
A* La Haine essay: Dans quelle mesure peut-on dire que La Haine est un film anti-police ?
A-level AQA La Haine essay upon the title: Dans quelle mesure peut-on dire que La Haine est un film anti-police ? which achieved an A* under mark scheme and teacher assessment

La Haine essay, Comment Kassovitz représente-t-il la famille dans ce film ?
An A* essay on the title: Comment Kassovitz représente-t-il la famille dans ce film ?

French charity founders, Le bénévolat
Detailed explanations of the work of: Henry Dunant, Coluche and Abbe Pierre

No et Moi book summary : broken down by chapter
This is a summary of the book ‘No et moi’ broken down by chapter, each number of a bullet point corresponds to the number of the chapter it’s summarising. I tried to make this summary a succinct as possible, in chapters which don’t have a massive impact on the plot, I’ve added what I view as important to the book or have left blank if I couldn’t find anything of value. Enjoy!

AQA a level french: young people and the right to vote mind map
A04 mindmap full of great examples for a photo card or any other assesment to get great grades.

AQA a level french: la technologie topic mind-map
A04 mindmap full of great examples that would get amazing grades in a photo card.

AQA a level french: la famille mindmap
A04 mindmap for the theme of family for french a level, great examples for a photo card.

AQA a level french: artistic culture in the French speaking world
A04 mindmaps from all three topics of Cinema, Musique and patrimoine. Full of great examples to use in a photo card.