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Are you looking for an engaging exothermic and endothermic reaction to beef up your lessons? This resource might just be what you need. The lesson offers opportunity for students to read a passage about endothermic and exothermic reaction, complete a post reading worksheet and do a simple but effective experiment to solidify their understanding of the concepts.
Whats included in the resource?
Exothermic & Endothermic Reaction Reading Page
Post Reading Worksheet
Experiment 1 and 2 labsheet
Lab guide
Mini Cards
Teacher Guide
Answer keys.
See preview to for sample sheets and answer keys
In this part, students will read key information about heat energy being absorbed or released. They will learn about everyday examples of this phenomenon and how they are applied to the benefit of humans.
After the reading, students will complete a worksheet to evaluate their understanding.
Experiment 1: Students will complete an experiment aout baking soda and vinegar. They will write down their observations of reaction.
Experiment 2: Students will do a lab about mixing an acid and a magnesium metal and record their observations onto their lab sheet.
Endo and ExothermicProduct Design
In this part, students will design and draw a prototype of a product that uses either endothermic or exothermic reactions. They will then explain how their product works and how it benefits people.
Mini Cards:
These are optional cards with additional examples of endothermic and exothermic reactions. Students will work in groups to group these cards into endo and exothermic reactions.
I am very confident that this resource will light the flame under your students and turn your heat unit into one both you and they will love. The resource provides opportunuties for reading, collaboration and inquiry whilst saving valuable time for the teacher.
Thanks and have an amazing class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Turn your next Action Potential lesson into easy rather than complicated with this carefully designed resource that will sure to excite your students. The resource simplifies the often dreaded and complicated topic of action potential into logical steps. You students will get the opportunity…
Understand key terms related to action potential
Learn about phases of action potential
Learn about synaptic transduction(transmission) for excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters.
What’s included in the resource?
Action Potential Crossword Worksheet
Action Potential worksheet ( Part 1 )
Action Potential worksheet ( Part 2 )
Answer Key
Teacher Guide
***Please see preview to check sample worksheets ***
The crossword worksheet:
This part allows students to learn definitions of key terms by completing a crossword activity. The fun nature helps to reduce the intimidating perceptions that many students have about the topic. It is also perfect for your early finishers and great for review.
Action Potential worksheet 1 and 2
In this part, students explore the following:
How signals travel along an axon of a neuron (action potential )
How signals travel between neurons ( synaptic transmission/transduction)
I have included answer keys and teacher guide to help the lesson successful. ***Please check preview to see answer key ***
I am confident that this resource will be a great addition to your action potential unit. It requires little to no preparation which is a win for the teacher. Students will get to explore a beautiful yet often misunderstood ( and dreaded) topic in an engaging way. I know this action potential resource will prove valuable to you now and for years to come.
8 - 12
Thanks and have an wonderful class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Magnetic Force, Fields and Earth's Magnetic Field
Are you looking for simple yet effective resource that covers magnetic field lines, Earth’s magnetic fields, electromagnets and particles within a magnetic field? This resource might just be what you need.
What’s included?
Magnetic Field worksheets (1 page)
Reading Comprehension about Earth’s magnetic field (1 page)
Charged particles within magnetic field( 1 page)
Answer keys
Teacher guide
Please see preview to check sample sheets.
Grade 7 to 9
This resource can be used as end of unit assessment of your learners’ undertstanding of the topic or part of an on-going lesson. The examples and style are student-friendly with images and diagrams. I am confident that this resource will be a great addition to your magnetism unit as it has been for many years in my own classroom.
Thanks and have an amazing class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Sense Organs ( Smell, Tatse & Touch ) Multiple Activity Lesson
Teach the sense of smell, touch and taste with this fun and engaging resource. It is designed to inject excitement and laughter into the learning process while also helping students to learn important concepts.
Topics covered include:
structure and parts of the tongue
structure and parts of the skin
olfactory structure and the nasal cavity
taste buds
survival benefits of each sense organ
receptors : chemoreceptors,thermoreceptors and so on.
Please see preview for sample sheets
Students will have the opportunity to:
learn through experience
collaborate with others
use their senses to determine unknown items
1.The Activities:
