Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes.
Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary.
Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes.
Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary.
11 x No prep pairwork speaking activities
Topic: Mein Leben
Encourage fluency and confidence using German with thematic conversation activities.
1) Routinen
2) Familie
3) Nachbarn
4) Persönlichkeit
5) Liebe
6) Gefühle
7) Häuser
8) Feierlichkeiten
9) Hobbys
10) Lebensmittel
11) Kindheit
Part 1: Photo description & comparison
Encourages use of linking terms, connectors and cohesive devices
Vocabulary acquisition
Part 2: Discussion questions
Agree / disagree
Advantages / disadvantages
Encourages fluency and confidence using French
Can be used for a 1-1 speaking class or pair-work activity in a large class
Instructions for PART 1:
1) Working with a partner with the same photo (student As with As, Bs with Bs), students attempt to identify the vocabulary in their photo. (alternatively, for low-level students, the teacher can provide students with a vocabulary list and the students label the photo).
2) Change pairs to AB.
3) Student A describes photo while student B listens attentively.
4) Student B describes photo while student A listens attentively.
5) Still without looking at each other’s photos, students attempt to identify 3 differences between their photos.
Students may now look at each other’s photos and describe 2-3 differences each.
Encourage use of CONNECTORS:
‣Erstens, Zweitens, Zusammengefasst
‣Aber, Andererseits, Während
‣Darüber hinaus, Des weiteren, Außerdem
Instructions for PART 2
1) Students ask each other the discussion questions. Encourage students to:
Extend their answers
Elicit more information
Agree / disagree with their partners
Justify their arguments
2) Students try and report to their new partner everything they can remember which their old partner has just told them.
Encourage students to use the questions to guide their memory.
No prep pair-work speaking activity.
Part 1: Photo description & comparison
Encourages use of linking terms, connectors and cohesive devices
Vocabulary acquisition
Part 2: Discussion questions
Agree / disagree
Advantages / disadvantages
Encourages fluency and confidence using German
Can be used for a 1-1 speaking class or pair-work activity in a large class
Instructions for PART 1:
1) Working with a partner with the same photo (student As with As, Bs with Bs), students attempt to identify the vocabulary in their photo. (alternatively, for low-level students, the teacher can provide students with a vocabulary list and the students label the photo).
2) Change pairs to AB.
3) Student A describes photo while student B listens attentively.
4) Student B describes photo while student A listens attentively.
5) Still without looking at each other’s photos, students attempt to identify 3 differences between their photos.
Students may now look at each other’s photos and describe 2-3 differences each.
Encourage use of CONNECTORS:
Erstens, Zweitens, Zusammengefasst
Aber, Andererseits, Während
Darüber hinaus, Des weiteren, Außerdem
Instructions for PART 2
1) Students ask each other the discussion questions. Encourage students to:
Extend their answers
Elicit more information
Agree / disagree with their partners
Justify their arguments
2) Students try and report to their new partner everything they can remember which their old partner has just told them.
Encourage students to use the questions to guide their memory.
No prep pair-work speaking activity.
Part 1: Photo description & comparison
Encourages use of linking terms, connectors and cohesive devices
Vocabulary acquisition
Part 2: Discussion questions
Agree / disagree
Advantages / disadvantages
Encourages fluency and confidence using German
Can be used for a 1-1 speaking class or pair-work activity in a large class
Instructions for PART 1:
1) Working with a partner with the same photo (student As with As, Bs with Bs), students attempt to identify the vocabulary in their photo. (alternatively, for low-level students, the teacher can provide students with a vocabulary list and the students label the photo).
2) Change pairs to AB.
3) Student A describes photo while student B listens attentively.
4) Student B describes photo while student A listens attentively.
5) Still without looking at each other’s photos, students attempt to identify 3 differences between their photos.
Students may now look at each other’s photos and describe 2-3 differences each.
Encourage use of CONNECTORS:
Erstens, Zweitens, Zusammengefasst
Aber, Andererseits, Während
Darüber hinaus, Des weiteren, Außerdem
Instructions for PART 2
1) Students ask each other the discussion questions. Encourage students to:
Extend their answers
Elicit more information
Agree / disagree with their partners
Justify their arguments
2) Students try and report to their new partner everything they can remember which their old partner has just told them.
