
Hurricane Milton Case Study Worksheet (with DME)
This is a differentiated worksheet where students use a range of sources to answer questions including a desision making task. The questions have been designed using command words from AQA GCSE geography, however it could be adapted for any exam board’s command words.
Differentiation: The first page is a worksheet with ‘take it further’ more challenging questions, and the second page just has the main questions with hints on which sources to use, as well as a brief hint for how to answer the descision making task.
The worksheet could be used as homework or as part of a lesson on Hurricane Milton. You may want to provide more sources e.g. a news channel video and a couple more images on the social, environmental and economic impacts. You could also consider supplying resources e.g. a Textbook and an Atlas to allow the students to answer the questions in more depth.

Nuclear Power Station Hinkley Point Stakeholder Debate
This is a lesson I used with year 10 as a stake holder debate over the issue of Hinkley Point C.
The lesson starts with a cartoon about nuclear power allowing students to relfect on the different perspectives.
Then you will need to create groups for the four stakeholders.
Local Family
Stop Hinkley! Campaign
UK Government
They have sources to look at, to come up with a one minute speech for the debate.
The lesson ends in a relfection excercise where students place the arguments they heard on a balancing scale. This way they can reflect on the strength of the arguments from different stakeholders.

Geography Christmas Quiz
This is a quiz suitable for KS3 Geography lessons, possibly KS2.
The rounds are as follows:
Face, Place, Flag
Santa Grid Reference
Christmas letters World Map
General Knowledge
Reindeer Compass Directions
For round 2 and round 5 I used a map from Digimaps but I cannot share it, so you will need to make your own OS map and paste it behind the images for these rounds. Any map with grid references on will do. Then you can change the answers for round 5.

Geography Revision Loyalty Card
I give these loyalty cards out to encourage self directed revision before exams or class tests. The students must show me a revision activity they have completed (either something I gave them, or something they have decided on themselves e.g. a mindmap or a case study fact file, timeine, or flashcards). Then I sign the space or use a stamp. Once complete they can choose a reward!
P.s. I got them ordered in busniess card size. They looked great!

Urbanisation knowledge organiser
This is a fun and colourful knowledge organsier that can be used for revision or to support teaching.
It covers the critical content for a unit on urbanisation, particularly good for KS3 although I have used to support teaching in KS4 lessons occasionally when basic knowlegde needs revisiting.
It would also work well with retrieval practice activities!
The information is concise and summarised, and covers the following topics:
Key definitions
Global trends of urbanisation
Push and pull factors
HIC, LIC, NEE cities and their growth
Environmental impacts of cities
Sustainable strategies in cities
I hope you enjoy.

Globalisation Knowledge Organiser
Globalisation description
This is a fun and colourful knowledge organsier that can be used for revision or to support teaching.
It covers the critical content for a unit on globalisation, particularly good for KS3 although I have used to support teaching in KS4 lessons occasionally when basic knowlegde needs revisiting.
It would also work well with retrieval practice activities!
The information is concise and summarised, and covers the following topics:
Key definitions
Causes of globalisation
Impacts positive and negative
A case study of Nike and its impacts on the host country and country of origin
I hope you enjoy.

Challenges and opportunities in the Thar Desert
This lesson uses the Thar Desert as a case study to investigat e the opportunities and challegnes of the Hot Desert, however most of the materials could be adapted to another case study if your school uses another one.
The lesson starts with locating the Thar desert, then the students use flash cards to fill out a table with Partner A looking into opportunities and Partner B challenges. They then work together sharing their knowledge to complete a matrix. The final task asks students to create a tweet to show their knowedge. This works well for KS3 however for KS4 it could also be replaced with an example GCSE question from zour exam board on opportunities and challenges.
Included Resources
Full lesson Powerpoint
Worksheet for the lesson
Partner A and Partner B table worksheet (differentiated versions of the table also included).
Flash cards of opportunities and challenges
Stretch and challenge task (The Whatsapp task at the end)

Quick Fire GCSE Revision Questions: Tectonic Hazards
This is a worksheet that I use as a ‘quickfire quiz’ with my students to jog their memories on the basic and critical facts needed for this module.
One strategy that works well is the following
Give them the questions, and 10 minutes to see how many they can answer
Give them the answer sheet, and anything they got wrong or missed out they should write down in a different colour
Give them a fresh set of questions, and see if they can get 100% this time
The worksheet could be printed with spaces for children to write the answers, used digitally, or used as a template for the kids to write their own flash cards.
There is also an answer sheet attached.

