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Miss I's Marvellous Lessons

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I am an experienced year 6 teacher selling Maths, English, Science and History resources for teachers looking for high-quality, cheap resources to save their valuable time.




I am an experienced year 6 teacher selling Maths, English, Science and History resources for teachers looking for high-quality, cheap resources to save their valuable time.
Fraction decimal and percentage equivalents

Fraction decimal and percentage equivalents

This is a lesson that I used to teach my year 6 class about converting between fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents . The lesson starts off with a starter on multiplying and dividing by 100. It then offers opportunities for teacher modelling. Next, there are slides with differentiated practice questions for the class to do on their whiteboards. The answers are on the next slides so that you can quickly check their work. On the penultimate slide, there is the Learning Objective and a challenge to complete once they’ve finished their work. Worksheets are differentiated for LAs, MAs, HAs and HHAs. I have included the answers for worksheets too to make teacher marking easier or for you to give to your class to mark their own work!
Percentages of amounts

Percentages of amounts

This is a complete 2 lessons that I gave to my year 6 class on finding percentages of amounts; they include differentiated practice questions which can be done on whiteboards (with answers on a separate slide), a (differentiated) worksheet slide which you can print off or get your class to work from the board and choose their own level. I have differentiated the work for LA, MA, HA and HHA. The lesson also includes a slide with the answers to save our valuable teacher time. Why not get your class to self-assess at the end of the lesson?
The Promise by Nicola Davies (writing unit 20 lessons)

The Promise by Nicola Davies (writing unit 20 lessons)

This is a creative writing unit of PowerPoint resources that I completed with my year 6 class based on the book by Nicola Davies. It is roughly 20 lessons but this could be condensed or extended. The PowerPoint slides include many printabel worksheets which hopefully will reduce your workload! I have included a scanned copy of the book. Each lesson begins with a grammar starter. The lessons explore a range of figurative language, perfectly preparing your class to write their own creative versions of this marvellous book. The unit finishes off with a big write that should get edited and published.
Measuring angles year 6

Measuring angles year 6

This lesson goes through (on a PowerPoint) how to estimate and measure angles. It includes some slides with opportunities for the teacher to model how to correctly place the protractor, slides to revise the different kinds of angles and a differentiated slide at the end that you can give a more confident class to do. If your class is like mine, I have included a worksheet (differentiated three ways on Word document) that has the angles already drawn out.
The Arrival by Shaun Tan writing sequence

The Arrival by Shaun Tan writing sequence

This is a writing sequence that I did in the Autumn Term (7-8 weeks) with my year 6 class. The slides include lots of printable worksheets, grammar starters, word banks and sentence starters for your Lower Attaining children. The sequence includes: -poetry writing -diary entry -role play/drama lesson -letter writing -a lesson on fronted adverbials -lessons on setting description -a lesson on direct speech -planning lessons for the Big Write -Shared Writing lessons I taught this sequence in conjunction with the YouTube video of the book and 16 copies of the physical book. I would definitely give your class some background knowledge on refugees and why people are sometimes forced to leave their home country.
David Hockney art lesson

David Hockney art lesson

Very easy art lesson that will require no planning! I did this lesson with my year 6 class in 1 afternoon. It gives a brief history of David, his interests and inspirations. The lesson is a very easy to follow step-by-step break down of how to paint a David Hockney landscape. The lesson encourages the children to experiment with colour and perspective. My class produced some really nice pieces by the end -one of which I have used as the example on the slide.
The Suffragettes: The Battle for Equality writing sequence

The Suffragettes: The Battle for Equality writing sequence

This is a unit of 15 lesson on PowerPoint slides, which can be condensed or extended depending on the confidence of the class, that is based on the amazing book ‘Suffragettes: The Battle for Equality’ by David Roberts. My year 6 class absolutely loved learning about the Suffragettes -especially as extreme activism has been in the news so much recently! You will need to buy a copy of the book. The unit consists of two ‘big writes’. A formal letter to a Prime Minister and a short story/recount about the day that the Suffragettes interrupted a parliamentary meeting. The lessons that lead up to the ‘big writes’ all teach the class the necessary grammatical elements and writing features that they can include in their writing. Each lesson has a grammar starter and grammar embedded into it for SATs revision. Many of the lessons have differentiation for your lower attaining writers and suggestions for how to challenge your more confident writers. I have included reading comprehensions which can be completed in your Reading lessons or for homework if you don’t have time to get through all the reading in class. This unit can be continued after with a biography about Emmeline Pankhurst or Millicent Fawcett.
Pablo Picasso art lesson

Pablo Picasso art lesson

This is a very easy lesson to do last minute! This is a lesson that I have done with a year 6 and year 2 class. It took two afternoons (about 4.5 hours) with the year 6 class. It took us 3 afternoons with the year 2 class because they were slower at cutting out. The lesson has slides that teach the class about Pablo Picasso, what abstract art and Cubism are. It then goes into a very clear step-by-step of how to make the Pablo Picasso cubist portrait. This lesson is totally adaptable and could be done with collage, paint, found objects and colouring pencils. Please read the PowerPoint notes.
Long multiplication

Long multiplication

This is a complete lesson that I gave to my year 6 class on long multiplication as revision a lesson we did in the run up to the SATs ; it includes differentiated practice questions which can be done on whiteboards (with answers on a separate slide), a (3 way differentiated) worksheet slide which you can print off or get your class to work from the board and choose their own level. The hardest level of differentiation is multi-step word problems involving all four operations for my very high attainers. The lesson also includes a slide with the answers to save our valuable teacher time. Why not get your class to self-assess at the end of the lesson? The lesson is differentiated three ways for lower attaining, middle attaining and higher.
Rounding decimals whole lesson

