
Adding Linking Words - Making Inferences
A short simple cloze activity of adding 6 linking words: because, as, so, therefore, as a result, when to basic PEE paragraphs. Ideal for students just learning to make inferences this way and practicing linking their sentences together to be more cohesive.

Powerful Adjectives WOW Words Word Bank Builder
A PPT which guides students to think about synonyms and building and developing their WOW word bank. Designed for EAL students, but would also suit a low attainment or low age literacy/English class.

Relative Clauses in Creative Writing
A PPT lesson guiding students through what a relative clause is, creating relative clauses, and how to use them to good effect in creative writing. This took my international students 2 x 1 hour lessons, but for native speaking students it may be a bit lesson, but could easily be two lessons with peer reviewing of creative writing and feedback etc.

Macbeth Revision Colour The Quotation
A resource ideal for a revision task or homework to check students can match the quotation to the correct character. Perfect for Start or End of Term.

An Inspector Calls Revision Colour the Quotation
An ideal homework or revision task to check students knowledge of the play. Students must colour the quotation to match it to the correct character. Great for start or end of term.

Power and Conflict Poetry Revision Colour The Quotation
A resource ideal for a revision task or homework to check students can match the quotation to the correct poem. Great for Start or End of Term.

AFOREST Persuasive Writing Sort
Example sentences for students to sort into the correct groups for persuasive writing with AFOREST features.
There are categories for Alliteration, Facts, Opinions, Repetition, Rhetorical Questions, Emotive Language, Statistics and The rule of Three.
Answers are not included as some sentences may fall into more than one category and it can be a good opportunity for debate in feedback.

The Smartest Giant in Town Reading Comprehension
Questions to test young learners reading comprehension and use of English. Encouraging literacy as students complete sentences, give their opinions, and re-write the story in their own words. Ss then identify adjectives and complete a comparatives/superlatives table.

Narrative Writing Self Checklist
A checklist of important features in narrative/story writing to guide students through self reflection at the end of a piece of writing. Can also be used to help peer review a partner’s story. The checklist includes some tick boxes for checking for important features and then an open ended sentence starter at the end for the student to reflect on what they did well and how they could improve next time. Ideal for an English or EFL classroom teaching Literature/Creative Writing skills and wanting to encourage a student centred approach to feedback.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea Comprehension
Reading comprehension questions and literacy and class activities for guided reading through The Tiger Who Came To Tea.
Ss find answers within the text, write in full sentences, give opinions, match food to the place where it’s found, find adjectives, think about articles and countable and uncountable nouns, design a plate to feed a tiger, and start to think and plan their own tea party.

Article Writing Phrases and Function Sorting Activity B1+
Learners sort words/phrases and sentence starters into different categories; Involving the Reader, Giving Your Opinion, Making the Article Interesting, Linking Words, Making Suggestions/Recommendations and Developing Your Points. Made for A2.2/B1+ PET (Cambridge Preliminary) students but could also be used for native students.

Different Types of Email Writing A2/B1
A PPT which guides students through identifying the different functions of different emails, inntroducing useful phrases and sentence starters for different purposes. Students also consider formal and informal language and opening and closing phrases.

Informal Linking Words and Connectives
A simple worksheet to help Ss identify informal/formal linking words. Categorise their function and then apply to some gap-fill sentences. Ss can then use this knowledge to try to write some of their own sentences using informal linking words in open practice.

Relative Clauses Worksheet Family B1+
Worksheet for creating relative clauses about family members. Students match two clauses and insert a word to join them together. Created for a PET (Cambridge Preliminary) B1 class but could be used with native students, teens, adults, etc.

Taylor Swift Literacy Classroom Display
Classroom bunting with examples of compound sentence, simile, subordinate clause, complex sentence, metaphor, conjunction, personification, rhetorical question, alliteration, assonance, oxymoron. An example is given of each feature from a taylor swift lyric, with one from each album. Ideal for KS2/3/4 classroom displays.

How to Write a PEEZL paragraph
A useful information sheet which walks students through how to write a PEEZL paragraph, then giving an example paragraph and sentence starters. There is then an activity for students to identify the correct parts of a paragraph to sort to make a PEEZL paragraph. This should help students to feel more confident creating their own PEEZL paragraphs.

Figurative Language Review with Song Quiz
A PPT designed to help students review 7 main types of figurative language:
Similes, Metaphors, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Hyperbole, Idioms and Personification. Students fill in the vowels to remember and spell them correctly, then write a short definition of each one with an example sentence, then there are 10 short extracts from pop song lyrics where students need to correctly identify the types of figurative language used in each one. I also found the exact parts of the song for the students to listen to as they were thinking and this went down really well. Great for an end of term review after introducing figurative language. From my experience - students found this really engaging.

GCSE Colour The Quotation Revision Bundle
An Inspector Calls, Macbeth and Power and Conflict Anthology Revision Bundle. Colour the Quotation. Ideal for easy homeworks.

Presentation Skills and Giving a TED Talk
An engaging PPT to help students identify good presentation skills. There are some slides at the end to help students think of an idea for creating their own TED Talk. This lesson was given after the students had already watched and understood a TED Talk.

Rhetorical Questions PPT
A PowerPoint which guides students through understanding what a rhetorical question is and how to use them. Ideal for article writing. A2.2/B1+