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One stop Assembly Shop

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(based on 22 reviews)

Fed up of dull, boring assemblies? Tired of scrolling through news websites each week looking for inspiration? Yes me too... I believe in short (10 minute max) punchy assemblies that have an impact. The slides are designed to have key points on only offering clean visuals and no clutter for students. The 'how to' guide will enable you to deliver these simple effective messages and importantly save you time!




Fed up of dull, boring assemblies? Tired of scrolling through news websites each week looking for inspiration? Yes me too... I believe in short (10 minute max) punchy assemblies that have an impact. The slides are designed to have key points on only offering clean visuals and no clutter for students. The 'how to' guide will enable you to deliver these simple effective messages and importantly save you time!
Ambition - Assembly

Ambition - Assembly

Ambition/ Goals/ Future/ Secondary/ Primary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Students often associate ambition with ‘power’ or ‘wealth’. This assembly looks at what ambition actually is and states examples ranging from Alexander the Great to Dolly Parton. It looks at where ambition comes from and characteristics of ambitious people. It then finishes by asking the students to think about their futures and any ambitions they might have. The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking!
Self-belief - Assembly

Self-belief - Assembly

Self-belief/ Self-worth/ Give up/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Lots of students seem to really struggle with their self-worth and self-belief, this seems to be down to the simplest of task in a lesson where you hear ‘I’ll never get this’ or ‘I’ve given up’. The assembly looks at what self-belief is, why it worth and how students can improve it. It asks them to be self-reflective of where they currently are and ends with a nice easy take away message. The pack contains: Full power point with hyper link A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
Overcoming adversity - Assembly

Overcoming adversity - Assembly

Super human/ Barriers/ Adversity/ Sport/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Only one place to start here… the Paralympics. This assembly looks at the most successful British Paralympians and what difficulties they had to overcome in order to be successful. It ask the students to think over their own adversity and whether they dealt with it in a positive or negative way. It then looks around why a positive mindset can support students to overcome adversity in their lives. The assembly also enables you to input specific support you school can offer to help students overcome any issues they may have. The pack contains: Full power point with hyperlink A ‘how to use’ guide with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Motivation - Assembly

Motivation - Assembly

Motivation/ Internal/ External/ Goals/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly Some students have endless motivation whereas some students seem to really struggle. This assembly ask the students to really think about what they are motivated by. It looks at internal and external factors that can motivate students and gives the them 5 ways in which they can positively motivate themselves to achieve either short term or long term targets or goals. It finishes with a clear question for the students to leave on. The pack contains: Full power point with notes where necessary A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking!
Revenge 'A dish best served cold' - Assembly

Revenge 'A dish best served cold' - Assembly

Revenge/ Conflict/ Insults/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas It is hard even as an adult not to react in certain situations and ‘be the bigger person’. Imagine if you throw high levels of peer pressure and damage to ‘reputation’ into the mix and it’s no wonder our students struggle in these situations. This assembly looks at some headlines around revenge from both inside and outside of school settings, gives practical advice students can use for conflict resolution and looks at how as humans it is normal to feel a specific way in situations where you feel hard done by. It also looks at how students can break the cycle in regards to ‘revenge’ in school. The pack contains: A full power point with notes where needed A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking!
Words hurt - Assembly

Words hurt - Assembly

Words/ language/ Positive/ Negative/ Talking/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Students often find themselves in verbal conflict with other students. These conflicts often involve ‘throw away’ comments simply designed to upset or offend the other person with no consideration of the long lasting effect their choice of words could have. This assembly looks at why as humans we are quick to use negative or derogatory words and looks at the lasting damage these exchanges can have. It then goes onto look at the way using positive words and language can have a huge bearings on us personally and those around us. It also has a tough video to watch which shows strangers reactions to the worst comment others have have said about them. The assembly finishes with a challenge for the students. The pack contans: Full power point with notes on certain slide and hyper link to video A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking!
The need for honesty - Assembly

The need for honesty - Assembly

Honesty/ Being honest/ Lying/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Students often finds themselves in positions where it is much easier to ‘lie’ or ‘bend the truth’ about a situation rather than take ownership and be truthful. The assembly looks at what lying is, why we do it as humans and the potential complications it can cause. It gives advice about how to tell if someone is lying and talks around the theme of the person lying trying to control the narrative in a situation. The pack contains: Full power point A word document containing - synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
Why do we need a uniform? - Assembly

Why do we need a uniform? - Assembly

Uniform/ Smart/ Dress/ Image/ Fast fashion/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly Students tend to ask this simple questions a lot, the usual response is because it makes you look ‘smart’. This assembly looks at historically why uniforms exist and several reasons why a uniform can have a positive impact on students ranging from creating a specific image and avoiding issues around fast fashion. The assembly finishes with a simple message for students about how the little things such as uniform can have a big influence on their future. The pack contains: A full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
Extreme weather - assembly

Extreme weather - assembly

Heat/ Weather/ self care/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly Year upon year we all have those students who even in extreme heat play football or run around for the entirety of their lunch time (and then wonder why they feel unwell). This assembly looks and talks through extreme weather phenomenon’s and links it back to how students can ensure they are looking after themselves during unstructured times. It looks at the issues around dehydration and heat stroke and gives useful practical advise for how student can navigate the ever increasing ‘hot’ temperatures The pack contains: Full power point with hyperlink A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
Transition Year 6 into 7 - Assembly

