2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads
With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools.
My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas.
Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back.
2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads
With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools.
My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas.
Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back.
100 division questions to answer as quickly as possible. Word document fully editable. Answer sheets provided for peer/self assessment. Tables up to x12. Great start of day activity. Set 3 of 4
52 sheets each with 100 questions based on individual and mixed times tables. Sheets contain just multiplication, just division and mixed. Each sheet also has its own answer sheet for self/peer assessment.
bingo cards, dominoes, matching cards, tables test, multiplication grid and 100 question challenges for 2 times table, including corresponding division facts all for the 11 times table
please see the read me file for 100s more times tables activities, games and tests
differentiated Word searches for the nativity and 12 days of Christmas. Complete with answers. More Christmas resources can be found at https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Range-of-Christmas-Games-and-Activities-6452572/
Mapped out skills for the Abacus maths scheme for all 12 areas of learning. Ideal for subject leaders and SLT as it shows the whole learning journeys of themes. All in colour to match the Abacus scheme
The Mark Scheme covering the test for the 2016 key Stage 2 Sampling science test in biology, chemistry and physics. Also includes the sampling framework for refernce
Need a clear, consistent and easy to use system for assessing Year 4 Maths without levels?
Year 4 maths areas covered:
number and place value
The series contain 233 short assessment tasks for every statement from year 1 to year 5. Assessment without levels is about continuous assessment but within a structured and robust system to ensure consistency of approach. These assessments can be done quickly, at any time and repeated as the children will not know the answers. They can be done as a class, a group or individually.
The number of assessments are as follows
Year 1 – 20
Year 2 – 34
Year 3 - 33
Year 4 – 44
Year 5 - 49
Year 6 - 53
To support teachers, I have provided:
• Answers for each sheet
• Colour coded year group sheets
• An overview of all the statements organised by mathematical area
• A guide on what stage to assess the children at. I have used beginning, working within and secure as statements but these can be adapted to your system
Need a clear, consistent and easy to use system for assessing Year 3 Maths without levels?
Year 3 maths areas covered:
number and place value
The series contain 233 short assessment tasks for every statement from year 1 to year 5. Assessment without levels is about continuous assessment but within a structured and robust system to ensure consistency of approach. These assessments can be done quickly, at any time and repeated as the children will not know the answers. They can be done as a class, a group or individually.
The number of assessments are as follows
Year 1 – 20
Year 2 – 34
Year 3 - 33
Year 4 – 44
Year 5 - 49
Year 6 - 53
To support teachers, I have provided:
• Answers for each sheet
• Colour coded year group sheets
• An overview of all the statements organised by mathematical area
• A guide on what stage to assess the children at. I have used beginning, working within and secure as statements but these can be adapted to your system
Need a clear, consistent and easy to use system for assessing Year 2 Maths without levels?
Year 2 maths areas covered:
number and place value
The series contain 233 short assessment tasks for every statement from year 1 to year 5. Assessment without levels is about continuous assessment but within a structured and robust system to ensure consistency of approach. These assessments can be done quickly, at any time and repeated as the children will not know the answers. They can be done as a class, a group or individually.
The number of assessments are as follows
Year 1 – 20
Year 2 – 34
Year 3 - 33
Year 4 – 44
Year 5 - 49
Year 6 - 53
To support teachers, I have provided:
• Answers for each sheet
• Colour coded year group sheets
• An overview of all the statements organised by mathematical area
• A guide on what stage to assess the children at. I have used beginning, working within and secure as statements but these can be adapted to your system
Need a clear, consistent and easy to use system for assessing maths without levels?
Maths areas covered:
number and place value
ratio and proportion
The series contain 233 short assessment tasks for every statement from year 1 to year 5. Assessment without levels is about continuous assessment but within a structured and robust system to ensure consistency of approach. These assessments can be done quickly, at any time and repeated as the children will not know the answers. They can be done as a class, a group or individually.
The number of assessments are as follows
Year 1 – 20
Year 2 – 34
Year 3 - 33
Year 4 – 44
Year 5 - 49
Year 6 - 53
To support teachers, I have provided:
• Answers for each sheet
• Colour coded year group sheets
• An overview of all the statements organised by mathematical area
• A guide on what stage to assess the children at. I have used beginning, working within and secure as statements but these can be adapted to your system
simply enter the scores for each child for each question for the 2016 SPAG test, their gender, SEN and PPg status and the spreadsheet will give you:
a breakdown of each question percentage
the percentage overall, boys and girls for each area - grammar, sentence strructure, phrases, verb forms, punctuation, vocabulary and standard English
overall percentages for each of these areas for gender, PPG, non PPG, SEN and non SEN
ideal for school and subject leaders as well as teacher analsysis of strengths and areas for development
Links to resources
All 3 spreadshseets
Simply enter the scores for each child for each question, their gender, SEN and PPg status and the spreadsheet will give you:
a breakdown of each question percentage
the percentage overall, boys and girls for each area - number, calculation, geometry, statistics, measurement and fractions, decimals and percentage
overall percentages for each of these areas for gender, PPG, non PPG, SEN and non SEN
ideal for school and subject leaders as well as teacher analysis of strengths and areas for development
See the read me file for links to other year groups analysis spreadsheets
A story written from the point of view of twins, who are able to travel back in time to witness events in history. World War 1 is visited through the events and speicifically the life of WIlfred Owen, his poems, passions, achievements and eventually his death two days before Armistice Day and his parents finding out on 11th November 1918.
A focal point for discussion in primary and seconday schools.
Chapter 1 - the stone pillar - looking at cenotaphs
Chapter 2 - training - looking at preparation for war
Chapter 3 - The Lie - looking at the meaning of Wilfred Owen’ poem, Dulce et Decorum Est
Chapter 4 - The Sentry - looking at the meaning of Wilfred Owen’ poem, The Sentry
Chapter 5 - Meeting Siegfried - the moment WIlfred Owen met Siegfried Sasoon
Chapter 6 - The pity of war, Wilfred recovering from injury
Chapter 7 - The cross, the incident that led to Wilfred Owen being awarded the George Medal
Chapter 8 - the 11th of the 11th, how Wilfred died and the signifiance of the dates
Chapter 9 - Remembered, the tomb of the unknown warrior at Westminster Abbey and of poet’s corner with Wilfred’s words