Rounding decimals whole lesson

This is a complete lesson that I gave to my year 6 class on rounding decimal numbers with up to 3 decimal places to the nearest whole, tenth and hundredth; it includes differentiated practice questions which can be done on whiteboards (with answers on a separate slide), a (differentiated) worksheet slide which you can print off or get your class to work from the board and choose their own level. The lesson also includes a slide with the answers to save our valuable teacher time. Why not get your class to self-assess at the end of the lesson? The lesson is differentiated three ways for lower attaining, middle attaining and higher.
Radius Diameter Circles year 6

Radius Diameter Circles year 6

An entire lesson on finding the radius and diameter of circles used to teach my year 6 class. The lesson has chances for the teacher to discuss and model the method, differentiated practice slides and a final three slides which can be printed off as a worksheets, starting with LA, then MA and HA. Finally, I have included challenge questions which can be displayed while the children are working independently and that they can complete when they have finished.
Multiplying fractions year 6

Multiplying fractions year 6

This is a complete lesson on multiplying proper fractions by other proper fractions and by whole numbers; it includes differentiated practice questions, a printable (differentiated) worksheet and the answers to save our valuable teacher time. Why not get your class to self-assess at the end of the lesson?
Some Places More Than Others writing unit

Some Places More Than Others writing unit

This is a writing unit that is based on the book by Renee Watson which I taught to my year 6 class. The unit contains 21 lessons but can be extended or condensed according to the writing ability or speed of your class. I have typed out chapter 1 and 2 onto the slides but you will need a copy of the book prior to starting this unit. Each lesson begins with a grammar starter and many of the lessons contain differentiation and detailed notes. The entire unit is on a PowerPoint including printable worksheets. PERFECT FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH or for the end of year 6 (summer term) before they start secondary school. The writing unit contains diary entries, recounts, writing and analysing poetry and writing recipes.
Addition and Subtraction word problems

Addition and Subtraction word problems

This is a resource that I prepared for my year 6 class in Maths on word problems. The word problems all involve addition and subtraction, some in the context of money. The LO is to choose the appropriate method because some questions can be answered using the formal written method and some might need another method like using a number line to work out how much change is due. This is superb SATs revision! Along with a powerpoint, I have also included worksheets that are differentiated for Lower, middle and higher. (*, ** and *** next to Learning Objective to show you which is which). The answers for each level are at the end of the work document. Before this lesson I would recommend do a revision lesson on addition and subtraction of decimals. Concentrate most of your teaching on how to use a number line but get the class to look at each practice question with a critical eye. I didn’t get through all the practice questions on the slides but there are more than needed just in case you need!
Fractions of amounts year 6

Fractions of amounts year 6

This is an entire lesson suitable for year 6. It includes lots of differentiated revision questions for them to do on their whiteboards. These slides also include the answers on the following slides. There is a printable slide that you can hand out as a worksheet or get them to work from the board. The answers are on the final slide to save teacher time -get them to mark their own work before you look at it!
The Hidden Forest writing unit 20 lessons

The Hidden Forest writing unit 20 lessons

This is a non-fiction writing unit that I completed with my year 6 class based on the book ‘The Hidden Forest’ by Jeannie Baker. It is roughly 20 lessons but this could be condensed or extended. All on PowerPoint and so easy to follow. Minimum planning and resourcing required! Each lesson begins with a grammar starter. The lessons explore a range of grammatical techniques embedded into the lesson which your class can use in their writing, perfectly preparing your class to write their own non-chronological reports about sea kelp. The unit finishes off with a big write that should get edited and published.
Convert units of length

Convert units of length

This is an entire lesson on converting metric units of length that I did with my year 6 class. There is a starter on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 to prepare them for the lesson. There are opportunities to discuss which units of measurement they would use to measure certain items and to deepen their understanding of units of measurement (even better if this can be done alongside physical objects). There are lots of differentiated practice questions to complete on the whiteboards. There is a slide with the Learning Objective and a challenge question which I display while they’re completing independent work. I have included a slide which has work for LA, MA and HA and can be printed off or the class can choose their level from the board (save paper). I have included the answers on the last slides so that you can mark quickly or get the class to mark their own work! I have also included practice SATs style questions to stick in the books as a challenge when marking.
Year 6 reading comprehension: The Explorer

Year 6 reading comprehension: The Explorer

I gave this as reading homework to my year 6 class for three weeks -it is three comprehensions on chapter 1,2 and 3 of the book. The main reason was to encourage them to read the book (The Explorer) which I have in our class reading corner. The questions involved a variety of the reading skills that come up in SATs papers so good practise! I have included the answers for each question at the bottom of the page to make marking quicker. I have also included the text.
Long Division

Long Division

This is an entire lesson on long division which I did with my year 6 class. The lesson includes lots of differentiated practice questions and a printable differentiated worksheet for independent work at the end. The answers are on the last slide. Challenge question which they can complete after finishing independent work.
Year 6 reading comprehension: Beetle Boy

Year 6 reading comprehension: Beetle Boy

This is a reading comprehension that I gave my year 6 class for homework based on the first part of chapter 1 of the novel ‘Beetle Boy’. It inludes the text, questions and answers. It was also part of my efforts to encourage my class to read the actual book which is in our class library! The comprehension has 11 questions that are suitable for your LA, MA and HA children. The questions are a mixture of retrieval and inference.