
Changing Places - Place Studies, local, distant place, qualitative, quantitative
A bundle that includes several resources to support students developing their local and distant place studies. I’ve kept it mostly non-specific, but there are mentions of my class’ studies which are Hackney and Chippenham.

Changing Places- Perception of Place, gender, disability, religion, nationality, gentrification
A lesson bundle including a PowerPoint, article, two worksheet activities.
When teaching, I also use the Gentrification and Grenfell article from Geography Review. I cannot upload this due to copyright infringement.

Changing Places - Representation of Place, formal, informal, abstract, media represenations
This is a lesson bundle that includes a PowerPoint with a range of tasks and an additional task resource that creates the opportunity for students to develop their own case study.

Changing Places - Character of Place, Exogenous and Endogenous
A lesson bundle that includes a lesson PowerPoint with a range of task modes as well as three resources - two articles and a worksheet.

Changing Places - Social and Spatial Exclusion, insider, outsider, defensive design
A lesson bundle that includes a PowerPoint with embedded links to videos and resources to support the lesson as well as an article.

GCSE Rivers introduction - erosion, transportation, desposition, long course river
This worksheet is designed to be printed on A3. This is used at the beginning of the AQA Rivers topic and as a recap of the AQA Coasts topic as many of the processes overlap.

Global Governance - Introduction, technology, products, services, labour
A resource bundle that includes a PowerPoint introducing the topic of Global Systems and Global Governance and a resource to pair with the lesson plan.

Global Governance - Global Systems and Inequality, World Bank, WTO, IMF
A lesson bundle that includes a PowerPoint and two resources to support students researching and creating a presentation and then taking notes on their peers’ work.

AQA GCSE Urban Issues Sustainable Cities Retrieval Practice revision
This retrieval practice task includes 20 questions on the sustainable cities section of the AQA GCSE Urban Issues topic.
Questions include: sustainability, transport, waste management, carbon emissions, efficiency.

AQA Urban Issues Retrieval Practice
This retrieval practice task includes 20 questions on the introductory section of the AQA GCSE Urban Issues topic.
Questions include: HIC and LIC cities, reasons for growth, megacities, sqautter settlements etc.

AQA GCSE Urban Issues lesson starters
This includes two resources: a PowerPoint of 16 slides of lesson starters and a What’s the Link word document - this is where students can link key terms to support them connecting their knowledge of the topic (links to slide 14).

AQA A Level, Global Governance, UN global institutions
This lesson fulfils the AQA A level Specification in the global governance specification. It is a lesson on global governance of global issues, looking at examples such as the UN.

Global Governance - Inequality
A lesson bundle including a PowerPoint, two card sort/colour code activities and an article.

AQA Changing Places Quick Quiz
This quiz is designed to be used during the second half of my teaching of the topic Changing Places, and it recaps knowledge from the earliest part of the topic and throughout.
Includes lived experience, endogenous and exogenous factors, quantitative and qualitative data as well as forces of change.
The second half of the quiz is opinion-based, students answer 1-10 in agreement to statements such as ‘qualitative sources of data are more useful than quantitative in understanding perception of place’. These statements are similar to those that may be present in a 20 marker.
This second half is designed to support class discussions and verbal confidence in the topic.

AQA Changing Places A Level - Revision Game
This game is designed to function in the same way of girls magazines of the 00s!
The students highlight which sections of the topic they feel they need to revise based on statements written in the boxes.
Then, they count up the number of boxes with each icon (owl, boat etc.) and note that number below. Thus the students are supported to identify which section of the specification they need to focus on.
The third page indicates the icon meanings to teachers.

AQA Changing Places - Quick Quiz
This is a quiz that is designed to be used after the third/fourth lesson (early) in the topic.
16 questions supporting confidence with key terminology.

AQA A Level Changing Places Example Question PowerPoint
This PowerPoint includes 47 example questions that are past paper/specimen paper questions published by AQA.
My students find it incredibly helpful to have this PowerPoint printed 6 or 9 slides to a page and we annotate all questions as we move through the course.

AQA A Level Changing Places Test
A ready-to-print paper that includes a 6, 9 (figure) and 20-mark question.
Questions taken from AQA published past paper.

Key Stage 3, Introduction to Weather
One PowerPoint and two Word resources that support a Key Stage 3 class in identfying types of weather and applying their understanding of forecasting.