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Avoir and Etre (Present Tense)
This worksheet practices understanding and using the present tense of the verbs AVOIR and ETRE in French.

AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 8 – Die Olympischen Winterspiele – Page 165
This is a complete lesson and set of resources which are designed to be used with AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 8 – Die Olympischen Winterspiele – Page 165

AQA/EDEXCEL Studio GCSE French (Higher) – Module 5 – Des vacances de rêve – Page 100
This is a complete lesson and set of resources which are designed to be used with AQA/EDEXCEL Studio GCSE French (Higher) – Module 5 – Des vacances de rêve – Page 100.

Les films et la télé / Films and television
This resource practices using and understanding language in French to describe different types of films and television programmes

AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 8 – Umwelt macht Schule – Page 169
This is a complete lesson and set of resources which are designed to be used with AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 8 – Umwelt macht Schule – Page 169

L'Étranger - Albert Camus - Characters - Meursault - A Level French
Help your students understand the complexities of Meursault with this collection of resources.
The resources include:
Character description and analysis: Detailed exploration of Meursault’s personality and motivations.
Gap-Fill Worksheet: Interactive exercise to reinforce key information.
Reading Comprehension Questions: Thought-provoking questions for critical thinking.
Multiple Choice Worksheet: Questions to assess narrative and character comprehension.
Variety Activity Worksheet: Diverse exercises to engage different learning styles.
Creative Project Ideas: Inspire essays, artwork, presentations, and more.
Engage your students with these resources for a deeper understanding of Meursault and Camus’ existential themes.

EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 2 – Startpunkt – Page 30
This is a complete lesson and set of resources which are designed to be used with EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 2 – Startpunkt – Page 30

Conjunctions um and ohne with zu plus an infinitive
This resource practices using and understanding the conjunctions um and ohne with zu plus an infinitive.

AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 8 – Startpunkt 1 - Vocabulary
This resource introduces and practices vocabulary in German to describe international festivals and events as featured in AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 8 – Startpunkt 1

AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 7 – Traum und Wirklichkeit - Vocabulary
This resource introduces and practices vocabulary in German to describe your dream job as featured in AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 7 – Traum und Wirklichkeit

Dynamo 1 - Module 2 - Ta journée scolaire est comment? - Pages 40 - 41 - Game
This game practices using and understanding the language to describe daily routine as featured in Dynamo 1 - Module 2 - Ta journée scolaire est comment? - Pages 40- 41

L'Étranger - Albert Camus - Historical, Social and Cultural Context - A Level French
This worksheet describes the historical, social and cultural context of L’Étranger by Albert Camus and contains a variety of engaging activities in French with answers to support students to explore the context of the novel.

Am Bahnhof / At the train station / Buying train tickets
This resource practices using and understanding vocabulary in German to buy train tickets.

AQA / EDEXCEL Studio GCSE French (Higher) – Module 2 - Ma vie d’internaute – Pages 36 - 37
This translation worksheet practices using and understanding language in French to describe the internet, technology and social media as featured in AQA / EDEXCEL Studio GCSE French (Higher) – Module 2 - Ma vie d’internaute – Pages 36 - 37

Ma région / My region
This translation worksheet practices using and understanding language in French to describe a town, village or district.

Present, perfect and future tenses
This resource introduces and practices using and understanding the present, perfect and future tenses in French.

Im Restaurant / Ordering at a restaurant
This resource introduces and practices vocabulary in German to order at a restaurant.