Matthews Resources Limited - PowerPoints with lesson plans
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Complete schemes of work, lesson plans and powerpoints to teach Science, written by a current Head of Physics rated Outstanding in his teaching and currently working at a school rated Outstanding by OfSted
Complete schemes of work, lesson plans and powerpoints to teach Science, written by a current Head of Physics rated Outstanding in his teaching and currently working at a school rated Outstanding by OfSted
This is lesson 5.3 Total Internal Reflection from the latest syllabus
Included here is a PowerPoint of this lesson and lesson plan complete with point by point teaching, homework recommendations and curriculum link; everything that you need to teach this lesson.
All of Chapter one is free to sample. I am bundling every chapter of the Year 1 and Year 2 course to make them cheaper.
The entire 80 PowerPoint course and full scheme of work is also available as a much cheaper single download here
This is a lesson plan and PowerPoint explaining how to perform the required practical on Density. This is the third lesson in the Particle Model unit of work (P3).
The lesson covers the calculation of the volume of cuboids, recaps the conversion of units and calculation of density and then describes the methods needed to calculate the density of regular and irregular shapes.
The lesson plan is step by step including extension ideas and the learning objectives linked directly to the syllabus
v1.1 - Picture of a Eureka-can added to slide to assist understanding of alternative procedure
v1.2 - Some minor editing to slides to improve comprehension
This is lesson 7.5 Motion Graphs from the latest syllabus
Included here is a PowerPoint of this lesson and lesson plan complete with point by point teaching, homework recommendations and curriculum link; everything that you need to teach this lesson.
All of Chapter one is free to sample. I am bundling every chapter of the Year 1 and Year 2 course to make them cheaper.
The entire 80 PowerPoint course and full scheme of work is also available as a much cheaper single download here
This is the second lesson of three from the gas laws chapter
Included here is a PowerPoint of this lesson and lesson plan complete with point by point teaching, homework recommendations and curriculum link.
All of Chapter one is free to sample. I am bundling every chapter of the Year 1 and Year 2 course to make them cheaper.
The entire 80 PowerPoint Year 1 course and full scheme of work is also available at under 50p per lesson as a single download in my shop
This is lesson 13.5 The Potential Divider from the latest syllabus
Included here is a PowerPoint of this lesson and lesson plan complete with point by point teaching, homework recommendations and curriculum link; everything that you need to teach this lesson.
All of Chapter one is free to sample. I am bundling every chapter of the Year 1 and Year 2 course to make them cheaper.
The entire 80 PowerPoint course and full scheme of work is also available as a much cheaper single download here
This is lesson 3.3 Collisions of electrons with atoms from the latest syllabus
Included here is a PowerPoint of this lesson and lesson plan complete with point by point teaching, homework recommendations and curriculum link; everything that you need to teach this lesson.
All of Chapter one is free to sample. I am bundling every chapter of the Year 1 and Year 2 course to make them cheaper.
The entire 80 PowerPoint course and full scheme of work is also available as a much cheaper single download here
This is a detailed lesson and PowerPoint explaining electromagnets and the fields around them. This is the second lesson in the Electromagnetism unit of work (P7).
The lesson covers the theory of electromagnets, magnetic fields around solenoids and wires as well as the practical experiment and risk assessment to investigate these in the classroom.
Ideas for differentiation, discussion, research and homework also included in lesson plan.
V1.01 - Additional slides added for experiment and the Starter, Main, Plenary added to lesson plan - 17th Sept 2018
This is a lesson and PowerPoint that covers CCDs (Charge Coupled Devices) and quantum efficiency.
As well as supporting A-Level Physics for many exam boards this lesson is also part of a chapter that covers the optional astrophysics unit 9 for AQA
Please see my shop to view all of my lessons and entire schemes of work
This is a detailed lesson plan and PowerPoint explaining how to calculate density, conversion of units for mass and volume and the effect of density on floating. This is the second lesson in the Particle Model unit of work (P3).
The lesson plan is step by step including extension ideas and the learning objectives linked directly to the syllabus plus a detailed practical idea and demonstrations.
See my shop for a huge number of lessons and bundles
This is a lesson and PowerPoint explaining how transformers work. This is the eighth lesson in the Electromagnetism unit of work (P7).
The lesson covers transformer design, the mathematical formulae to calculate potential difference and current across the coils and also how transformers are used in the National Grid and at home.
Ideas for differentiation and homework also included in lesson plan as well as the equipment list for a recommended investigation and demonstration.