Each of the three sense organs ( smell, taste and touch) have one fun activity for students to explore further.
Smell: Students smell 6 unkown items and predict what they might be.
Taste: Some students taste food with their eyes closed and predict what they might be.
Touch: Pair of students touch unkown objects hidden in a box and predict what they might be.
What’s included in the reource?
1.Sense organ worksheets ( colored & B&W versions)
2.Activity guide and tips
3.Answer keys
4.Teacher Note
I am confident this resource will be a wonderful addition to your sense organ unit. Students will have fun while learning through collaboration. There’s very little preparation involved which save valuable time for the teacher.
8 - 12
Thanks and have an wonderful class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Conduction Convection Radiation ( Heat Energy Transfer)
Looking for simple and effective resource to teach conduction convection radiation? This resource got you covered. It provides opportunity fo your learners to read read about importance of heat transfer and the three types of heat transfer mentioned above. There’s also a post reading worksheet to evaluate learners’ understanding of the concepts. Finally, learners get to identify the mode of heat transfer in different everyday situations.
*Please see preview for sample sheets and answer keys
What’s included in this resource?
Heat Transfer Reading Sheet
Post Reading Worksheet
Identifying Heat Movement Worksheet (colored , B&W versions )
8 Mini Cards(colored , B&W versions )
Answer Keys
Reading Comprehension:
In this part, learners read about conduction, convection and radiation. By the end, they will know the mechanism and examples of each type of heat transfer.
Post Reading Sheet
In this part, students group descriptive statements under the appropriate type of heat transfer. They also, explain with their own examples the role of heat transfer in phase change.
Identifying Heat Movement Worksheet
In this part, students examine the mode of heat transfer in different situations. They then check the types they see and explain their choices.
Mini Cards
This is an optional activity that provide opportunity for group sharing and collaboration. I may be used in place of the worksheet ( #3). Here, student groups identify how heat is flowing on 8 mini cards. More information in teacher guide.
Grade 6 -9
This resource will engage your learners whilst they learn to master the concept of heat transfer. They can be used as end of unit assessment or part of an on-going lesson. There’s very little preparation needed on the part of the teacher which is a win! I am confident it will be a great addition to your heat unit.
Thanks and have an amazing class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Dichotomous Keys Worksheets
Are you looking for an engaging/ student-friendly resource to teach Dichotomous Keys. The resource contains 4 versions of worksheets each with black and white options.
Please see preview for sample sheets and answer keys
1. Create a dichotomous Key Worksheets:
There are 3 versions of this worksheet: a) Animal only b) Plant only & c) Monsters. Each version comes with a black and white option. The worksheets provide students the opportunity to classify organisms by creating a flow chart and a dichotomous key. This is great for individual work.
In case you want your learners to collaborate in groups, I have included organism cards that your learners may use to create a poster instead.
**See sample work in preview ***
2. Identify the organism worksheet
In this worksheet, students will identify some organisms using an already made dichotomous key. In so doing, they apply the concepts they have previously learned.
Objectives :
Students will be able to ;
Create a flow chart and dichotomous key to classify organisms
Use dichotomous key to identify organisms
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of dichotomous keys.
Grades 9 through 12
I truly believe you will find this resource valuable and will help you learners master the topic of dichotomous key.
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Get this ready to use, engaging activity to teach protein sysnthesis to your students. This resource is designed to help your students apply and see protein synthesis in action. Check out preview for detailed description.
It is a 2 part activity which includes:
Part 1: Deteriming the traits of 2 children
In this part, students will transcribe a DNA template strand and translate the mRNA codes into the appropriate amino acid chain. They will then determine the traits(gene type) that this amino acid chain corresponds to. The table for the 6 traits are included in students worksheet as well as the genetic code chart.
Materials Needed:
Colored pencil
Part 2: Post Activity Questions
This part includes includes 12 questions relating to protein synthesis and mutation of genes. This can be used as an evaluation to guage students’ mastery of the topic.
All answer keys are included as well. Check preview to see answer keys.
This resource is best suited for grades 9 to 12 students.
Turn protein synthesis from a complex and often boring topic into one that you and your students love. This resource will certainly help you reach that goal. I hope you find them helpful just as I have in my classroom.
I would love to hear from you at eazyscience221@gmail.com. Have a great class.

