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Bioscience Rocks

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Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.




Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.
The Phosphorous Cycle - Draw It!

The Phosphorous Cycle - Draw It!

An activity aimed at A-Level Biology students. This activity involves a series of statements that can be given to a class at the start of a lesson with the instruction that they draw the phosphorous cycle based on this information. Students should initially do this in pairs but can then be teamed up in larger groups to show, discuss and explain their own diagrammatic interpretations of the phosphorus cycle. Finally, the whole class can be brought together to discuss the best way of joining these statements together into an agreed phosphorous cycle. Key words: Phosphorous, cycle, ATP, NADP, weathering, phosphates, fertilisers, glycolysis, kinase, phosphorylation
Chicken wing dissection - a look at features of muscles and joints

Chicken wing dissection - a look at features of muscles and joints

This guidance sheet is for use in lesson as an introduction to muscles and the features of synovial joints. The dissection is broken up into several different tasks, each of which have follow up/extension questions that encourage students to make cross links with other topics. Muscles, bone, cartilage, ligaments and tendons are all covered in this activity.


A worksheet aimed at A-Level Biology students that provides four questions to practice their knowledge of the technique of mark-release-recapture. The questions also test student's understanding of the limitations of this technique and causes of inaccuracies Key words: Mark, release, recapture, biology, limitations, assumptions, N1, N2, n, population, estimate
Cell organelles and magnification

Cell organelles and magnification

A worksheet aimed at advanced level biology students, this resource consists of an identification exercise whereby students are asked to name each organelle in a 3D diagram of a cell, followed by questions about the functions of some of these organelles. The second worksheet provides questions on calculating the magnification of a mitochondrion and the principles of magnification, resolution and electron micrographs - these questions are common place on most advanced biology specifications, so it is useful to practise these questions during lessons.
The light dependent reaction of photosynthesis - DRAW IT!

The light dependent reaction of photosynthesis - DRAW IT!

A resource aimed at post-16 biology students, this worksheet contains a list of written instructions for students to draw in order to recreate a diagram of the light dependent reaction of photosynthesis. This task can be given to the whole class and then a printed diagram of the light dependent reaction given out at the end of the activity for students to compare their drawing to; alternatively the class can be divided into two at the start of the lesson - half get a diagram of the light dependent reaction and are asked to describe each stage while the other half get this worksheet and are asked to draw a diagram; the two halves of each class can then be asked to verbally feedback to each other. This is a useful way of turning an otherwise dry topic into an involving and engaging activity. Key words: Photosynthesis, light, chloroplast, thylakoid, granum, photosystem, photolysis, NADP, ATP
ECG plenary/review/recap

ECG plenary/review/recap

A resource aimed at advanced level biology, applied science or physical education students, this worksheet comprises of a series of questions that discuss the nature of an ECG and its interpretation. The worksheet also includes questions on abnormal ECG traces and diagnosis of conditions such as tachycardia and bradycardia. A useful resource to use as a lesson starter or plenary once this topic has already been taught.
AQA Biology Advanced Level Year 1 Personal Learning Checklist (PLC)

AQA Biology Advanced Level Year 1 Personal Learning Checklist (PLC)

This is a personal learning checklist (PLC) tailored for the first year of the new AQA Biology Advanced Level specification. This is an excel spreadsheet with five worksheets in total, each one covering specification references: 3.1 Biological molecules 3.2 Cells 3.3 Organisms exchange materials 3.4 Genetic information 6.1-6.5 Mathematical requirements Each worksheet contains the full list of statements/learning outcomes taken directly from the specification, along with a grid for students to RAG rate their confidence as well as space to write notes and set targets. The worksheets have been formatted to allow easy printing of each worksheet. Each worksheet can be printed and collated with others to form a full checklist for the entire year. This is an essential resource for anyone teaching the new biology advanced level specification. Key words: personal learning checklist (PLC), self assessment, targets, AQA, biology
Cell organelles - quick quiz

Cell organelles - quick quiz

A worksheet designed for advanced level biology students that provides a quick quiz of fifteen questions related to the function of different cell organelles. This would be useful as a starter of plenary activity at the end of a topic on cell organelles or could be used as a quick research task using textbooks at the start of the topic. Answers to each question are provided.
Testing for reducing and non-reducing sugars

Testing for reducing and non-reducing sugars

A single page method sheet for carrying out the reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar test. This resource would be suitable as a concise guide to the these biochemical tests and is aimed at Advanced Level biology students or BTEC Level 3 students.
Counting bacterial colonies on an agar plate