V1.01 (Nov 2017) corrected maths typo on example question
This is a lesson and PowerPoint that covers Millikan’s famous Oil Drop experiment where he determined the absolute charge, the charge on an electron
This PowerPoint explains the experiment that he performed, along with the calculations needed. There are ideas for extending the lesson to include all four forces (drag, buoyancy, gravity and electric) that Millikan had to do.
As well as supporting A-Level Physics for many exam boards this lesson is also part of a chapter that covers the optional Turning Points in Physics unit 9 for AQA (Lesson 4 of 13)
Please see my shop to view all of my lessons and entire schemes of work
This is a lesson and PowerPoint that covers Cathode Rays (including discharge tubes and the Maltese Cross Experiment) and should be supported with two recommended demonstrations and is a list of scientists that could be researched as a homework task.
There is also a worksheet of questions and an answer sheet.
As well as supporting A-Level Physics for many exam boards this lesson is also part of a chapter that covers the optional Turning Points in Physics unit 9 for AQA (Lesson 1 of 13)
Please see my shop to view all of my lessons and entire schemes of work
This is lesson 26.7 Radioactive isotopes in use from the latest syllabus
Included here is a PowerPoint of this lesson and lesson plan complete with point by point teaching, homework recommendations and curriculum link; everything that you need to teach this lesson.
All of Chapter one is free to sample. I am bundling every chapter of the Year 1 and Year 2 course to make them cheaper, please see my shop
This is lesson 27.2 Binding energy from the latest syllabus
Included here is a PowerPoint of this lesson and lesson plan complete with point by point teaching, homework recommendations and curriculum link; everything that you need to teach this lesson.
All of Chapter one is free to sample. I am bundling every chapter of the Year 1 and Year 2 course to make them cheaper, please see my shop
This is a lesson and PowerPoint that covers the allocation of stars into different types, the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (including the tracks that stars follow as they evolve), the p-p chain (including p-p1, p-p2 and p-p3) and the selection bias in type abundance due to fusion rates.
As well as supporting A-Level Physics for many exam boards this lesson is also part of a chapter that covers the optional astrophysics unit 9 for AQA
Please see my shop to view all of my lessons and entire schemes of work
This is lesson 10.2 Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy from the latest syllabus
Included here is a PowerPoint of this lesson and lesson plan complete with point by point teaching, homework recommendations and curriculum link; everything that you need to teach this lesson.
All of Chapter one is free to sample. I am bundling every chapter of the Year 1 and Year 2 course to make them cheaper.
The entire 80 PowerPoint course and full scheme of work is also available as a much cheaper single download here
This is a lesson and PowerPoint that covers general Doppler effect, Cosmological redshift, the Hubble constant and calculations of distance using red-shift of galaxies.
There are also three slides that explain how the Audacity software (Public Domain) can be used to measure the Doppler effect in the classroom. A ZIP file includes a copy of this software.
As well as supporting A-Level Physics for many exam boards this lesson is also part of a chapter that covers the optional astrophysics unit 9 for AQA
Note - Updates April 2017 (Typo in example question)
GCSE Science / Physics - Nuclear Fusion (PowerPoint and Lesson Plan)
This is a detailed lesson and PowerPoint explaining nuclear fusion. This is the thirteenth lesson in the Atomic Structure unit of work (P4).
The lesson covers the basic idea of combining atomic nuclei. Mass loss and both current and future uses of fusion are considered.
There is a detailed lesson plan with notes on teaching this topic as well as ideas to assist the teacher in differentiating the lesson and setting homework; a PowerPoint also supports the lesson.
This is a 9 slide PowerPoint that covers BTec National Engineering (A-Level equivalent) on the topic of Shear forces which create stress and strain. This then goes on to explain how this relates to the Modulus of Rigidity. A set of questions and answers is included.
This is the seconds of three PowerPoints in this series and covers the mathematical and physics for an analysis of Stress and Strain in Engineering materials as applied to bolts and rivets under shearing conditions
v1.01 Error in calculation corrected
v1.1 Question sheet and answer sheet added
v.1.11 (Jan 2023) Minor change to ppt; rewording of worksheet question to make it clearer
This is a lesson and PowerPoint that covers Newtonian and Cassegrain optical telescopes including ray diagrams. Spherical aberrations and the advantages of mirrors over lenses are also covered.
As well as supporting A-Level Physics for many exam boards this lesson is also part of a chapter that covers the optional astrophysics unit 9 for AQA
Please see my shop to view all of my lessons and entire schemes of work