Transition Year 6 into 7 - Assembly

Transition/ Year 6/ Secondary school/ First day/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school Undoubtably the transition from Year 6-7 can be an incredibly overwhelming and ‘scary’ time for students. This assembly aims to reassure all students by normalising the fear of the unknown and offers practical advice for making the transition as smooth as possible. The assembly also offers plenty of chances for the students to mingle and start the process of learning to communicate effectively with other students (and hopefully develop some positive first impressions). The pack contains: Full power point with notes and hyperlink A word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
The Mathematics behind 'lateness' - Assembly

The Mathematics behind 'lateness' - Assembly

Late/ On time/ Speed/ Distance/ Time/ Whole school/ Primary/ Secondary/ Assembly We all have the same students that are late usually after non structured times i.e. first thing in the morning, after break or after lunch. The idea of the assembly is therefore to look at the Mathematics behind this and explore why these students find themselves in this position. The assembly works on the relationship between speed, distance and time and enables you to customise to suit your school needs to really drive home this message in a very factual way. The pack contains: A full power point A ‘how to use’ word document containing synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Please do review if you enjoyed using the assembly. Thanks for looking!
The power of sleep - Assembly

The power of sleep - Assembly

Sleep/ Switched on/ charging/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This assembly is all about the importance of sleep, sleep and more sleep. More and more students seem to be burning the midnight oil on video games/ social media and not really understanding the impact a lack of sleep is having on their body and their brain! It looks at the worrying facts around sleep in the UK, how the sleep cycle works and importantly focusses on five key benefits of getting a good nights kip. It finishes with some simple ways in which students can easy and instantly improve their sleep. The pack contains: A power point with hyperlinks and notes A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Mental health day

Mental health day

Mental health/ Talking/ Stigma/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas ‘I’m fine’ a common response to mental health but what does it really mean? This assembly is about the importance of mental health and about inviting them to open up and talk about their own mental health. The assembly continues by looking at what mental health is some alarming statistics that show the size of the issue and stigma’s around mental health. It finishes by giving you a free slide to look at what your school is doing to support students and staff’s mental well being and resilience. The pack contains: Full power point with hyper link A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas.
Circular economy (reusing) - Assembly

Circular economy (reusing) - Assembly

Reuse/ Circular economy/ Second hand/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Do your students know what this is? The assembly starts with a quiz which asks questions around the second hand UK market and the staggering impact circular economy has on this. The assembly continues to look at how some amazing companies that are finding inventive ways to recycle and reuse items. It then gives you a chance to add the ways your school is embracing this idea and any local schemes that students can get involved with. The pack contains: Full power point with hyper links A ‘How to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
Repurposing and adaptation - Assembly

Repurposing and adaptation - Assembly

Repurpose/ Reuse/ Adapting/ Resilience/ Creativity/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Can you guess the original purpose of common items such as Bubble wrap and the Slinky? This assembly looks at 4 common items what they were originally designed for and how they have been repurposed to great success and effect. The assembly then looks at the importance of adaptation, resilience and creativity in each of these cases and looks at how these traits can be replicated inside and outside of school life The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
Owning who you are - Assembly bundle

Owning who you are - Assembly bundle

4 Resources
Being you/ Comfortable/ Skin/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This bundle is all about ensuring students understand the simple message that they can be whoever and whatever they want to be. We are all different in some ways, but similar in far many more. The pack contains assemblies on: Celebrating individuality Comparing yourself to others Thinking for yourself Peer pressure Thanks for looking
Key occasions - Assembly bundle

Key occasions - Assembly bundle

17 Resources
Occasions/ Celebrations/ Year/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas: Have an assembly ready at your fingertips for most big occasions throughout the year in one easy bundle! Pack contains: September: European Day of languages - 26th October: Halloween around the world - 31st November: Diwali - 4th Bonfire night - 5th December: Christmas being thankful - 25th Christmas traditions around the world January: New years resolutions - 1st Chinese new year - 22nd Martin Lurther King day - 3rd Monday February: Valentines day - 14th March: St David’s day - 1st World book day - 3rd St Patrick’s day - 17th April: Easter around the world - 9th May: World Bee day - 20th June: Fathers day around the world - 3rd Sunday July: World chocolate day - 7th August: International lefthanders day - 13th Thanks for looking!
Thinking - Assembly bundle

Thinking - Assembly bundle

4 Resources
Thinking/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This pack is all about encouraging students to make their own decisions and looks at how students can respond to feedback given by teachers:- The pack contains assemblies on: Rumours and gossip Thinking before speaking Thinking your yourself Responding to feedback Thanks for looking
Christmas and New Year - Assembly bundle

Christmas and New Year - Assembly bundle

4 Resources
Christmas/ New Year/ Celebration/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Celebrate the holiday in style with this pack of Christmas and New Year assemblies. The pack contains: A powerful being thankful message Traditions from around the world A Maths - 12 days of Christmas New Years resolutions Thanks for looking
Being a role model  - Assemblies bundle

Being a role model - Assemblies bundle

5 Resources
Leadership/ Role model/ setting an example/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This bundle is all about your students learning how to become a positive role model. The assemblies are based on: How everyone can be a leader/ role model Having the courage to fail Manners and etiquette Failing to prepare Peer pressure (how to deal with it) All of these key messages will help your students to become positive members of the school community. Thanks for looking