Two documents...
The first is a PPT with all of the key terms and definitions for population studies e.g. population explosion, natural change, child mortality etc... These should be printed and laminated to make flashcards. This can be used as a lesson starter to establish what the students already know and can also be used at the end of the topic to assess the students. This can be done individually, in pairs or in groups.
The second document is a one page word document with the same key terms and definitions matched up. This can be given after the initial activity.
A two page word document which explains how earthquakes occur, explains the key terms associated with earthquakes, briefly discusses the San Andreas Fault and uses the 2008 earthquake in Sichaun as a case study. Also includes a very simple diagram which shows some of the key terms e.g. focus & epicentre.
For similar hand outs on Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Fold Mountains see my 'Shop' where you can buy all these hand outs in a bundle.
4 summary notes hand outs : The Earth and plate tectonics, Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Fold Mountains. All word documents. Well laid out over 2 pages. Key words in bold.
1. Hot Desert Climate PPT - A 26 slide PPT with transitions, images and underlined key words. Discusses location of climate type, precipitation, temperature, vegetation and animals. Has some ‘to do’ questions on slide 7/8 based on a graph showing rain and temperature levels. Also discusses desertification. Has a starter slide which explains the key terms associated with the topic. Two links to YouTube clips on the Sahel region (one with Qs) are also included. Slide 25 directs students to their workbook (Geoplanet by EDCO) and the final slide contains two past exam questions (Irish Junior Cert). Also attached is a word document with the most important key terms which could be projected as a lesson starter or could be distributed to the students and they could write the definition in themselves.
The PPT uses the Sahel region as a case study and has maps/info on this region within the PPT. Attached is a PDF map which shows very clearly which countries lie within/make up part of the region.
Also included is a word document with typed causes, consequences and solutions based on desertification. This should be copied, laminated and each sentence cut up. The students then work in small groups/pairs to categorize each sentence. This is a great starter activity to introduce this section of the desertification topic and will establish students’ prior knowledge.
PPT then goes into more detail on the above (causes, consequences and solutions). This can be done after the activity. Last slide is a homework slide based on the textbook I use but can be changed or deleted to suit.
2. Second PPT is a 9 slide presentation on the Aswan Dam and how it acts as a solution to desertification. It contains maps and images, gives a general overview of the Dam and explains the pros and cons associated with the Dam. Final slide is a debate/think-pair-share slide where students are asked to think more about the pros/cons and to discuss whether they would or would not like a dam located near their area.
A 22 slide PPT which introduces the weather instruments. Based on Irish curriculum so discusses the work of Met Eireann but this can of course be changed to suit the country/curriculum. Discusses each weather instrument, what it is used for and the unit of measurement for each. Doesn't go into detail about the workings of each instrument. Contains plenty of images of the instruments as well as a think-pair-share exercise, a class activity (which can be adapted to suit whatever textbook you are using) and a homework slide (which again will need to be adapted to suit the textbook in use). Also have included a graphic organizer on which the students can summarize what they have learnt.
A 14 slide PPT which discusses the factors affecting climates and the factors which affect local climates. Includes a closing slide with 3 recap questions as well as two think-pair-share discussions. Also includes all animations and transitions. There are 2 cloze tests to go with the PPT which could be used as homework tasks, recap worksheets or as exams.
A complete study of ROCKS - suitable for Junior Cert/GCSE students.
A 43 slide PPT describing each of the three rock types using two examples for it. Includes images and videos (hyperlinks inserted - click on the title of the video to get brought to the YouTube video), key terms and learning intentions. To-do slides/homework slides refer to the ‘Geography in Action’ book and workbook.
Map of Ireland with counties labelled - referred to in PPT.
Cloze test for assessment of key terms.
Uses of rocks PPT - A 17 slide PPT explaining how different types of rocks are used. Also includes a casestudy. Videos and images included (hyperlinks and one embedded video). Again, portfolio task and to-do slide refer to the ‘Geography in Action’ workbook.
Tic-Tac-Toe assessment on Rocks
An end of topic exam on the topic.
3 resources based on ‘Les vacances’. Suitable/adaptable for any age/stage.
Vocab list with useful/key vocab.
Matching exercise incorporating the key vocab above.
Solutions to matching activity.
A two page word document explaining how to form the ‘futur proche’. Includes key vocab, examples, gap fill exercise and translation exercise. Suitable for students of all ages and stages.
A 3 page revision hand out on the water cycle, clouds and rainfall. Well laid out in grids and so, easy to follow. Includes key terms, essential diagrams and a sample answer on relief rainfall.
Can be used for initial teaching but I use in 3rd year for revision.
For more revision hand outs or detailed PPTs on these topics, see 'My Shop'
A 14 slide ppt which introduces possessive adjectives. Includes notes, practice slides and two exercises.
For more worksheets on possessive adjectives, see my shop!
A 64 slide PowerPoint Presentation on the subject of Energy from a geographical perspective.
Discusses Natural Resources, renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
There are lots of diagrams/illustrations and videos embedded into the ppt. There are also several ‘to-do’/‘homework’ slides which direct the students to their textbook or activity book. We use ‘Geography in Action’ but these slides can be adapted to suit your own class/books.
A grid 6 x 6 with a variety of questions that may come up in an oral exam. I print and laminate these grids. Students work in pairs or small groups to play the game. Each pair will need two different coloured dice. They roll the dice and answer the question corresponding to the numbers on the dice. They take it in turns to ask/answer the questions.
I use this game as a way of revising for the oral exam or for practicing oral French. Most questions are suitable for Junior Cert or Leaving Cert but questions can be changed to suit the needs and ability of your class.
A gapfill exercise on the subject of TikTok and it’s popularity. Once gapfill is completed, students can use the text as a comprehension and answer the comprehension questions in English. This is followed by a grammar exercise where students must find different types of words in the text.
Once complete and corrected, the text can be used as notes for opinon pieces on technology/social media.
A full unit on the Black Lives Matter Movement. Includes specific and key vocab and expressions, a comprehenion with French questions and an opinion question. Excellent resource for preparing for opinion questions at Higher Level Leaving Cert.
A full lesson on the housing crisis - mentions Ireland in the piece, but can easily be adapted to suit your location.
Has a list of key words/verbs/expressions that students must translate and classify (noun/verb/adjective etc…) and a gapfill exercise in response to an opinion-style question on the housing crisis. Once completed and corrected, this can serve as a sample answer for students.
A gap-fill exercise based on the advantages of learning a foreign language/French as a second language. This serves as a detailed sample answer for an opinion question once completed and corrected. Also has a follow-on ‘Trouvez dans le texte’ exercise which requires students to find different grammar elements in the text, e.g. an infinitive verb, a possessive adjective etc…
Aimed at a higher level Leaving Cert/A-Level class.
A word doc which discusses the Irish school system. Introduces key vocab and then has a sample answer on an opinion question on the Irish Education System. Includes useful ‘production écrite’ phrases - highlighted in green.