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Gavin Butterfield Education

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French, German and Spanish lesson resources from Key Stage 2 to A level. Free from clutter and busy animations, teaching and learning materials are clear, well-structured, and in each case consist of a PowerPoint presentation combined with a worksheet. Answers are always provided.




French, German and Spanish lesson resources from Key Stage 2 to A level. Free from clutter and busy animations, teaching and learning materials are clear, well-structured, and in each case consist of a PowerPoint presentation combined with a worksheet. Answers are always provided.
Stimmt 2 Chapter 5 (Wir gehen aus)

Stimmt 2 Chapter 5 (Wir gehen aus)

4 Resources
Full set of resources for the four main sections of Stimmt! 2 Unit 5: Ich mag meinen Stil! Mein erstes Date! Ich mache mich fertig Wie war’s? Each resource includes a PowerPoint presentation covering key vocabulary and grammar, and a matching worksheet. All answers are provided.
Prepositions and dürfen (Stimmt 1, pages 82 to 83)

Prepositions and dürfen (Stimmt 1, pages 82 to 83)

PowerPoint presentation (13 slides) and worksheet on classroom furniture, prepositions and dürfen. Based on Stimmt! 1, unit 4, pages 82 to 83 (Im Klassenzimmer). PowerPoint contains: Key vocabulary for classroom items Introduction to prepositions and the dative Gap-fill grammar exercise Introduction of es gibt The modal verb dürfen including the negative Practice activities Translation into English PDF worksheet contains all the exercises from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided.
Days and times (Stimmt 1, pages 78 to 79)

Days and times (Stimmt 1, pages 78 to 79)

PowerPoint presentation (12 slides) and worksheet on a school timetable and what time lessons take place. Based on Stimmt! 1, unit 4, pages 78 to 79 (Was und wann?). PowerPoint contains: Days of the week Sample timetable Key phrases (Am Montag, vor der Pause, nach der Mittagspause, in der ersten Stunde, heute, morgen etc.) Telling the time Conversation phrases Practice activities Translation into English PDF worksheet contains all the exercises from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided.
French: The present tense (regular -er verbs)

French: The present tense (regular -er verbs)

PowerPoint presentation (12 slides) and worksheet for the present tense of regular -er verbs in French. PowerPoint includes: The basics Revision of personal pronouns Common infinitives Structure Grammar exercise Spot the mistakes exercise All answers are provided in the PowerPoint slides. PDF worksheet contains all tasks from the PowerPoint slides.
The present subjunctive (Konjunktiv I)

The present subjunctive (Konjunktiv I)

PowerPoint (11 slides) and PDF worksheet on the present subjunctive in German. PowerPoint contains: Explanation of direct and indirect speech Alternatives to verbs of speech Sentence structure with that (dass) and if (ob) Formation - all verbs; sein as an exception Avoiding confusion by using Konjunktiv II Sentence practice The worksheet contains both exercises from the PowerPoint. All answers are provided.
The imperfect subjunctive (Konjunktiv II)

The imperfect subjunctive (Konjunktiv II)

PowerPoint (9 slides) and PDF worksheet on the Imperfect subjunctive in German. PowerPoint contains: Usage Structure (regular verbs) Structure (irregular verbs) Practice activity More information including the conditional perfect Translation into German The worksheet contains both exercises from the PowerPoint. All answers are provided.
Summer holiday plans (Stimmt 1, pages 104 to 105)

Summer holiday plans (Stimmt 1, pages 104 to 105)

PowerPoint presentation (10 slides) and worksheet on summer holiday plans and the future tense. Based on Stimmt! 1, unit 5, pages 104 to 105 (In den Sommerferien). PowerPoint contains: Key vocabulary for holiday activities Explanation of the future tense with werden Practice activities Mixing tenses Translation into English Translation into German PDF worksheet contains all the exercises from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided.
Buying snacks and drinks (Stimmt 1, pages 102 to 103)

Buying snacks and drinks (Stimmt 1, pages 102 to 103)

PowerPoint presentation (9 slides) and worksheet on buying snacks and drinks including revision of euros. Based on Stimmt! 1, unit 5, pages 102 to 103 (Mmm, lecker!). PowerPoint contains: Key vocabulary for buying snacks and drinks Practice reading and understanding a menu Reminder of gern and ich mag Translation into English Dialogue practice PDF worksheet contains all the exercises from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided.
Buying souvenirs (Stimmt 1, pages 100 to 101)

Buying souvenirs (Stimmt 1, pages 100 to 101)