Encourage students to use the questions to guide their memory.
7 x printable activities from the Parlons de series
Parlons de NOËL !
Parlons de PÂQUES !
Parlons de la SAINT VALENTIN !
Parlons de la FÊTE des MÈRES !
Parlons de la FÊTE des PÈRES !
No prep pair-work speaking activity.
Topic of conversation: Medio ambiente
Part 1: Photo description & comparison
Encourages use of linking terms, connectors and cohesive devices
Vocabulary acquisition
Part 2: Discussion questions
Agree / disagree
Advantages / disadvantages
Encourages fluency and confidence using Spanish
Can be used for a 1-1 speaking class or pair-work activity in a large class
Instructions for PART 1:
1) Working with a partner with the same photo (student As with As, Bs with Bs), students attempt to identify the vocabulary in their photo. (alternatively, for low-level students, the teacher can provide students with a vocabulary list and the students label the photo).
2) Change pairs to AB.
3) Student A describes photo while student B listens attentively.
4) Student B describes photo while student A listens attentively.
5) Still without looking at each other’s photos, students attempt to identify 3 differences between their photos.
Students may now look at each other’s photos and describe 2-3 differences each.
Encourage use of CONNECTORS:
En primer lugar, En segundo lugar, Finalmente
Sin embargo, Por otra parte, Mientras que
Además, También, Es más
Instructions for PART 2
1) Students ask each other the discussion questions. Encourage students to:
Extend their answers
Elicit more information
Agree / disagree with their partners
Justify their arguments
2) Students try and report to their new partner everything they can remember which their old partner has just told them.
Encourage students to use the questions to guide their memory.
42 x printable ID cards.
A mixture of famous people and fictional characters.
6 x blank id cards are also provided.
Level: Elementary
There are question prompts on the reverse which students can use to practise making questions
Details on the cards include:
Two pdf files are provided:
US Spelling
UK Spelling
No prep pair-work speaking activity.
Topic of conversation: NEIGHBOURS & NEIGHBOURHOODS
Part 1: Photo description & comparison
Encourages use of linking terms, connectors and cohesive devices
Vocabulary acquisition
Part 2: Discussion questions
Agree / disagree
Advantages / disadvantages
Encourages fluency and confidence using English
Can be used for a 1-1 speaking class or pair-work activity in a large class
Instructions for PART 1:
1) Working with a partner with the same photo (student As with As, Bs with Bs), students attempt to identify the vocabulary in their photo. (alternatively, for low-level students, the teacher can provide students with a vocabulary list and the students label the photo).
2) Change pairs to AB.
3) Student A describes photo while student B listens attentively.
4) Student B describes photo while student A listens attentively.
5) Still without looking at each other’s photos, students attempt to identify 3 differences between their photos.
Students may now look at each other’s photos and describe 2-3 differences each.
Encourage use of CONNECTORS:
Firstly, Secondly, Finally
However, On the other hand , Whereas
Furthermore, In addition, Moreover
Instructions for PART 2
1) Students ask each other the discussion questions. Encourage students to:
Extend their answers
Elicit more information
Agree / disagree with their partners
Justify their arguments
2) Students try and report to their new partner everything they can remember which their old partner has just told them.
Encourage students to use the questions to guide their memory.
No prep pair-work speaking activity.
Topic of conversation: El Campo
Part 1: Photo description & comparison
Encourages use of linking terms, connectors and cohesive devices
Vocabulary acquisition
Part 2: Discussion questions
Agree / disagree
Advantages / disadvantages
Encourages fluency and confidence using Spanish
Can be used for a 1-1 speaking class or pair-work activity in a large class
Instructions for PART 1:
1) Working with a partner with the same photo (student As with As, Bs with Bs), students attempt to identify the vocabulary in their photo. (alternatively, for low-level students, the teacher can provide students with a vocabulary list and the students label the photo).
2) Change pairs to AB.
