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Food - a fact of life

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Free resources for teaching young people aged 3-16 years about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating.




Free resources for teaching young people aged 3-16 years about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating.
An turas gu tuathanas

An turas gu tuathanas

Tha Mgr Valdez a’ toirt a’ chlas gu turas air tuathanas bainne. Coinnichidh iad ris a’ Bh-ph Jenkins, an tuathanach, agus ionnsaichidh iad mu mar a gheibhear bainne.
Matamataig càise

Matamataig càise

Tha10 ceistean matamataig càise ann, le na 4 gnÌomhachdan. Feumaidh clann gach ceist matamatag càise oibreachadh a-mach.
See and eat

See and eat

The See & Eat project is about learning to love vegetables - for young children. There are ebooks for 24 different vegetables from aubergines and butternut squash to spinach and sweet potato! https://www.seeandeat.org/ebooks/ The research team at Reading have shown that looking at simple picture books of where vegetables come from, how they grow, in shops, being prepared and ready to eat can help preschool children learn to like vegetables that they haven’t tried before or didn’t previously like. The psychology behind this is that seeing images of a food can make it feel more familiar and can help reduce the natural anxiety that many young children have about trying new foods. The project is led by psychologists at the University of Reading and funded by the European organisation EIT Food*.
Super Smoothie Session

Super Smoothie Session

The aim of this session is to help children understand that breakfast is an important meal that should be eaten everyday and include food and a drink. The main activity, ‘Have a go’, involves preparing a healthy breakfast smoothie where children will learn about getting ready to cook, the ingredients, food preparation skills and how to make a smoothie.
Healthy eating - Food is a basic requirement of life

Healthy eating - Food is a basic requirement of life

This set of resources developed by ‘British Nutrition Foundation’, form part of a series of successful lessons exploring healthy eating for children aged 5-7 years. This section provides you with detailed teaching plans, worksheets and presentations and also includes links to all the downloadable resources to support teaching of ‘that food is a basic requirement of life and we need food to grow, be active and maintain health.
License to Cook - Session 7: Feel the rub

License to Cook - Session 7: Feel the rub

This session revisits the rubbing in technique, to consolidate learning, and extends to forming and shaping the rubbed-in dough. This additional dimension is a progression from Session 6, as students will need to carefully control the amount of liquid added to the mixture, to prevent it from becoming too dry or sticky, and shape the dough in a uniform manner. As with other sessions, it provides you with the opportunity to assess students’ practical capability. You could use the practical observation sheet to help.
License to Cook - Session 14: Rice

License to Cook - Session 14: Rice

This session is about cooking with rice to make a delicious meal or side dish. As with other sessions, students will revisit many skills and techniques, therefore making them more confident cooks. Linking to the theme of this block of sessions, it is the Idea of students making dishes at school that they can easily make at home now, and in the future. It also provides you with the opportunity to assess students’ practical capability. You could use the practical observation sheet to help.
Production and processing: Dairy farming

Production and processing: Dairy farming

Created for 11-16 year olds, this set of resources developed by ‘British Nutrition Foundation’, form part of a series of exciting lessons with a focus on dairy farming, the environment and sustainability. This section provides you with a teachers guide, PowerPoint presentations, links to video clips, online tutorials and more downloadable resources. These new secondary resources have been developed by the ‘British Nutrition Foundation’ and supported by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) dairy sector organisation - DairyCo