IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT / REVIEW. I SHARE MY RESOURCES ITS ALL I ASK word memory starter or plenary, can be tailored to any specific area and also some key word presentation slides, that is designed as a fun test, but again can be changed. Was used for Chinese students but a good way of checking retained terminology
An interactive presentation on the different business functions that organisations have. This includes 3 videos on sales, production and human resources and both a teacher and student copy of the presentation. There is also a few work sheets and a presentation to run through the answers of the mix and match plenary. It is a basic class this but effective I have found. I can’t upload the videos to here, so I’ll chuck them on Youtube and post a word document with the links to the videos on there.
Hope it saves you some time. Pat
A introduction to organisational structures where students must build pyramids from cups as a starter activity, then there is an animated demonstration of the span of control, chain of command etc.. I used this for AS students in China, but I feel it is more suited to that of a KS4 student. Complete with task book.
I hope this comes in useful
Presentation and the rules to one of the most enjoyable classes I have come across, students will have to make shapes to exchange these shapes for money, mirroring production of goods from raw materials in the real world. Each team represents a country, it will enable students to learn about the WTO and the IMF through kinaesthetic learning styles. I would recommend buying some fake money to do this game, monopoly set should suffice.
IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT / REVIEW. I SHARE MY RESOURCES ITS ALL I ASK Introduction to Demand factors, using the Amazon fire and the i-Pad. The presentation is very animated, and the Kindle Fire and the i-pad are hot topics right now so this may help students to grasp the rudiments of demand factors.
Please review or leave feedback, I share my resources it’s all I ask in return. The hot seat is a kinesthetic activity where students are placed in the hot seat and asked to try and guess the words other students have specified on the board relating to any particular topic, marketing for example. This activity can be used to test both your G&T students and you SEL, basically every student across the board, a differentiated task for checking retention and understanding from all involved. Complete with countdown sound clip and it is fully animated with timing in place.
IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT / REVIEW. I SHARE MY RESOURCES ITS ALL I ASK An introduction lesson with examples and interactive activities to introduce niche markets
Animated presentation on the various stlyes of leadership. This was used for AS students in China but will also be useful for KS4 students
A pretty basic PowerPoint, that covers required areas with a definition and some nice images to boot. By all means change and tailor this to suit the needs of your learners, I used this for Chinese students who’s language is not quite there yet, so it was kept simple, but effective. PLEASE REVIEW IT.
Hope t helps. Pat
IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS REVIEW IT PLEASE, I share my resources its all I ask in return. a sheet of a4 images with titles, i.e. a penguin with the word resilience, then another card, that will explain this and mention other key words that could be used. Covers sample types, break even, leadership etc.. Perfect for revision. I have used this as a game where students play each other turning 2 cards over at a time in order to try and get a pair, by turning the image(title) and the explanation together, the one with the most pairs at the end wins. Feedback welcome :-)
IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT / REVIEW. I SHARE MY RESOURCES ITS ALL I ASK Covers many areas of unit 1 AS busines. Break even, business plan, sources of finance etc.... Hope it is useful, plus the first 9 questions are from actual AS papers.
Starts off with a guess the hardware quiz, students do their best to get as many as they can, then they have a "Give On Get One" activity to see how many more they can get. Run through some answers. Then students do a digital mix and match activity that is self marking, and gives good opportunity for progress. We run though some answers with traffic light indicators. Then students use whiteboards, or blank paper to answer 3 questions relating to hardware, that they may not know. Fox task research for peer learning. Plenary is to ask both same and similar questions on the hardware, now they should be able to answer well.
I can't take all the credit for this as the mix and match resource was pulled off TES. Do check my other resources
A brief introduction to Python Turtle, which includes sequencing and also mini whiteboard plenaries. A novice teacher to Python will be able to deliver this effectively and extend the tasks to draw interesting pictures.. Please buy this, I have a staff night out coming up :-(
Moc Exam based on the New Balance pre-release. Should help familiarize your students with the case study and preemptively prepare for certain questions.
I have provided a K, AP, AN, E based answer where students have to identify what area of the answer attains these marks. Through their ability to identify this in others answers will in turn become a safeguarding mechanism so they do it in their own.
An interesting presentation using fruit as a hook to demonstrate different economic systems from market, to planned and mixed. This also covers a little on international trade and embargo too, nice images throughout and ultimately it should save you some time, give it a go, and as always feedback welcome, let me know how the fruit bit goes PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW
A brief into to Python getting students to use whiteboards to create and break codes, and identifying that when codes are not inputted exact the output wont work. Students use whiteboards / possibly traffic light cards to make this, somewhat dry topic, quite kinaesthetic and engaging. They will Print and store variables through the lesson.
This gave a broad assessment approach to testing understanding from the KS3 Representation of Data unit.
This is complete with an assessment pyramid and contains Included is assessment on types of data, binary, digital images, digital sound and logic gates.