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Heart number representations 1-5
Heart number representations 1-5. Perfect to look at different represenations of each number. Can be used as a provision activity or used on a display.

Spring/ Summer flowers vocabulary mat
Spring/ Summer Flowers vocabulary mat. Perfect for printing off to support Spring/ Summer topics at school.

Valentines subitising cards
Valentines subitising cards (perfect to set up a maths activity and to add numerals to match how many hearts the children can see to the number.)

Valentines Funky Fingers Mat
Valentines funky fingers mat. Add some sparkly loose parts/ buttons and allow the children to place them on the lines with tweezers.

Rainbow Numbers 1-10
Rainbow numbers 1-10.
Help children to learn numbers in a fun way, perfect for classroom set ups.

All about the number 3
Children learn all about the number 3; understand what number 3 is; reprsesent the number 3; recognise the number 3 and write the numeral 3.

All about the number 2
Introducing children to the number 2, understanding what number 2 is; representing 2; writing the numeral 2 and understanding that 2 is a pair.

Introducing patterns EYFS Reception Autumn 1
Introducing children in Reception to patterns and exploring different kinds of patterns e.g. AB, ABC patterns.

Comparing groups of objects EYFS Reception
Autumn 1 planning- Maths weekly plan that looks at comparing groups of objects using the language of comparison more than, fewer than and equal to.

Key areas of provision in EYFS (Reception)
A document that provides detail and support of key areas of provision in a Reception class. Lots of information about significant areas of provision; resources and why the areas are important/ what key skills children will develop from each area.