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Essay writing - useful expressions
This mat has been widely used by my As , and particularly, my A2 students.
It has helped them organize their essays and create a structure that "flows".
By giving a number to each section, it is easier to indicate in my feedback what is missing, or what needs to be altered/included.
I hope you will also find it useful!

EDEXCEL Unit 3 assessment forms
Useful forms to assess your students' oral debates. I have used them for my mocks, and they have allowed me to give clear and specific feedback to the students, as well as keeping a clear record of their grades and targets.

EDEXCEL 2016 AS oral exam - Assessment of student's progress
Easy to use form , with new marking criteria. There is room for comments on the student's performance, as well as targets. I have been using it for a few weeks and I find it really helpful.

I use this form with all of my As and A2 groups and it has helped me to given more specific feedback.
Occasionally I will give the form to the rest of the students for peer marking.
I hope you find it useful!