Causes of uneven development
This lesson focuses on the causes of uneven development: physical, economic and historical.
This is the structure:
Starter: a video to get the students thinking
Activity 1: Mind map where the students can show what they already know
Activity 2: Filling in a table using the flash cards, on the main reasons for inequality
Activity 3: Short explanation and flow diagram about the multiplier effect
Main task: students annotate satirical cartoons to explain the meaning behind them, using what they have learned
Plenary: Students discuss their interpretations

The problem with measures of development
This lesson recaps knowledge on the measures of development, and then encourages students to think about the limits of these measures.
Starter: a game based on measures of development
Activity 1: a gap fill on measures of development
Activity 2: oracy task thinking about the usefulness of these measures
Activity 3:Map and video introducing the problem of using life expectancy as a measure
Main activity: Students shade a map of london boroughs to show life expectancy. This can be used to discuss how an average can hide extremes.
Plenary: Mathematical task where students are quized on range, mean, median and mode of the data they are using

The Brandt Line
This lesson is all about the Brandt Line and whether it still applies.
Each task is clearly explained and has a challenge with it - to stretch your students.
This lesson introduces different classifications of countries as LIC, NEE and HIC at the start. The main activity involves the students shading a map based on GNI per capita for countries around the world. Then the students use this map to discuss if the Brant Line still applies today or not. The plenary involves sentences that the students can copy and complete to explain what they have learnt.
I hope you find it useful and that your students enjoy it.

Megacity Shanghai
This lesson introduces megacities to the students. They then categorise some of the features of Shanghai into economic, social and environmental. The students then discuss the challengs of the city and rank them in order.
This lesson works well with Year 8 or any KS3 class.
There is a challenge for each task, for those students who want to take it further!

Push and pull factors for urbanisation
This lesson introduces push and pull factors, and then uses the example of Lagos to demonstrate it.
I use this lesson with year 8 - but it could be used at any point in KS3.

Changing Economic World: Nigeria Lesson Series
Series of 9 complete lessons following the specification for AQA GCSE Geography on ‘Case Study of an LIC or NEE’. The Case study is Nigeria. I have used these lessons with Year 10. All printables are included within the slides for easy printing! I hope you enjoy.

Changing Economic World: Development Lesson Series
This is a series of 8 fantastic lessons on the Changing Economic World unit of the AQA Geography GCSE. It focuses on the first part of this unit, all about development and the development gap.
I have used this with Year 10, but it would work well for any KS4 class. I hope you enjoy!

Population Knowledge Organiser
This is a revision sheet for the topic of population. I use this with KS3 as a revision sheet at the end of the topic, or I give it to them at the beginning so they can see what we will be covering.
The topics on the sheet include:
Causes of population growth
Birth rates
Death rates
Sparse and dense populations
Life expectancy
Urban areas and rural areas
Measures of development
Impacts of population growth

Climate Change KS3 Knowledge Organiser
This is a revision sheet which covers the key learning points for climate change. I use this with KS3. It can be used to help with exam revision or at the beginning of the module so they can stick it in their books and refer to it.
Topics included:
Greenhouse gas effect
Natural and human causes
Evidence for climate change
Impacts of climate change
Mitigation and adaptation strategies

Geography GCSE Knowledge organiser AQA Unit 2
A set of knowledge organisers covering the content for AQA GCSE Geography 9-1 Unit 2.
They have very condensed notes that can be used for revision or to support teaching.
Topics covered include:
The urban world
Urban change in the UK
Sustainable urban development
The development gap
India: A Newly emerging economy
The changing UK economy
Resource management
Energy management

Geography GCSE knowledge organiser AQA Living with the physical environment
A set of knowledge organisers covering the content for AQA GCSE Geography 9-1 Unit 1.
They have very condensed notes that can be used for revision or to support teaching.
Topics covered include:
Tectonic hazards
Weather hazards
Climate change
Tropical rainforests
Hot deserts
Coastal landscapes
River landscapes

Dharavi Slum Settlement Mumbai
This lesson introduces the opportunities and challenges of the Dharavi slum settlement in Mumbai. It is within the topic of urbanisation. The tasks include sketching and annotating the slum area using a couple of pictures as prompts. It builds towards answering a 6 mark question at the end ‘Compare the opportunities and challenges faced by rural-urban migrants in Mumbai (6)’. This final question is differentiated with a fill in the blanks, scentence starters, and glossary version of the activity.
Starter based on an image
Discussion of images
Discussion of social, economic, environmental challenges and opportunities
Annotation of the sketch
Answering a 6 mark GCSE style Question