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(based on 426 reviews)

This author has now sold over 14,000 resources and has had over 249,000 downloads! Quality resources + memorable classroom environment = outstanding basis to learning.




This author has now sold over 14,000 resources and has had over 249,000 downloads! Quality resources + memorable classroom environment = outstanding basis to learning.
29x year 2 SATS style tests based on every objective of the curriculum

29x year 2 SATS style tests based on every objective of the curriculum

29x year 2 SATS style tests based on every objective of the curriculum help you children master the new curriculum. these tests are in the style of the 2016 maths tests - all questions have a score value and an area to work out the calculation. These tests are great to assess progress within a topic, for use as cold and hot tasks, end of unit tests, boosters, extensions, interventions, SATS practice and more... these are based on the new curriculum and offer students a chance to practice the objective in a variety of ways - mastery style! objectives include: add (commutative) and subtract addition and subtraction facts adding and subtracting money combinations of coins compare and order numbers to 100 sequences of time counting in 2-5-10 data handling halves, thirds and quarters estimating numbers inverse operation measures, geometry and data measuring multiplication (commutative) and division multiplication and division problems multiplication and division facts 2-5-10 number patterns and sequences place value and number facts place value to two digits position pounds and pence properties of 2d shape properties of 3d shape read and write numbers to 100 simple fractions sorting data telling the time visit my store for other year groups and mastery resources
think outside of the box challenges

think outside of the box challenges

riddles, challenges and what am I? questions to encourage children *or staff!* to think outside of the box. all questions are followed by a slide showing and explaining the answers. use as starters, plenaries, morning challenges, displays, extra homework, g and t challenges, lesson extensions, staff meeting challenges!, fillers and brain gym. this is my second pack - check out my first in my shop!
over 65 pictures to inspire writing

over 65 pictures to inspire writing

Great for use as a ‘Big write’ prompt, P4C, talk partner work, speaking and listening tasks, story starters, newspaper reports, visual reading and comprehension, writing starters, homework challenges and more!
KS1 & KS2 Mastery maths addition (through algebra)

KS1 & KS2 Mastery maths addition (through algebra)

KS1 & KS2 Mastery addition through algebra Suitable for year group 1-6, for all ability ranges. Use for lesson starters, plenaries, extension challenges, booster groups, lessons, gifted and talented challenges, maths clubs, homework and more! ALL ANSWERS PROVIDED
practice SATS paper year 6 arithmetic

practice SATS paper year 6 arithmetic

this arithmetic papers are in the style of the 2016 SATs papers. Each question is based on the same objective from the 2016 tests but are adapted with different numbers and different fractions. These test will help you gage whether or not your year 6 pupils are on track to meet the standards for the end of year 6. ALL ANSWERS PROVIDED to enable self marking the test is based on the following objectives: adding 3 digits to 3 digits adding decimals adding 3 sets of numbers division multiplying by 10,100,1000 subtraction multiplying decimals subtracting decimals formal methods subtracting fractions with the same/different denominator adding fractions with the same/different denominator multiplying fractions square numbers percentage of an amount converting mixed number fractions simplifying fractions buy all 5 of my tests here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/5-arithmetic-ks2-sats-papers-year-6-11431565


5 Resources
over 100 SATS 'REASONING' questions based on ALL year 6 maths objectives

over 100 SATS 'REASONING' questions based on ALL year 6 maths objectives

ALL QUESTIONS ARE LINKED TO THE NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM YEAR 6 OBJECTIVES. ALL YEAR 6 NATIONAL CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES ARE COVERED IN THIS SET OF QUESTIONS. This resource contains OVER 100 challenges linked to the new year 6 maths curriculum. Each challenge is designed to challenge, assess and stretch the learning of the key objectives. At the top of each slide is the direct objective that the challenge matches to. MASTER THE NEW MATHS CURRICULUM! This is an ideal assessment piece as it will test if they really understand and can apply the new national curriculum. PLEASE SEE MY OTHER RESOURCES IN MY SHOP.
5 challenging year 6 maths problems

5 challenging year 6 maths problems

This resource is sample of my paid resources available in my shop. download for free and enjoy! check out my shop at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources-shop/erylands
ks2 maths invesigations

ks2 maths invesigations

this is a sample of my paid resource Suitable for morning work, homework, starters, plenaries and whole lessons. all answers are on the following page. please look in my shop for other resources. Thank you! the full version can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/23-ks2-maths-investigations-11163348
KS2 challenging maths problems

KS2 challenging maths problems

Suitable for starters, plenaries, homework challenges, extension tasks, investigations, assessments… ALL ANSWERS ARE ON THE FOLLOWING SLIDE. please see my other resources in my shop https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources-shop/erylands