PowerPoint presentation (11 slides) and worksheet on buying souvenirs including currency and the use of ich möchte with and without an infinitive. Based on Stimmt! 1, unit 5, pages 100 to 101 (Wir gehen einkaufen!). PowerPoint contains: Introduction to the Euro Structure and usage of *ich möchte *(with accusative noun and infinitive verb) Practice activities Model conversation Text work PDF worksheet contains all the exercises from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided.
French grammar: The near future tense

French grammar: The near future tense

PowerPoint (18 slides plus title) and PDF worksheet (2 sides) on the near future tense in French. The PowerPoint presentation covers the following: The basics Revision of the verb aller Revision of infinitives Sentence structure Translation into English Time indicators Gap-fill text The negative Translation into French The worksheet contains all the tasks from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided within the PowerPoint presentation.
French: The present tense (regular -re verbs)

French: The present tense (regular -re verbs)

PowerPoint (10 slides) and worksheet introducing the present tense of regular -re verbs in French. PowerPoint contains: The basics Reminder of -er verb conjugation Selected infinitives ending in -re Structure Practice exercises Worksheet contains the same tasks as the PowerPoint. All answers are provided.
Places in town (Stimmt 1, pages 98 to 99)

Places in town (Stimmt 1, pages 98 to 99)

PowerPoint presentation (12 slides) and worksheet on places in town activities including the use of es gibt. Based on Stimmt! 1, unit 5, pages 98 to 99 (In der Stadt). PowerPoint contains: Key vocabulary for places in town Explanation of es gibt Compoundo nouns Practice activities Plurals Gap-fill text PDF worksheet contains all the exercises from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided.
French: The present tense (regular -ir verbs)

French: The present tense (regular -ir verbs)

PowerPoint (10 slides) and worksheet to introduce the present tense of -ir verbs in French. PowerPoint includes: The basics Reminder of -er verbs Infinitives ending in -ir Structure Practice exercises Adding verbs to a text Worksheet contains all exercises from the PowerPoint. All answers are included in the slides.
Stimmt 1 Chapter 5 (Gute Reise!)

Stimmt 1 Chapter 5 (Gute Reise!)

4 Resources
Full set of resources for the four main sections of Stimmt! 1 Unit 5: In der Stadt Wir gehen einkaufen! Mmm, lecker! In den Sommerferien Each resource includes a PowerPoint presentation covering key vocabulary and grammar, and a matching worksheet. All answers are provided.
Free time and frequency (Stimmt 1, pages 58 to 59)

Free time and frequency (Stimmt 1, pages 58 to 59)

PowerPoint presentation (12 slides) and worksheet on free time and frequency. Based on Stimmt! 1, unit 3, pages 56 to 57 (In meiner Freizeit). PowerPoint contains: Key vocabulary for activities Key questions Phrases of time and frequency Word order with verb as second idea Practice exercises PDF worksheet contains all the exercises from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided.
School subjects and weil (Stimmt 1, pages 76 to 77)

School subjects and weil (Stimmt 1, pages 76 to 77)

PowerPoint presentation (13 slides) and worksheet on school subjects and the use of weil to express opinions. Based on Stimmt! 1, unit 4, pages 76 to 77 (Ich mag Deutsch!). PowerPoint contains: Key vocabulary for school subjects Structures with ich mag Additional phrases (ich liebe, ich hasse, mein Lieblingsfach ist) Key adjectives for opinions Explanation of word order with weil Practice activities Translation exercises PDF worksheet contains all the exercises from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided.
Stimmt 1 Chapter 3 (Freizeit - juhu!)

Stimmt 1 Chapter 3 (Freizeit - juhu!)

4 Resources
Full set of resources for the four main sections of Stimmt! 1 Unit 3: Bist du sportlich? Freizeit ist toll! In meiner Freizeit Ich bin online Each resource includes a PowerPoint presentation covering key vocabulary and grammar, and a matching worksheet. All answers are provided.
Online activities (Stimmt 1, pages 60 to 61)

Online activities (Stimmt 1, pages 60 to 61)

PowerPoint presentation (10 slides) and worksheet on online activities including the use of the present tense for future events. Based on Stimmt! 1, unit 3, pages 60 to 61 (Ich bin online). PowerPoint contains: Key vocabulary for online activities Key questions Adverbs of frequency (immer, manchmal, nie, jeden Morgen, jeden Tag) Translation into English Time phrases to indicate future events (e.g. morgen, nächste Woche) Translation into German PDF worksheet contains all the exercises from the PowerPoint slides. All answers are provided.