All resources

Year 8 RED Desert to Garden Booklet
All lessons with activities for the new RED Desert to Garden Chapter.

Year 7 Desert to Garden Booklet
All lessons with activities for the new RED Year 7 Desert to Garden Chapter.

KS3 Bundle - Islam Lessons and Work Booklet
x5 KS3 complete differentiated lessons with work booklet.

Yoga in Hinduism
Complete KS3 Lesson with worksheet.
An introduction to Yoga with differentiated activities.

An introduction to Hinduism Work Booklet
KS3 Work Booklet with differentiated activities.
Hindu Beliefs
4 aims of Hinduism

Introduction to Islam Work Booklet
KS3 work booklet with differentiated activities.
**Muslim Beliefs **
6 articles of faith
The Qur’an
**Muslim Practices **
5 pillars of Islam

The 4 aims of Hinduism
Complete KS3 Lesson with worksheet.
An introduction to the four aims of Hinduism with differentiated activities.

Trimurti - Hindu Beliefs
Complete KS3 Lesson with worksheet.
An introduction to the Trimurti with differentiated activities.

Brahman - Hindu Beliefs
Complete KS3 Lesson with worksheet.
An introduction to the Brahman with differentiated activities.

Complete KS3 Lesson with worksheet.
An introduction to Hajj, looking at the importance of Hajj for Muslims.
Differentiated activities.

The Five Pillars of Islam
Complete KS3 Lesson with worksheet.
An introduction to the Five Pillars, looking at the importance of each pillar for Muslims and how it impacts their daily lives.
Differentiated activities.

Angels in Islam
Complete KS3 Lesson with worksheet.
An introduction to the Angels in Islam, looking at the importance of Angels for Muslims and how it impacts their daily lives.
Differentiated activities.

The Qur'an
Complete KS3 Lesson with worksheet.
An introduction to the Qur’an, looking at the importance of the Qur’an for Muslims and how it impacts their daily lives.
Differentiated activities.

The Six Articles of Faith
Complete lesson with worksheet.
KS3 aimed lesson on the Six Articles of Faith.
Differentiated and Challenging activities.