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Keys Stage 4 French Long Term Plans

Keys Stage 4 French Long Term Plans

These are my LTPs for KS4 following the Edexcel IGCSE Syllabus and Expo. The page numbers in red correspond to Expo 4 (Edexcel). Reviews appreciated. I'm new to the British Curriculum.
Dobble - Sport

Dobble - Sport

This is a vocabulary revision game a bit like Dobble/Spot it. See this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hkq-_eVR8zA) for a few demos of games you can play with this. This resource has 21 pictures for different sports. There are 21 cards, each card carrying 5 pictures. There's more than one set in case the teacher wants more than one for their classroom. I included a word list in French but this game can be used in any language, really.
French classroom rules

French classroom rules

Expectations I put up in my French class at the begninning of the year. Please download, rate and comment. Merci!
Les Matières

Les Matières

A lesson I prepared for my lesson observation as part of my appraisal this year. Year 7 Mes Matières
IGCSE Writing Booklet

IGCSE Writing Booklet

Past writing questions from CIE (2011- Present). Adapted from this fantastic revision resource (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/igcse-french-edexcel-6434125) done by CASSIOPEE. I used the format and key phrases but replaced the past questions with ones from CIE.
A la maison

A la maison

A four-lesson unit: 1. La maison 2. Après l'école... (8 ER verbs) 3. Les pronoms personnels 4. Les verbes ER au présent
Edexcel IGCSE Speaking

Edexcel IGCSE Speaking

Sample Questions from the SAM in a more user-friendly format. Includes spaces for students to write their practice answers.
Les Adjectifs

Les Adjectifs

PowerPoint on a few common adjectives for KS2 French. Drawing activity for homework.
Key Stage 3 French Long Term Plans

Key Stage 3 French Long Term Plans

Long Term plans for Year 7, 8 and 9. Based on Expo (Rouge). These are designed to go with my timetable - three 45-minute lessons a week per class. Hope this is helpful. Reviews appreciated.
Le Visage

Le Visage

PowerPoint for parts of the face + 'Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds' song.
Role Play Cards

Role Play Cards

The role play cards are suitable for Year 8/9. They are 10 in total and cover the topics of health and hotel accommodation.
C’est quoi être végétarien ?

C’est quoi être végétarien ?

Listening comprehension based on the YouTube video by 1 jour, 1 actu. A good introduction to IB DP style listening comprehension exercises, as well and introduce the topic of vegetarianism.
French synonyms

French synonyms

Synonyms display for the adjectives 'grand', 'petit', 'beau', 'mauvais' and 'bon'. I have it up in the classroom to help with writing. Please download, rate and comment. Merci!
French Food Quiz

French Food Quiz

This is a link to a 40-question quiz I created on Kahoot! to review food vocabulary, partitive articles, restaurant conversations and food from the Francophone world.