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Primary to Secondary Transition Workbook

Primary to Secondary Transition Workbook

A workbook of activities suited for the transition between primary and secondary school. Can be sent home to new students or used as an activity during introduction days. Variety of activities including “All about Me!”, careers, skills and aspirations, timetables and lessons, uniform and expectations. Areas which need to be specifically adapted to your school are highlighted clearly.
GCSE Geography - Blockbuster Revision

GCSE Geography - Blockbuster Revision

AQA Geography Revision Activity - Blockbuster - Unit 1A: Challenge of Natural Hazards (Contains Tectonics and Weather Hazards) Students need to answer the questions to complete the boxes to move across the board. The letter is a clue to the answer Not my own idea but adapted from others. Enjoy!
Speak Like a Geographer Display

Speak Like a Geographer Display

Display addressing common misconceptions in Geography. Made up of Red (don’t say this) and Green (say this) statements. Very visually stimulating and suitable for all age groups. Can be easily printed and adapted. Title letters (Speak like a Geographer) and emjois included.
Urban Issues and Challenges Revision Sheets

Urban Issues and Challenges Revision Sheets

Four A3 sheets of Revision Activities for the Urban Issues and Challenges topic for AQA GCSE Geography 9-1. A variety of quick knowledge recall, figure analysis, map skills and exam style questions. Case Studies used are Mumbai (NEE) and Portsmouth (UK) however very easily adapted!
GCSE Geography - Revision Challenge

GCSE Geography - Revision Challenge

Three A3 Pages of Revision Recall of AQA GCSE Geography Paper 1 - The Challenge of Natural Hazards. A variety of tasks using icons including gap fills, image analysis, case study recall, true or false, formation of tropical storms. Feel free to edit according to your case studies
Exexcel A - Ecosystems SOW with Booklet

Exexcel A - Ecosystems SOW with Booklet

Complete Scheme of Work for Edexcel Geography A ‘Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Management’ with Knowledge Recall Tests, Exam Practice and Full Work-Booklet. Lessons are well planned, resourced and clear with video links and a variety of activities. Covering the topics of World Ecosystems, UK Ecosystems, Human Impacts on the Biosphere, Tropical Rainforest Features, Nutrient Cycle, Animal and Plant Adaptations, Deforestation, Case Study - Madagascar, UK Deciduous Woodland Characterisitics, Biodiversity, Threats and Management, Case Study - New Forest, UK.
AQA Geography Rivers and Coasts Revision Sheets - Image Analysis

AQA Geography Rivers and Coasts Revision Sheets - Image Analysis

A basic revision resource using a variety of images of Coasts and Rivers from the GCSE Specification. Students have a number of tasks around the image including key terms, potential exam questions, annotated diagrams and explaining the formation. Great from independent revision, plenary activities or use along side a text book/information source.
AQA Geography Paper 1 and 2 Exam Guide

AQA Geography Paper 1 and 2 Exam Guide

Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exam Key Word Sheets with “5 Key Facts about…” on the back. Great for quick revision sessions before exams. Students can challenge each other on Key Words and correct any misconceptions
Geography KS3-KS4 Summer Reading Project

Geography KS3-KS4 Summer Reading Project

Perfect for Y9 to Y10 for starting GCSEs in September (also suitable for Y10) Project to be given to students over the summer. Includes a list of news articles and videos relavant to Edexcel A Geography (however will be suitable for most GCSE boards) including Climate Change, Urban Areas, Resources and Ecosystems. Summary Sheet for students to complete when reading the article. Created after feedback from students saying they are concerned about starting GCSE Geography after lockdown period.
Social, Economic & Environmental Display

Social, Economic & Environmental Display

SEE (Social, Economic, Environmental) Display with images and statements related to each aspect. Perfect for all year groups and used as a reminder when investigating impacts. Easily adapted and very visually stimulating.
KS3 Coasts SOW

KS3 Coasts SOW

Geography Coastal Landscapes and Processes Scheme of Work based around the UK Two Booklets Two Assessments Fully resourced PowerPoints Knowledge Recall Throughout Engaging and Interesting Lessons
KS3 Tectonics Scheme of Work

KS3 Tectonics Scheme of Work

Tectonics Fully Resourced Scheme of Work based upon Indonesia Includes: Booklet 8xLesson PowerPoints Really engaging lessons with extracts from Disaster by Choice (Ilan Kelman) Suitable for KS3
KS3 India Scheme of Work

KS3 India Scheme of Work

Based on Edexcel A GCSE Geography - Changing Cities & Global Development Complete Scheme of Work with Work Booklets, Full Lesson PPTs and 2x Assessments. Covers topics such as; Mumbai Slums, Impacts of TNCs, Tourism, Economic Development, Globalisation and Population.
Edexcel A Command Word Display

Edexcel A Command Word Display

A fantastic display for GCSE Classes. Command Words clearly colour coded and displayed by points awarded. Each includes examples of questions and hints/tips for structure. Literacy Mat and Command Word Breakdown sheet included.
KS3 Climate Change S.O.W

KS3 Climate Change S.O.W

Fully Resourced S.O.W with 2x booklets Studying all aspects of Climate Change including; Carbon Cycle Human Causes Impacts (specific lessons on Wildfires, Sea Level Change, Glacial Retreat) Mitigation and Adaptation Engaging and interactive lessons with videos and opportunities for feedback
KS3 Rivers Scheme of Work

KS3 Rivers Scheme of Work

KS3 Geography Scheme of Work based around the River Nile Covers all essential River Morphology and Processes covered at KS4 Includes: River Profile Waterfalls Meanders Erosion, Transportation and Deposition Flood Management Dams and Hydropower Conflict over Water Resources All PowerPoints, Booklets and Assessments included