Learned and Innate Animal Behaviours
Teach animal behaviors with this 3 part lesson that links the topic to key biological concept of natural selection and inheritance. This resource incorporate labs, reading and student group discussions on learned vs innate behaviors.
What’s included in this resource?
Habituation Labsheet (options1:Live millipede lab , 2: Picture lab, no animals)
Millipede “Picture Lab” sheets
Learned Vs Innate behavior worksheets (colored and B&W versions included)
Learned behaviors Reading Sheet
Learned behaviors Worksheets
Answer keys
Teacher Guide
***Check the preview to see sample works and answer keys
PART 1: Habituation in Millipedes Lab
Students observe habituation in live millipede.They will tap the animal and observe and record its response for 8 trials. I have included a version that uses images of the animals and doesn’t require live millipedes. See preview.
Part 2: Learned Vs Innate Behavior
Students will classify animal behaviors as strictly learned, strictly innate or Both learned & innate. Afterwards, they will explain the survial benefits of the behavior to the animal that show it.
Part 3: Learned behavior Reading
In this part, students will read about imprinting, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and habituation. When finished they will complete a worksheet to evaluate their understanding of the reading text.
I have included teacher guide and ANSWER KEYS to all the worksheets to help guide the teacher and make the lesson a success.
Turn animal behavior unit into a lesson that you and your kids will enjoy. There is opportunity for group work, discussions, and active learning activies through out this lesson. I am confident that this resource will prove valuable to you for many years to come. Thanks and have an amazing class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Biomes and Climate Change
Are you looking for a biome resource that perfectly connects to climate change? This resource might offer the help. Often times these two important topics are taught separately but connecting big ideas is what deepens students understanding of biology.
This resource includes the following;
Biome worksheet
Biome reading Sheets
Effect of Climate change on Biomes worksheet
Biomes Map sheet.
Teacher Guide
Tips ,suggestions and variations to the activities.
Please see preview to see sample resources
Part 1: Biome worksheet
Students select of their favorite two land biomes to work on. Using information on the reading sheets, student will write down information such as average temperatures, amount of rainfall per year, color the location of the biomes on the map and draw three fauna and flora common in these biomes.
Part 2: Effect of Climate change on Biomes worksheet
Students will predict effect of climate change ( increase in temperatures) on biome # 1 from the previous worksheet. Afterwards, they will offer solutions on how to prevent this from happening.
Grade level:
Grade 9 through 12
Use this print and go resource to help your students connect biome and climate change whilst watching them fully engaged in the lesson. It has been one of my students’ favorite topics because they see the relevance plus they get to draw and color. I sincerely believe this will be a great addition to your teaching tool box.
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Are you looking for a great activity for your kids to learn about microscope? This product has 3 great activities that will surely not only help them explore this important topic but also keep them engaged. There are three parts to the activities.
Part 1 ( create and timeline) : Students research the history of microscopes and create a timeline to learn about how microscopes have evolved over the years. Everything about the timeline is provided in the product. Student on have to cut and paste after they research. I have included some credible research links/QR codes to aid your students. ( the product also has suggested activities after students complete their time line + answer keys )
Part 2 ( compare and contrast) : Students observe images of electron and light/optical microscopes and write down their observations. They also write down some advantages and limitations of each type of microscope.
Part 3 ( label and color) : Students label the parts of the compound microscope and color the picture (optional).
All parts have their answer keys included as well as a teacher guide to assist you. This is one of my favorite lessons because it promotes independent learning in my students and takes short time to prepare. I truly hope you find it helpful just as I have. Have an amazing class!

