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Magic Moments Resources

Primary School Teacher. Years 4, 5, 6 and Reception. Whole School English Coordinator and experience leading: Mental Health and Well-being, British Values and Humanities. Currently teaching in Year 4

Primary School Teacher. Years 4, 5, 6 and Reception. Whole School English Coordinator and experience leading: Mental Health and Well-being, British Values and Humanities. Currently teaching in Year 4
KS2 Emotive Vocabulary List

KS2 Emotive Vocabulary List

Tired of searching for synonyms of emotive words for your lessons? Want a quick and easy list that can act as a table resource for students? Maybe you want to create a whole class/school display centered around emotive vocabulary. This list focuses on 6 emotions: happy, sad, angry,worried/scared, shocked and confused. The lists provide synonyms for each emotion (progressively become more challenging and rich). Words such as: morose, disconsolate,perturbed, aggrieved, enraptured, perplexed, abject
KS2 Orienteering Dragon Egg Hunt

KS2 Orienteering Dragon Egg Hunt

This bundle has everything you need to execute your very own Dragon Hunt! A letter from Professor Horn arrives in your classroom and it is the children’s mission to find the dragon eggs ( located around the school grounds) in order to crack the code to help save the last remaining dragon egg ( a balloon in a box in your classroom). Children LOVE this activity and it has really nice link with PE and team/ partner work. I used this to introduce our Vikings topic ( How to Train Your Dragon), but it has scope for mythical creatures etc… This pack includes: 10 x Dragon eggs with clues 1 x code cracking sheet to print for paired work 1 x example of school map 1 x letter from Professor ‘Horn’ (can be edited) 1 x letter for office for final clue Top secret labels All you will need is: a rough map/ outline of your school ( example attached), a box and a padlock! All resources are editable and can be snipped onto a SMART NOTEBOOK with ease.
KS2 Harry Potter themed Display Vocabulary

KS2 Harry Potter themed Display Vocabulary

Harry Potter KS2 Vocabulary. This pack contains vocabulary associated with the Harry Potter texts. Words such as: captivating, beguiling,formidable… It’s a great way to start building on children’s vocabulary and will make an appealing display in the classroom. The pack includes colour-coded words for negative and positive connotations and also title lettering. This display can be teamed with a ‘Brickwall’ background, which will look super cool and give that Diagon Alley effect. I used this for my Year 5 Best of British Topic, where we explored the British author- J.K.Rowling- and studied Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as our Literacy text. The children were constantly looking at the display for ideas when writing.
KS2 Tudor Display Vocabulary and Title

KS2 Tudor Display Vocabulary and Title

This display bundle contains vocabulary associated with the the Tudors/ Monarchs and a ‘Monarchs’ title for a display board. Words such as: reign, regal, superior are included in the pack. This vocabulary can be printed and attached to/or around your display board as a starter to the topic. I used this with my Year 4 class and they were always keen to refer to the vocabulary throughout the topic. All resources are PDF so easy to edit/ add to.