lover! A book with Listening Maps for all movements of Vivaldi’s famous work (PDF) A BINGO game to remember the most important musical themes (PDF & GOOGLE presentation) for all ages. 12 online puzzles with pictures Vivaldi wanted to describe in his Four Seasons. You may change the number or pieces in each puzzle from 24 to 300 depending of the age of the player.


2 Resources
2 BINGO games (3x3) that can be played online or in class if printed and laminated. SIMPLE TIME SIGNATURE BINGO; For younger students covering 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 with different visualization for each Time Signature (notes, hearts, geometric shapes) & TIME SIGNATURE BINGO; For older or more experienced students. Includes 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8, 11/8, 12/8 time signatures with the appropriate geometric shape. Each game includes 1 teacher card 24 students cards a list of music suggestions for each time signature


A 4X4 BINGO game in printable & online format that helps us remember the most well-known themes from Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”. It can be played by students as well as adults who want to check their knowledge! Includes the themes of all the 12 movements plus 4 more characteristic melodies. You will get a PDF format to print and play in the classroom & a Google Presentations file to play online. INCLUDES 24 coloured BINGO cards 4x4, 1 empty BINGO card link to 16 music excerpts 1 TEACHER card that corresponds to the music (music no 1 corresponds to picture no 1)


This 3x3 BINGO game presents different time signatures used in different music traditions. 2/4, 3/4,4/4, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8,11/8, 12/8 time signatures visualized as geometric shapes. It is created as a Google Presentation file and can be played online, or in class if you print and laminate the cards. Instructions are written in the speaker notes of the presentation. Includes 1 Teacher card 24 Students cards A list with music suggestions for each time signature • 2/4, 3/4,4/4, 6/8, 9/8 & 12/8 are very common to the western culture. Even though they cover the majority of western children listening experiences, I believe that practice in less common time signatures deepens the students awareness of how to define time signature (counting the strong and weak beats of a musical piece). • 5/8, 7/8, 9/8 are very common to Greek, Bulgarian and generally East Mediterranean traditional music. The game provides a great opportunity for the teacher to include students music traditions and preferences by selecting a variety of musical works with a strong sense of the beat.


This 3x3 BINGO game presents the three time signatures music teachers mostly use. **2/4 , 3/4, 4/4 ** They are presented in 3 ways: • hearts. We talk about beat as the heart of music. The first heart is bigger as it sounds louder than the others. • geometric shapes. Each shape represents one bar and its sides are the number of beats it has • notes, with an accent on the first beat. I believe that this visualization helps young students realize and practice these three common time signatures with success. It can be found in a Google Presentation file. Instructions are written in the speaker notes of the presentation. The game can be played online, or in class if you print and laminate the cards. Includes 1 Teacher card 24 Students cards A list with music suggestions for each time signature
Meet Antonio Vivaldi 2

Meet Antonio Vivaldi 2

An e-book with a collection of pictures, videos and information about Vivaldi, his life and major works and Summer, Autumn & Winter from “The Four Seasons”. It includes information, images, games and activities suitable for online lessons.
12 PUZZLES for «The Four Seasons»

12 PUZZLES for «The Four Seasons»

12 online puzzles with all the pictures Vivaldi described in his famous concertos named “The Four Seasons”. The pictures were hand-painted by the artist Petros Gkosiopoulos. The puzzles may be used as a game during an online lesson or as a leisure activity at home. They have pictures for every movement of Vivaldi’s concertos and may be used complementary to any lesson about the Four Seasons and Vivaldi. Children may enjoy the vivid colours in the paintings (bright yellow for summer, green for spring, red for autumn, white and blue for winter) while remembering of Vivaldi’s intentions. Each puzzle consists of 40 pieces for children 7-11 years old. You can change the number of tiles from 24 to 300 if you click “Play as” on the right top of the picture. This way you choose the level of difficulty depending on who plays it. The paintings in the puzzles are some of the paintings included in the listening maps of my book (available at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/listening-maps-and-teaching-suggestions-for-antonio-vivaldi-s-the-four-seasons-11872065).
Meet Antonio Vivaldi 1

Meet Antonio Vivaldi 1

An e-book with a collection of pictures, videos and information about Vivaldi, Venice and Baroque era. It also includes activities suitable for online lessons.
Making music in Rondo form

Making music in Rondo form

Simple ideas to create a rondo form story about Vivaldi’s Spring 1 and then create music for this story. For general teachers and music teachers in elementary schools.
Simple ideas to work with movement

Simple ideas to work with movement

Simple ideas to introduce Vivaldi’s Spring 1 in the classroom with movement. Addressed to any teacher who wants to add movement in her/his lesson. Includes diagrams showing the spots each group of children may take.
Making music inspired by Vivaldi's Summer mvt 2 (The Four Seasons)

Making music inspired by Vivaldi's Summer mvt 2 (The Four Seasons)

This is a plan for making music in a classroom using all available instruments in 1 or 2 lessons. Mainly for elementary education. There are suggestions for introducing the music (Vivaldi’s Summer mvt 2). There are preparatory games and activities. Different options of making our own music are given from which the teacher may choose what suits him/her best.
Listening Maps and Teaching Suggestions for Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” 2nd edition

Listening Maps and Teaching Suggestions for Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” 2nd edition

12 original coloured listening maps that make Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” easy to understand. They show all the pictures Antonio Vivaldi wanted to describe in his music. The pictures are hand-painted by the artist Petros Gkosiopoulos with great details and the most vivid colours. Designed for 3rd-6th grade but may be used for younger or older children and adults as well. Additional material useful in the class is included (b&w maps to share in the class, maps with empty space for children to draw their own pictures, puzzles). A historical introduction about Vivaldi and his era, explanations on how to follow the maps and suggestions for creative teaching in music, the arts and movement are also included. The Listening maps and the teaching suggestions can be used by: music teachers working in general schools, in music schools or in private studios. every teacher who would like to plan writing, moving or painting activities with his/her students inspired by the Four Seasons. parents who would like to listen to this piece of music with their children. For Spring 1, Summer 1, Autumn 3, Winter 1 I created: A coloured map with pictures drawn by an artist. The same map in black & white processed so that it can be reproduced in a more user-friendly manner than it would be if you simply selected the b&w option of printer for the coloured map. A map without the pictures. Children are asked to draw them as they wish. (Spring 1, Summer 1 & Winter 1.) A puzzle with the pictures in random order. Children can be asked to cut them out and put them in the right order while listening to the music. For Autumn 1 and Winter 3 I created: A coloured map with pictures drawn by an artist. The same map in black & white so that it can be reproduced and shared in class. For Spring 2, 3, Summer 2, 3, Autumn 2, Winter 2 I created: A coloured map with pictures drawn by an artist. A black & white map where the main idea is written on the top of the paper and children are asked to draw a picture following the composer’s idea. In most of them I also included the structure of the piece. For Summer 3 I created a graphic map of the piece.