ANIMAL TISSUES ( connective, muscular, nervous & epithelial)
Are you looking for a student-friendly and engaging resource to teach connective, muscular , nervous and epithelia tissues? This resource is designed to doster students’ understanding of this often complicated yet important topic.
It provides a variety of opportunities for students to learn the 4 main types of tissues in an engaging way .
*Please see preview for sample sheets
What’s included in this resource?
Worksheet 1:
In this part, students match examples of the 4 tissue types to their locations
and functions in the body. The images included make it easier to students to
remember and learn.
Worksheet 2:
Here, students label microscopic images of skeletal, cardiac and smooth
muscle tissues. They also label diagrams of epithelial tissue types such as
simple squamous, simple cuboidal, straified squamous and so on. Lastly, the
compare campore cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles using Venn diagram.
I have included ANSWER KEYS to both lessons and an enlarged microscopic images (stated above) for clarity.
Level :
This resource is best suited for students in grade 9 to 12
Use this animal tissues resource to either evaluate your students’ understanding of the topic or as part of the lesson. I am confident that this resource will be a great addition to your tissues unit. Thanks and have a fantastic class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

BIOMOLECULES ( Carbs, Proteins, Lipids and Nucleic Acids)
Are you looking for a teaching resource to help your students review Biomolecules- proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids? This resource may offer the help.
It contains:
24 task cards + Answer Keys
1 page task sheet
1 page word search sheet + Answer Keys.
Please see preview for sample cards and sheets
The cards…
have 24 biomolcule related MULTIPLE CHOICE questions
are beautifully designed
have different levels of challenging questions
This sheet …
contains 12 terminologies related to proteins, carbs, lipids and nucleic acids.
This resource encourages independent work among students in a fun non-intimidating way. It makes reviewing a breeze for both students and teacher. Print and laminate the cards for long term use.
Grade Level:
Grade 9 -11
I am confident this resource will be a valuable “tool” to help your students review biomolecules effectively now and for many years to come.
Thanks and have an awesome class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Are you looking for activities to teach the reproductive system? This carefully designed product includes 6 station worksheets which are certain to keep your students highly engaged. Below are the topics covered :
parts and functions of the male and female reproductive system
Ovarian and menstrual cycles
Ovulation, fertilization and implantation
Fetal development
What do you get from this product?
All 6 station worksheets
Station notes for all 6 stations
Answer Keys
Teacher Guide
As a station activity, groups of students will visit each station for a set time. (I recommend at least 15 minutes per station). When at the station, they will read and discuss the station notes. They will complete the worksheet using information from the study notes. By the end, students would have visited all six stations and explored thoroughly the concepts and topics of the reproductive system.
The activities are diverse from riddles to cut and paste that are sure to keep students interested in the lesson.
I have included all ANSWER KEYS and TEACHER GUIDE. Please check preview to see answer keys.
Grades 9 to 12
I truly believe this will be a great addition to your “arsenal” and add more excitement and fun to your lessons. I wish you a great class. Please reach out with questions and feedback at eazyscience221@gmail.com.

Are you looking for an engaging hands-on activity to teach about ecological succession? This product might offer the help. It is a 2 part activity that is sure to keep students physically and mentally engaged throughout the lesson.
In part 1: SCENARIOS:
Students read two scenarios( each representing primary or secondary succession) and choose one to work on. They then cut and paste and color a series of pictures showing the progression of the succession over time. They also explain what happens at each stage and give examples of organisms that will likely be found on each stage. There is an easel version to this activity. To give the teacher more options.
Students complete a match the term to the definition activity. Students match terms such as climax species, pioneer species and others to the correct definitions.
Next, they compare and contrast primary and secondary succession in a Venn diagram style.
And Lastly, they discuss different events that might trigger primary or secondary successions.
There is an easel version to this activity too.
I have included 8 events cards as a bonus for purchasing this product. I also share some ideas on how to use them in class. Print, cut and laminate them for repeated use.
All worksheets have answer keys including the bonus cards.
I truly believe your students will enjoy studying with these activities. They encourage collaboration and sharing which are essential for mastery. If you find this product helpful, please consider following my shop for freebies, product updates and future uploads. Thank you and have an amazing class.

Are you looking for activities to teach DNA structure, replication and how it was discovered as genetic material. This product could bring the help you need. The activities are designed to engage your students and they incorporate active learning style activities. Please check preview to see
Topics covered include :
DNA discovery timeline Activity
DNA Structure Terminologies Word search
Enzymes’ and proteins’ role in replications
DNA Replication Terminologies
Leading and Lagging Strand Comparison
Eukaryote and Prokaryote DNA Replication
DNA Proofreading and Error Fixing
I have included a complete ANSWER KEYS, teacher guide and student instructions to assist you. Please check preview to see answer keys
I believe these diverse activities will raise your students engagement level and get them excited to learn about this important molecule, DNA. Thank you and have a great class.