3) Student A describes photo while student B listens attentively.
4) Student B describes photo while student A listens attentively.
5) Still without looking at each other’s photos, students attempt to identify 3 differences between their photos.
Students may now look at each other’s photos and describe 2-3 differences each.
Encourage use of CONNECTORS:
En primer lugar, En segundo lugar, Finalmente
Sin embargo, Por otra parte, Mientras que
Además, También, Es más
Instructions for PART 2
1) Students ask each other the discussion questions. Encourage students to:
Extend their answers
Elicit more information
Agree / disagree with their partners
Justify their arguments
2) Students try and report to their new partner everything they can remember which their old partner has just told them.
Encourage students to use the questions to guide their memory.
Part 1: A worksheet designed to give students a variety of structures for giving advice.
Part 2: The Emergency Situations Advice Game: A competitive game designed to give students the opportunity to USE the new structures for giving advice.
Target language:
-You should…
-You ought to…
-You had better…
-Your best bet would be to…
-If I were you, I would…
-How about…
No prep pair-work speaking activity.
Part 1: Photo description & comparison
Encourages use of linking terms, connectors and cohesive devices
Vocabulary acquisition
Part 2: Discussion questions
Agree / disagree
Advantages / disadvantages
Encourages fluency and confidence using French
Can be used for a 1-1 speaking class or pair-work activity in a large class
Instructions for PART 1:
1) Working with a partner with the same photo (student As with As, Bs with Bs), students attempt to identify the vocabulary in their photo. (alternatively, for low-level students, the teacher can provide students with a vocabulary list and the students label the photo).
2) Change pairs to AB.
3) Student A describes photo while student B listens attentively.
4) Student B describes photo while student A listens attentively.
5) Still without looking at each other’s photos, students attempt to identify 3 differences between their photos.
Students may now look at each other’s photos and describe 2-3 differences each.
Encourage use of CONNECTORS:
Premièrement, Deuxièment,Pour finir
Cependant, D’autre part, Alors que
De plus, En outre, Par ailleurs
Instructions for PART 2
1) Students ask each other the discussion questions. Encourage students to:
Extend their answers
Elicit more information
Agree / disagree with their partners
Justify their arguments
2) Students try and report to their new partner everything they can remember which their old partner has just told them.
Encourage students to use the questions to guide their memory.
An interactive and engaging pairwork speaking activity.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
(lower-level students can attempt this activity if they are familiar with some of the target speaking skills detailed below)
Students are presented with a debate scenario.
Part 1: Students evaluate 5 possible options.
Part 2: Students negotiate towards a decision.
Part 3: Students join different or larger groups and attempt to justify their decision.
Target speaking skills:
Sustaining an interaction.
Exchanging ideas.
Expressing and justifying opinions.
Convincing, arguing and persuading.
Agreeing and/or disagreeing.
Suggesting, speculating, evaluating.
Negotiating towards a decision.
Gamification options are provided with the teacher’s instructions.
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
There are 4 worksheets included in this bundle:
Pre-reading discussion questions
Reading with comprehension questions
Interactive debate activity
Writing assignment
Looking for a fun way to teach phrasal verbs?
Try this!
Target language: phrasal verbs with PUT:
5 x multi-skill activities targeting reading, listening, grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills:
1. Students listen to 8 song exacts and complete the missing phrasal verbs in the lyrics.
2. Students match the phrasal verbs to definitions.
3. Students use the definitions to complete a gap fill.
4. The flashcard memory tower game to boost memory.
5. Conversation questions using the target phrasal verbs
Complete teacher’s instructions and a link to the media files (both as audio and as video) are provided.
After matching vocabulary of the symptoms, contagion and prevention of the coronavirus, students then discuss & debate conversation questions relating to the coronavirus in general.
Target Vocabulary:
Sore throat
Wash hands
Face mask
Animal contact
In the air
Contaminated objects
Cover coughs or sneezes
Personal contact
Avoid contact with people
Target Skills:
Express opinions
Extend answers
Maintain a conversation
Elicit more information
Agree or disagree
Justify their arguments