Macbeth: Key Quotes
A document consisting of key quotes from Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ which can be used by GCSE students and KS3 students alike.
How does Dickens use the ghosts to help Scrooge change his attitudes and behaviour?
A high-level response to the 2019 AQA ‘A Christmas Carol’ exam question: How does Dickens use the ghosts to help Scrooge change his attitudes and behaviour?’ The answer, in total, secured 26/30 marks.
The page following the exemplar itself contains a responding to feedback sheet to prompt redrafts to help improve answers.
Homer's Odyssey: Theme and Character Sheets
The following documents consist of a break-down of all the key themes found within the epic and of the characters. Quotes are found alongside analysis of passages, with supporting scholarship where appropriate. These have been designed for ‘The World of the Hero’ Paper (OCR: A-Level Classical Civilisation).
Themes that are included:
The Concept, Value and Behaviour of a Hero
Deceit, Disguise and Trickery
Role of Revenge and Justice
Role of the Immortals
Relationships between Mortals and Immortals
The Role and Power of Fate
Relationships between Men, Women and Children
Role of the Slave
Role of Women in the Epic and Society
How Different Societies are Characterised and Portrayed
NB: Rieu’s translation has been used when creating this document
'An Inspector Calls' - Glossary
A glossary containing key terminology relating to Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls,’ including terms relating to the contextual setting of the play as well as literary terms.
'Macbeth' Glossary
A glossary designed in relation to key terms relating to Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth,’ including literary terms and contextual terms. It has been designed for GCSE students
'Ambition in Macbeth' - Exemplar Essay
The following answers scored 28 out of 30 marks (Excluding SPaG) and is focused on ambition in Macbeth. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students hoping to attain higher grades.
For SPaG, the answer was awarded the full 4 marks
'Violence in Macbeth' - Exemplar Essay
The following essay was written in response to the following question: ‘‘Explore how fare Shakespeare presents Macbeth as a violent character’’ (AQA). The answer was high attaining and achieved 28 out of a possible 30 marks. It can be used as a form of revision or when responding to feedback to enhance essay skills and further develop analytical writing style.