I'm the subject leader and teacher for Computing at my school. I teach Computing to all primary ages and upload the planning and resources that I use to teach. I also provide a range of subject leadership documents and resources to support running the subject and supporting teaching and learning.
I'm the subject leader and teacher for Computing at my school. I teach Computing to all primary ages and upload the planning and resources that I use to teach. I also provide a range of subject leadership documents and resources to support running the subject and supporting teaching and learning.
As above.
Three lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills relating to using Multiplication Arrays, Factors and Square Numbers. Includes differentiated resources for all levels of ability. Also includes an assessment activity.
1: To know multiplication facts. (Reasoning)
2: To find factor pairs. (Fluency)
3: To know square numbers. (Problem Solving/Reasoning)
As above.
Four lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills relating to Translations and Coordinates. These lessons focus upon teaching children to use a coordinates to grid to initially translate a point of a single quadrant grid and then 2d shapes. Also includes a lesson on forming polygons on a grid, using coordinates. Includes differentiated resources for all levels of ability and notebook files for modeling.
1: To use coordinates on a grid to form polygons. (Problem Solving)
2: To describe the movement of points on a grid. (Fluency)
3: To translate shapes on a grid. (Fluency)
4. To use angles to classify shapes. (Reasoning)
As above.
Four lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills relating to telling the time to the nearest five and one minutes, converting between time measures and 12hr, 24hr, analogue and digital times. These lessons focus upon teaching children to firstly tell the time on an analogue clock with increasing accuracy, also involving clocks with roman numerals. Before moving onto fluently reading and converting time, between different formats and units of measure. Includes differentiated resources for all levels of ability and notebook files for each lesson modeling concepts and activities.
1: To tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. (Fluency)
2: To tell the time to the nearest minute. (Fluency)
3: To convert between analogue, digital and 24 hour times (Reasoning)
4. To convert between different units of measure. (Problem Solving)
An assessment activity for children to complete independently.
Assesses the unit of work which teaches Place Value in 4 digit numbers.
An assessment activity for children to complete independently.
Assesses the unit of work which teaches Place Value and Roman Numerals
As above.
Four lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills all relating to 4 digit numbers. Includes resources (additional resources required for lesson 3: hand out with values for Roman Numerals to 100 and a worksheet for children to read and convert numerals into Arabic Numbers - resources freely available online), notebook files for modelling and toolkits. Also includes an assessment activity.
1: To find 10, 100 and 1000 more than a 4 digit number. (Fluency)
2: To find 1000 more and less than a 4 digit number. (Reasoning)
3: To read Roman numerals to 100. (Fluency)
4: To read and use Roman numerals to 100. (Problem Solving/Reasoning)
As above.
Four lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills relating to angles, types of angles and position. These lessons focus upon teaching children to identify different types of angles using what they already know about right angles and also to sort, compare and order angles based upon estimations of their size. Includes differentiated resources for all levels of ability and notebook files for modeling.
1: To recognise different types of angles.(Fluency)
2: To compare angles. (Fluency)
3: To order sets of angles. (Fluency)
4. To use angles to classify shapes. (Reasoning)
As above.
Four lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills relating to finding fractions, fractions of amounts and equivalent fractions. These lessons focus upon teaching children to identify unit and non-unit fractions using shapes and then to find matching equivalent fractions and reason about what they have found. Children also learn to find a fraction of a number or amount. Includes differentiated resources for all levels of ability and some notebook files for modeling.
1: To find fractions of shapes. (Fluency)
2: To find the area of regular 2D shapes . (Fluency)
3: To find the area of compound shapes. (Reasoning)
4. To find the area of triangles. (Problem Solving)
As above.
Four lessons teaching a Written Method for Addition; this being the Compact Column Addition written method. These lessons focus upon teaching year four children to use the compact written method to add up to 4 digits where carrying across columns is needed. Lessons begin with looking at carrying in 3-digit numbers before progressing onto pairs of three digit numbers with multiple carrying and then onto 4-digit numbers with multiple carrying also. Includes toolkits, differentiated resources for all levels of ability and notebook files for modeling.
To add numbers up to 3 digits, involving carrying tens, using the formal written method. (Fluency)
To add numbers up to 3 digits, involving carrying tens and hundreds, using the formal written method. (Fluency)
To add pairs of 3-digit numbers, involving carrying, using the formal column method. (Fluency)
To add pairs of 4-digit numbers, involving carrying, using the formal column method. (Fluency)
As above.
Four lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills relating to finding the area of squares, rectangles, composite 2D shapes, compound shapes and triangles. These lessons focus upon teaching children to use squares to count the area inside shapes before moving on to relate this process to arrays and apply knowledge of repeated addition and multiplication to the process. Includes differentiated resources for all levels of ability and some notebook files for modelling.
1: To find the area of squares and rectangles. (Fluency)
2: To find the area of regular 2D shapes . (Fluency)
3: To find the area of compound shapes. (Reasoning)
4. To find the area of triangles. (Problem Solving)
As above.
Two lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills relating to statistics and interpreting two-way tables and timetables. These lessons focus upon teaching children to interpret the information in a table or timetable and then using the the information they find to reason and solve problems. Includes differentiated resources for all levels of ability and some notebook files and PowerPoints for modeling.
1: To interpret data in a two-way table. (Fluency and Problem Solving)
2: To interpret information in a timetable. (Reasoning and Problem Solving)
As above.
Five lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills all relating to 4 digit numbers. Includes all resources (additional worksheets may be required for lesson 1 if you do not have access to B10 - resources freely available online), notebook files for modelling and toolkits. Also includes an assessment activity to gauge the children’s retention of the teaching across all areas: Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.
1: To recognise place value in 4 digit numbers (Fluency)
2: To represent and estimate place value using arrays (Reasoning/Problem Solving)
3: To compare 4 digit numbers (Fluency)
4: To order sets of 4 digit numbers (Problem Solving)
5: To count in multiples of 1000 (Reasoning)
As above.
Four lessons covering a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills relating to fractions and the conversion of Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions. These lessons focus upon teaching children to convert both types of number before being shown how to apply those skills to reason and solve problems. Includes differentiated resources for all levels of ability and notebook files and PowerPoints for each lesson to model the key information and strategies.
1: To convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. (Fluency)
2: To convert mixed numbers to improper fractions. (Fluency)
3. To be able to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers. (Reasoning)
4. To solve problems involving improper fractions and mixed numbers. (Problem Solving)
As titled.
An activity, aimed at year 4, to extend children’s thinking about subtracting fractions from more than a whole. This could be used as an assessment or an activity at the end of a lesson based around subtracting fractions with the same denominators.
Children will need to have explored how fractions make a whole and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Useful as a step before mixed number and improper fractions which they would explore in year 5.
Aimed at Year 4; a notebook file containing Base 10 and Place Value counter images for teaching place value.
Simple but effective, a great visual support for LA chn and visual learners.
An assessment activity for children to complete independently.
Assesses Decimal Place Value, Decimal Fraction Equivalence and Comparing Decimals.
Includes assessment for Greater Depth understanding.
As titled.
An activity, aimed at year 4, to extend children’s thinking about adding fractions with the same denominators. This compare two addition situations where the answers have different denominators. Children still need to use the skills learned to add the fractions, but must apply their knowledge of fractions in order to compare accurately. This could be used as an assessment or an activity at the end of a lesson based around subtracting fractions with the same denominators.
Children will need to have explored how to compare fractions that have different denominators and addition of fractions with the same denominator. Useful as a step before finding the lowest common multiple to compare fractions which they would explore in year 5.