Counting bacterial colonies on an agar plate

This worksheet is aimed at either GCSE or A-Level students studying microbiology. The worksheet is an ideal lesson starter to use following preparation and incubation of agar plates that have been inoculated with bacteria (from unpasteurised milk in this example, but easily adaptable for any other source of bacteria). The worksheet introduces the idea of binary fission and the concept of a visible colony being made of many thousands of individual bacterial cells. The worksheet also includes an activity on counting bacterial colonies and estimating numbers based on dilutions that would set students up well for a subsequent lesson where they did this activity using their own agar plates. Key words: Agar, bacteria, colony, estimate, milk, pasteurisation, binary fission
The discovery of DNA

The discovery of DNA

A comprehensive six page worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource tells the story of how the work of several scientists ultimately led to the discovery and understanding of DNA. The worksheet includes diagrams, images and information relating to classic experiments performed by scientists (including Friedrich Meischer, Fred Griffiths, Oswald Avery, Alfred Hershey, Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick.
Restriction enzymes - how they work and choosing the right one

Restriction enzymes - how they work and choosing the right one

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students who are studying a topic on gene technology and the role of restriction endonucleases. The worksheet consists of task where students are required to choose the most appropriate restriction enzyme to cut out a gene from a piece of DNA. Students are given four different examples of restriction enzymes, together with information about the recognition sequence for each enzyme. Using this information, students must then select the most appropriate enzyme to cut out the gene. Key words: restriction endonuclease, gene, recognition sequence
Investigating the effect of exercise on blood pressure, heart rate and cardiac output

Investigating the effect of exercise on blood pressure, heart rate and cardiac output

A resource aimed at GCSE or A-Level biology, physical education or applied science students, this worksheet provides a series of instructions to investigate the effect of exercise on blood pressure, heart rate and cardiac output. The worksheet includes a weblink to an online metronome for students to standardise their rate of exercise (e.g. squats)and also provides a graphic to gauge whether blood pressure is optimal or above normal. Key words: blood pressure, sphygmomanometer, exercise, heart rate, cardiac output, recovery
Mitosis Research Task

Mitosis Research Task

A worksheet suitable for Level 3 Applied Science Students (but easily adaptable for advanced biology), this worksheet requires students to research the key processes involved in mitosis. The worksheet is written in the style of a BTEC task but it could also be used as a homework activity for any advanced biology class about to study mitosis. Several question prompts are provided along with a weblink to an interactive animation, allowing students to research their own answers to each of the questions Keywords: Mitosis, prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase, interphase, chromosomes, centromere, diploid, research
Aseptic technique

Aseptic technique

A resource suitable for use with both GCSE and A-Level students as a lesson starter, this worksheet provides an account of aseptic technique from an instruction manual; after each step in the instructions, students are required to comment on the reasons why each technique or precaution is necessary. A useful exercise to use at the beginning or an investigation involving microbiology. Key words: aseptic, bacteria, agar, contamination
Evaluating aseptic technique

Evaluating aseptic technique

A starter activity suitable for GCSE and A-Level microbiology students, this resource provides a written account of a very badly organised practical session (the misfortunes of 'aseptic Adam'). Students are required to identify the problems in this investigation, explain the problems and solve the problems - ideal as an introduction to an evaluation on student's own investigations if they have recently completed a microbiology experiment. Key words: aseptic, contamination, bacteria, agar, incubate, colonies, evaluate
Richard III - the King in the Car Park.  Using Carbon 14 dating to estimate time of death

Richard III - the King in the Car Park. Using Carbon 14 dating to estimate time of death

An unusual resource that brings history and science together with an activity that introduces the concept of carbon-14 radioactive dating of archeological remains. The task provides an introduction to radioactive dating, followed by questions whereby students are required to calculate percentage reduction of carbon-14 . Finally, students can then calculate the approximate year when Richard III died based on the half life of carbon-14.
Limiting factors of photosynthesis - understanding rate of reaction graphs

Limiting factors of photosynthesis - understanding rate of reaction graphs

A resource aimed at advanced level biology students (or high ability GCSE students) that provides questions on how different limiting factors affect the rate of photosynthesis. The emphasis is on interpretation of rate of reaction graphs, with logical reasoning being used to identify and explain the main limiting factors. Answers to all the questions are provided on the second page of the worksheet. Key words: limiting factor, photosynthesis, graph, plateau, temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, light intensity
Amino acids

Amino acids

Worksheet starter task to recap the basics of amino acid structure
Meiosis starter exercise

Meiosis starter exercise

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this worksheet is ideal as a starter task (or alternatively as a homework preparation/background reading exercise) that covers the reasons why meiosis takes place and the nature of gametes produced from meiosis. This is a useful exercise to conduct with students to establish the 'big picture' prior to study of individual stages of meiotic cell division. Keywords: meiosis, chromosomes, interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, haploid, diploid, reduction division, independent assortment, variation, genetic, evolution