![Hero image](https://www.tes.com/cdn/app-resource-store/5d51d34/img/hero.jpg)
Greek and Roman Gods Knowledge Organiser
Designed for students to use who are studying/following the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification, covering 1.1: The Gods.
Virgil's Aeneid: 30 Mark Essay Practice
A selection of essays for A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ These essays are intended to be used as part of revision
Myth and Religion Revision Quizzes: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations
Myth and Religion (designed for the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification) - a set of 21 revision quizzes which cover all eight topics covered within the course.
Each quiz has a set of 10 questions which cover a previous one/two lessons. These can be used as part of retrieval practice and allows students to identify any areas of knowledge that they do not fully understand.
They are tagged together so students have a pack of 21 revision cards / 210 key facts that cover the whole study
Virgil's Aeneid: Modern Scholarship (OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations)
The following document contains an array of scholarly views in relation to Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’ and has been designed for students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation Specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ It has been broken down into the appropriate sections, with the scholar’s name and their argument, including key quotes. This can be used to accompany the text, for students to incoorporate scholarship into their own answers or to simply annotate.
Sections include;
Literary techniques and composition
Structure and plot of the epic
Language of the epic, including the use of:
Homeric influence
*** Characterisation and Themes**
Concepts, values and behaviour of a Greek and Roman hero
Characterisation of major and minor characters (including Aeneas and Dido)
The role of Aeneas in Rome’s Imperial Destiny
Portrayal of War
Portrayal of Different Nations
The Social, Cultural and Religious Context
Moral values implicit in the Aeneid, including pietas and its contrast with furor
Importance of Fate and Destiny
Role of the immortals (and relationship between mortals and immortals)
Family and Friendship
Relationships between men and women, parents and children
Part played by women in the epic and their position in society
Historical and Political Background
The word document contains an array of scholarly views in relation to Virgil’s Aeneid and has been designed for students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation Specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ It has been broken down into the appropriate books, with the scholar’s name and their argument, including key quotes. There is an opportunity for students to give their own perception of the view and come to the conclusion as to whether they agree or disagree with them.
OCR: Scholarship in Homer's Odyssey
The following document contains an array of scholarly views in relation to Homer’s Odyssey and has been designed for students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation Specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ It has been broken down into the appropriate books, with the scholar’s name and their argument, including key quotes. There is an opportunity for students to give their own perception of the view and come to the conclusion as to whether they agree or disagree with them.
Heracles/Hercules Knowledge Organiser - GCSE Classical Civilisations
This knowledge organiser has been designed for students studying OCR’s GCSE Specification for Myth and Religion and covers 1.2 ‘Heracles/Hercules.’ It provides an overview of:
Birth and Early Life
The Twelve Labours
The Foundation of the Olympic Games
Hercules and Cacus
Hercules and Achelous
Hercules and Nessus
Hercules’ Cult in Rome
Hercules’ Death
Bundle Sale
GCSE OCR Classical Civilisations - Myth and Religion Revision Bundle
A bundle of resources for the OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE specification for ‘‘Myth and Religion’’.
This bundle contains:
A detailed revision guide
Exemplar Answers
Revision Checklist
A fill-in revision guide (40 pages long).
21 revision quizzes that cover the whole course (with answers)
Knowledge Organisers
Summary Notes Revision Booklets
OCR Classical Civilisation War and Warfare Revision (9-1)
Full revision guide for all of the culture section for the OCR specification (J199/23), covering War and Warfare.
The following revision guide has been designed for the OCR GCSE specification for Classical Civilisations:War and Warfare. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the four topics as condensed revision notes, with relevant prescribed sources in a supporting document. The 23-page long document provides revision notes for:
Sparta at War in the Fifth Century
Athens at War in the Fifth Century
The Roman Military in the Imperial Period
Rome at War
At the end of each section, there is a glossary of key terms. Towards the end,there is an overview of the question types found within the examination (Section A only)
OCR Classical Civilisation Homeric World (Mycenae, Literature and Culture) (9-1) Revision Guide
Full revision guide for all of the culture section for the Homeric World (J199/21), covering the Mycenaean Age.
The following revision guide has been designed for the OCR GCSE specification for Classical Civilisations:Homeric World. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the four topics as condensed revision notes, with relevant prescribed sources. The 18-page long document provides revision notes for:
Key Sites
Life in the Mycenaean Age
Decorative Arts
Tombs, Graves and Burials
At the end of each section, there is a glossary of key terms. Towards the end,there is an overview of the question types found within the examination (Section A only)
Homer's Odyssey Knowledge Organisers: GCSE Classical Civilisations
Designed for the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification for ‘‘Literature and Culture.’’ All five knowledge organisers/summary sheets cover the prescribed books (Book 9, 10, 19, 21 and 22) and include a general overview of the plot of each section, major characters, major themes and analysis.
OCR: Imperial Image Revision Quizzes
Imperial Image (OCR Classical Civilisations) - a set of revision quizzes which cover the whole of the period study, including Augustus’ Legacy and Later Representations.
Each quiz has a set of 10 questions (with one containing five questions) which cover a previous one/two lessons. Designed to be used as part of retrieval practice for AS/A-Level students. They can be used as a bell-task activity or as part of revision, allowing students to consolidate their knowledge on previous lessons before moving forward and make links to the wider context.
375 facts can be learnt through completing these quizzes!
This resource also contains answers to all quizzes.
They are tagged together, with titles at the top to make storage easy.
GCSE Classical Civilisations: Exam Command Words and Subject Specific Vocabulary (Homeric World)
GCSE Classical Civilisations exam command words and subject specific vocabulary (OCR) for Paper 2: 'Homeric World)
Aeneas: Character Overview
A short-summary detailing Aeneas’ characterisation in Virgil’s Aeneid. Designed for the OCR A-Level specification for ‘World of the Hero’
Aeneas as a Greek Hero and a Post-Homeric (Roman Hero)
Aeneas as a leader
Aeneas as a lover
Aeneas as a family man
Aeneas’ role in Rome’s Imperial Destiny
Imperial Image Revision Checklists
New specification check list, all units covered. Useful revision tool for students studying the AS/A-Level specification for ‘Imperial Image’ (OCR)
Aeneas: Quote Sheet
A selection of quotes for Virgil’s Aeneid, focusing on Aeneas. The quotes are broken down into appropriate aspects of Aeneas’ character - designed for AS/A-Level students studying the OCR specification for ‘World of the Hero’
Aeneid Exam Overview
Overview for Aeneid section of ‘World of the Hero’ examination (OCR AS/A-Level specification)
Myth and Religion Essay Bank
A selection of essays for GCSE students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation specification for ‘Myth and Religion.’ These essays are intended to be used as part of revision
Odyssey Book Summaries - Blank
Revision sheets that can be completed upon reading the prescribed books for OCR’s specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ These include a general overview, key characters, key themes and an opportunity to record any key quotes. They can be done from memory or text guides can be used to help support when filling them in.
Aeneid Book Summaries: Blank Sheets
Designed for use for AS/A Level students studying the OCR specification for ‘World of the Hero’ (Classical Civilisations). There is a summary sheet for each of the prescribed books, with the opportunity to provide a brief summary, give an overview of key characters and themes and to note down any important quotes that can be used in essays.
Homer's Odyssey Synopsis
Summary of all 24 books of Homer’s Odyssey designed for the GCSE OCR Classical Civilisation specification for ‘‘Literature and Culture.’’ This summary sheet is intended to provide a broader overview of the epic and introduce some examples of evidence that can be used from non-prescribed books to help in strengthening arguments.