I am a qualified and chartered librarian with over 18 years experience of working in school libraries, colleges and school library services. I sell resources that promote whole school literacy, encourage reading for pleasure and link reading resources with departments
I am a qualified and chartered librarian with over 18 years experience of working in school libraries, colleges and school library services. I sell resources that promote whole school literacy, encourage reading for pleasure and link reading resources with departments
Create a whole school approach to literacy and reading with these eye-catching, visual book lists for your secondary school or academy.
This is a comprehensive set of TEN core subject departmental curriculum linked book lists. Within each subject resource, there are TWO separate A3 posters - one for Key Stage 3 and one for Key Stage 4.
These posters are designed to concrete subject-specific knowledge, concepts and vocabulary and link modern children’s and teen literature with important topics that students learn about in school as part of the curriculum.
This resource will encourage reading for pleasure across your school and will inspire further reading and discussions between students and teachers.
Download and print them out and then place in classrooms, communal departmental areas, or around school - you could even give them out to students directly!
If you don’t want to buy the whole bundle, individual subject posters are also available to buy in my shop.
This is a stunning and eye-catching one-sided A4 portrait poster. It showcases all ten Taylor Swift albums alongside an accompanying new young adult book, which is similar in themes.
This eye-catching visual poster can help encourage reading for pleasure with your Key Stage 4+ students (ages 13+) and spark conversations about new books. Ideal for your school library, classrooms or even reception to emphasise to parents and visitors that your school has a prominent culture of reading. Would work really well in the music department too!
Want to foster whole school literacy in your school? Don’t know how to link Music with English and reading? Try these!
These two A Three portrait posters are perfect to put up in any classroom or corridor.
The learning areas and topics for the entire Key Stage 3 AND 4 Music curriculum has been expertly linked to modern children’s and young adult books. This is a thematic, visual reading list that is linked directly to the Music curriculum! There are also Accelerated Reader scores for each book and the books are arranged by author surname so that you (or your students) can easily find them in your school library.
These posters are intended to spark conversations between teachers and students and can help to consolidate learning, concrete knowledge and broaden vocabulary through reading about topics in action.
All books are age appropriate and are a diverse and inclusive collection that I would recommend to any student.
Other subject posters are available in my TES shop, or why not buy a whole school bundle?!
This stunning and visual double-sided poster is in A4 size.
Colourful and attractive, this poster pitches famous modern musicians with their young adult author icon perfect matches. Singers most popular songs/books are listed and have been matched as they are similar in song/book style or theme as well as author’s own personality and identity.
This poster was updated in June 2024.
It is double sided or can be printed side by side and aims to attract reluctant readers, who may be more familiar with music artists in popular culture. It is intended to promote authors who students may not recognise, helping to encourage reading for pleasure. Ideal for Key Stage 4+ students and up (ages 13+).
Ideal for your school library, classrooms or reception to emphasise that your school has a pclear culture of reading. Perfect for English and Music departments too!