This product includes a lab activity to investigate when two liquids of different temperatures reach thermal equilibrium. There is a twist though. Student groups are challenged to compete among themselves. Groups must come up with creative ways to speed up the process and reach thermal equilibrium faster them any other group to win the competition. During this time they record the changes in temperature of the two liquids on their data table and graph their results at the end.
I have included loads of ideas in the teacher’s note to help you nail this lesson. I have included the material lists, rules for the competition (fair play), safety rules and other important information.
What do you get after purchasing this product?
Pre-lab questions sheet
Thermal equilibrium lab sheet (with picture of experiment set up )
Answer key to pre-lab questions
Loads of useful information in teacher notes
My kids love the competition aspect of this lab and each group comes up with crazy yet creative ways to win the 1st place.It’s both fun and engaging for them. The activity require very little time to prepare and a few materials to set up. I will be happy to hear your questions, feedback and comments at eazyscience221@gmail.com. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Teach genetic mutation with this beautiful and engaging virtual simulation from Concord Consortium (No Sign Up needed). Students can randomly apply three different types of point mutations including substitution, insertion and deletion to see the impact on the final polypeptide chain. Afterwards, they will draw the amino acid chains and describe the impact the random mutations had on the amino acid sequence compared to the normal sequence prior to the mutation.
What’s included in this product?
The genetic mutation worksheet (pdf )
Link and QR CODE to virtual simulation
Step by step teacher guide with pictures
Answer key
Materials needed:
Digital device such as computer, smartphones , tablets
A copy of the worksheet for each student
System Requirements:
A) It works on Apple and Android devices
B) The activity runs in a Web browser. Suitable browsers are: Google Chrome (versions 30 and above) Safari (versions 7 and above), Firefox (version 30 and above), Internet Explorer (version 10 or higher), and Microsoft Edge.
c) No sign up or registration required for teacher or students
Grade 7 to 12, Higher Education
**Students’ Pre-requisite Knowledge
Students should ideally be familiar with what mutation is and how information from DNA is transcribed into mRNA which is translated into proteins.(central dogman)
I am confident this will be a great addition to your DNA and Mutations unit and will spark curiosity in the minds of our tech savvy students in your class.
Please reach out with feedback and questions at eazyscience221@gmail.com. Thank you and have a great class.

The Aliens are here!In this Alien soup and drink lab, your students will collaborate to design a method and execute the plan (do the lab) to separate alien soup and drink. They apply their knowledge of mixtures and properties of substances to design an effective technique, receive approval from their teacher and go ahead to separate the extraterrestrial food.
What do you get from purchasing this resource?
Both alien soup and drink lab sheets
Answer keys
List of materials for the lab
Teacher guide
Watch your students turn into engaged scientists as they think critically and collaborate to complete this fun activity. My students have over the years enjoyed the challenge that comes with this. There is very little preparation needed which saves you time. I am confident that you and your students will enjoy learning with this activity just as we do. Please reach me with your feedback at eazyscience221@gmail.com. Thanks and have an awesome one!

Human Evolution ( Worksheet and Reading Notes)
Teach human evolution with this print and go resource that provides opportunity for student collaboration, presentation and effective communication. The resource covers the following 5 hominin species:
1)* Australopithecus*
2*) Homo habilis*
3)* Homo erectus*
Homo neanderthalensis and
Homo sapien
The resource includes:
5 activity sheets ( each for one species listed above)
2 page reading sheets ( contains all key info to complete the worksheet ). Teacher guides ( with suggestions. and guidelines)
Answer Keys ( 5 pages, one for each species)
Please check preview to see sample sheets
The Activity Sheet:
Students will research information about 5 hominins and in the process learn about key info such as: period of existence, brain size, average weight and height, location, diet, tool making ability and so on. They will also answer post research questions to further deepen their understanding.
Students may collaborate in small groups or work individually on one species.
The Reading Notes:
Students will find key info about the species to complete the activity sheet.
Optional: The resource presents opportunity for students group to present key info about their assigned species. Details and suggestions are explained in the teacher guide.
Transform your human evolution lesson by encouraging group work among your students. The resource will help you engage your students whilst requiring from you little to no preparation.
I am confident this activity will be a great addition to your human evolution lesson and help your students to understand and enjoy the lesson.
Thanks and have a wonderful class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have a great class.

Weather Fronts And Weather Forecast
Are you looking for an interesting resource to teach weather fronts and forecasts? This resource has your back. It is designed to give your students the opportunity to:
a. describe and illustrate the 4 types of fronts; cold, warm, stationary, and occluded fronts
b. identify their symbols
c. predict the weather using data from weather maps
Please check the preview to see sample sheets and answer keys
The resources include:
1.Types of Fronts Worksheets (2 pages)
2.Weather Forecast Worksheet ( 1 page)
3.Answer Keys
4.Teacher Guide
A) Types of Fronts Worksheets:
In this part, students will define and illustrate the 4 types of fronts. They will also describe how each impacts the weather. On the next page, students will use information from a weather map to predict the weather in a fictional country.
B) Weather Forecast Worksheet
In this part, students will read a weather forecast for another fictional country. They will use data from the weather map to complete the worksheet.
I am confident this weather fronts and forecast resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching weather unit. It requires little prep time for the teacher. The activity will engage your students and help them read weather maps in a fun engaging way.
6 - 9
Thanks and have an awesome class!
Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.