Visual Timetable
Visual timetable cards. Designed in pastel colours.
Christmas Quizzes
This resources contains 7 short quizzes which can be used as short starters or completed as a large quiz. The different quizzes it contains are:
Christmas Film Characters (contains characters from modern and older films)
Christmas anagrams
Christmas Surveys (Similar to family fueds - pupils have to pick what they think the most popular answer is)
Christmas song lyrics - pupils have to name the song the lyrics come from.
Christmas Around the World - a challenging trivia quiz about Christmas traditions around the world. This could be simplified by giving pupils multiple choice.
Merry Christmas in Different languages - pupils have to match the greeting to the language it is written in.
Christmas True or False - a short T or F quiz
I have also included an answer sheet if this required. It is marked out of 88 and allows pupils to keep track of their scores as they go and they can add totals up at the end.
Christmas Literacy Starters.
10 x Christmas literacy starters covering spelling, grammar, writing and talking & listening (KS2 or 2nd Level)
Five Digit Numbers Place Value & Ordering
This resource revises the place value of five digit whole numbers. It also covers writing five digit numbers in words and ordering five digit numbers.
L'Halloween - Halloween French Vocab Resource
This resource teaches some key Halloween French vocabulary. It then contains links to 6 different games via QR codes. Pupils can play the games independently by scanning the QR code or the games can be played as a whole class on an interactive whiteboard by clicking on the QR codes (they are hyperlinks).
There are also 6 follow up worksheets that learners can choose from.
French Beginners Resource Pack
This pack includes 64 page teaching slides on 6 different lessons.
Lesson 1: Greetings and Introductions
Lesson 2: Greetings & Introductions
Lesson 3: Numbers & Ages
Lesson 4: Colours
Lesson 5: Weather
Lesson 6: My Family
Within the slides, there are vocab for learners to revise and copy and some activities which can be completed as a whole class.
This resource also includes 10 pages of different worksheets that can be used to supplement the slides.