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Teacher for twenty year, mainly in the learning difficulties sector. Special interest in Information Communication Technology, employability related curriculum and maths. Experience working from Entry Level 1 to Level 2.




Teacher for twenty year, mainly in the learning difficulties sector. Special interest in Information Communication Technology, employability related curriculum and maths. Experience working from Entry Level 1 to Level 2.


PowerPoint with activities to develop team working skills and a reflection activity. Resource involve students working in small teams on a range of activities. Suitable for use with E3 to L2 students. Worksheet included for students to record answers.
World Religion Day

World Religion Day

PowerPoint (World Religion Day) providing information for World Religion Day and symbols and facts for the six main religions. Macro Enabled PowerPoint (A Question of Religion) that is an interactive quiz to follow the World Religion Day PowerPoint. The worksheet (A Question of Religion) can be used for learners to record their answers to the quiz.
Money Workbook - Notes and Coins

Money Workbook - Notes and Coins

Suitable for use with Entry 3 and Level 1 students. The workbook contains money problems using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2 coins. Plus money problems using £5, £10, £20, £50 notes. Money problems include: coin recognition; writing monetary amounts in figures and words; basic money addition increasing in value and difficulty; take away problems increasing in value and difficulty; word search; and crossword.
The Shopping Price is Right

The Shopping Price is Right

Useful resource for teaching independent living skills related to shopping and money management. Also useful team working activity. Could be used to follow up a practical shopping activity. Students work in teams to choose an items price. Teams will need to work together to decide on each items price and deduct points away the starting points allocated. Activity works really well with E2-L1 students. Included PowerPoint with links to questions and correct prices. Worksheet for recording answers.
End of year activities - Dingbats

End of year activities - Dingbats

End of term activity. Suitable for E3 to L1 students. Encourages students to: *read words and phrases; solve problems; communicate answers; write answers; record scores; feedback answers and scores; and work with peers appropriately. The PowerPoint will need macros to be enabled to allow the inbuilt timer to run. Notes are provided with the PowerPoint. Answers provided throughout and a worksheet is provided for students to record their answers.
Gardening Health and Safety Workbook

Gardening Health and Safety Workbook

Useful resource for taking students gardening in the community. Incorporates accident and fire precautions to be considered, use of equipment and tools, keeping work areas clean and tidy and behaviour whilst walking to and from the gardening location. Could be used as part of a volunteering activity, during Citizenship sessions or during work related activities,
End of Year Activities

End of Year Activities

These resources have been used with SEN, Entry Level and Level 1 students. Could be used for induction activities and tutorial activities also. Say What You See PowerPoint - 29 questions where students have to identify a familiar phrase represented by an image or text. Answers provided within the PowerPoint. This resource has been successfully used with SEN, Entry Level and Level 1 students. Create Your Own Superhero - ILT and Literacy resource that could be used as an end of term project. Pop Quiz Name The Hit - Macro enabled PowerPoint that plays 20 short music video clips. Students can work in small groups or individually to complete the quiz. Answers provided within the PowerPoint. This resource has been successfully used with SEN, Entry Level and Level 1 students.
New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions contains an interactive PowerPoint and activity worksheets to be used throughout the presentation. Additional activities have been incorporated to utilise as extension activities which are relevant to the theme and embed literacy and numeracy. Could be used during tutorial, tutor time, target/goal setting sessions and PSHE. Suitable for ages 11+.
End of term activity - Zentangling

End of term activity - Zentangling

Calming, relaxing activity suitable for end of term or during induction. Activity contains a PowerPoint, images, letters of the alphabet and tutor instructions. Suitable for use with children to adult age learners.
End of Year Activities - Movies Bundle

End of Year Activities - Movies Bundle

3 Resources
3 PowerPoint's with related activities. One PowerPoint quiz contains clips of movies with differentiated cards . Another PowerPoint quiz is based on pictures of actors and actresses with other related facts from movies. The third PowerPoint is based on facts and figures related to movies from 2016 with maths problems incorporated. All these activities involve students working in teams to complete the quizzes and will therefore naturally allow students to demonstrate and develop speaking and listening skills. These are all fun end of term activities that could be used with Entry Level, Level 1, 2, 3 students but could also be used during tutorial and induction.
Caring for clothes

Caring for clothes

This E2, E3 and L1 resource includes Smart Board activities and PowerPoint activities, a bingo activity, lesson plan and differentiated worksheets. The activities and worksheets include individual, pair and group work. Ideal for use in independent living sessions and sessions linked to the curriculum where students have to demonstrate the ability to care for clothes. Used in an observed session that was graded as very good.
End of term quiz - Who is my celebrity parent?

End of term quiz - Who is my celebrity parent?

Quiz that could be used in tutor time or as and end of term activity. Suitable for use with E1/2/3 and L1 students. Resource contains PowerPoint with answers included and sheet to record answers. Working in small teams will encourage and develop speaking and listening skills.
Money Workbook

Money Workbook

Suitable for use with Entry 1 and Entry 2 students. The workbook contains money problems using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p coins. Money problems include: coin recognition; writing monetary amounts in figures and words; basic money addition involving pence, progressing to tens; take away problems involving pence and progressing to tens; and a word search.
St David's Day

St David's Day

Resource for tutorial, tutor time, assembly or RE session. Includes PowerPoint with information, activities, quiz and worksheets. Suitable for E2-L1 students. PowerPoint quiz is interactive as by clicking on the choices the correct answer is revealed . Fun and enjoyable activity.
Customer Service Skills

Customer Service Skills

PowerPoint with information relating to customer service, additional task sheets and extension tasks. Perfect to use with students prior to or post work experience. Useful tasks for employability related units in the customer service industry. Extension tasks involve functional literacy development.
Multiplication Skills

Multiplication Skills

This resource works through the stages of multiplication from grouping, times tables, splitting method, lattice method and traditional method. Explanations are provided for multiplying numbers and decimals by ten, a hundred and a thousand. Fun facts and multiplying with fingers is also included. Six worksheets are provided for students to demonstrate the skills they have learnt whilst working through the PowerPoint Multiplication. The PowerPoint Multiplication with your fingers includes a video demonstrating this method and then sets a task where students devise their own method for multiplying using their fingers where they have to present this method to their group and produce a hand out detailing their method. A suitable resource for primary, secondary and older students.
Telling the Time Activities

Telling the Time Activities

Activity book contains the following: Draw the hands on the clock 12 hour and 24 hour clocks • The whole hour • Half past, quarter past, quarter to • Five minute and one minute intervals Matching digital times to analogue clocks • The whole hour • Half past, quarter past, quarter to • Five minute and one minute intervals Word search activity A3 clock face with minute and hour hands that can be laminated for wall display and for individual student use.
Tutorial Topics Whole Year

Tutorial Topics Whole Year

This document provides a structure for tutorial sessions. There are themes set by the tutor for national or international days, weeks and months and topics that can be selected by the student. This document provides a tracking system of themes and topics covered and the ability to have a different student as the chairperson for each session. This document can be easily added to or altered where required. Successfully used in observation sessions with E3 and L1 students.
End of Year Quiz - Name The Music Hit 2015-16

End of Year Quiz - Name The Music Hit 2015-16

This resource could be used as an end of year activity, induction activity or tutorial activity. Suitable for use with SEN, Entry Level and Levels 1-2. Name The Music Hit 2015-16 includes clips of music videos. Students have to guess the title of the hits from the clips played and record their answers on the worksheet included. This activity will work well with small teams or individual students. The resource includes a Macro Enabled PowerPoint with notes on how to run the presentation included and a blank answer sheet for student use to record their answers.