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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Ann Oakley view on Sociology of Family and Household

Ann Oakley view on Sociology of Family and Household

The lesson is prepared for Sociology of Household and family, and gender and roles.In this lesson , it explains how Oakley looked at the ‘conventional family’, namely the nuclear family, and studied its impact on society and individuals. Her definition of a conventional family was.
The  Scramble and Partition of Africa, Colonianialism and Imperialism

The Scramble and Partition of Africa, Colonianialism and Imperialism

The resource explains the concepts of Scramble and Partition of Africa. It explains reasons for the justification of colonialism in Africa. It shows concepts such as christianity civilizing mission,etc as reasons for colonizing Africa. It explores the roles of the trade companies,as agents of imperialism. The lesson explains how slavery gave way to colonialism and imperialism, neo-colonialism in Africa.
Social Stratification and Social Class  in sociology

Social Stratification and Social Class in sociology

This resource explains the meaning of social stratification and social class. It explains theories such as Conflict theory and feminism as approaches to understand social class and social stratification. It explains functionalism and uses interpretivist theory in understanding social stratification. It explains the caste system and class system as stratified social systems. Prepared for GCSE Sociology
Gender and Socialisation

Gender and Socialisation

The resource explains gender and socialisation. It explains gender roles and family. It shows socialisation before and after birth, through adolescence, and how gender internalisation of roles occur.The resource explains gender inequality and how women empowerment can be achieved. Prepared for sociology , IGCSE, with focus on family.
Research Methods in sociology

Research Methods in sociology

This resource explains the Theoretical Factors that shape research include the positivism vs interpretivism debate, issues of sampling, and collecting and analyses sociological data. The resource shows- the differences between qualitative and quantitative methods, sampling techniques, their strengths and differences, including pilot study, generalizations etc,
Globalisation and Crime

Globalisation and Crime

This resource explains how globalisation has increased and made crime difficult It explains the impact of globalisation on crime and how it has become difficult for police to prosecute crime due to the complexities of crimes associated with globalisation. The resource explains differing views/ perspectives- pessimist, postmordernist views on global crime.The resource show whether globalisation causes crime, deviance etc. it explains what are global crime are and more. Prepared for AS and A Level Sociology on globalisation
Globalization:The origin and  impact of globalization, importance and challenges of globalization.

Globalization:The origin and impact of globalization, importance and challenges of globalization.

The resource is made for Economics and Sociology. The resource explains the concept of globalization.It explains the origin and its effect on society , economy and the positive and negative changes it brings. The resource explains the difficulty / challenges encountered in the global system and how it transforms the society.It explains how the concept affects politics and culture, and communication as the driving force of globalization and more.
Mahatma Gandhi , his non violence campaign and the independence of India

Mahatma Gandhi , his non violence campaign and the independence of India

This resource explains how Gandhi achieved the Independence of India , using non-violence campaign. The resource shows how he secured the independence of India through his non- violent resistance. The resource shows his effort and strategies he used from his earliest periods and his political participation in India. It covers his philosophy, morality and views on religion and how it shaped his personality and self rule.
How does Parental Divorce affect Children?

How does Parental Divorce affect Children?

This resource explains the impact of parental divorce on children. It explains the social and psychological impact of divorce on couples , family and how children are impacted in their behaviours and social conduct, education and health.
Marriage:Meaning,  Functions and Types of Marriages

Marriage:Meaning, Functions and Types of Marriages

The resource shows and explains what marriage means. It explains the legal and social functions of marriage.The resource shows the the universality of marriage,and the changing patterns of marriage in the western world.Prepared for Sociology and social studies.
Poverty : Meaning, Causes, types and levels of poverty.

Poverty : Meaning, Causes, types and levels of poverty.

The resource is a power point lesson prepared for students who take Sociology. It explains the meaning of poverty. It explains three levels of poverty and shows the causes and consequences of poverty and how it can be checked. it uses example to explain the phenomenon and attributes of poverty.
Theories of Development and : Mordern and  Post Mordern Theories.

Theories of Development and : Mordern and Post Mordern Theories.

The resource explains the theories of modern and post -modern theory. The resource shows stages of development , using Rostow’s model of development. It explains the neo- modern theories and uses illustrations to show why some countries are less developed than others , and what they need to do to become developed.
Liberal Feminism:  meaning , explanations and criticsims.

Liberal Feminism: meaning , explanations and criticsims.

The resource is a power point resource for sociology. Made for A/S and A/L sociology. It demonstrates what liberalism means , it explains theories and arguments used in the explanations and criticisms of Liberal feminism. The resources uses different examples, descriptions sociological models to explain the topic.
Theories used in interpretations in Sociology

Theories used in interpretations in Sociology

This resource explains three theories that are used in the interpretations of sociological perspectives. The resource explain functional , Marxist , Conflict and symbolic interactionist Perspective. Prepared for GCSE AS / A/L Sociology. Contains examples and illustrations on the usage of the theories.
Socioogical Perspective: Scientific Method of  Studying  Sociology

Socioogical Perspective: Scientific Method of Studying Sociology

This resource is made for A/S and A/L Sociology. The resource is explains Scientific Method of studying Sociology. It explains how experimentation and hypothesis are used in Sociology. It also shows how sociology differ with physical sciences in terms of experimentation and observation. It explains other forms of sociological methods.
Liberal and Cultural Feminism: a Comparison.

Liberal and Cultural Feminism: a Comparison.

This resource is prepared for A/S and A/L Sociology. It is a power point resource on Radical and Cultural Feminism. The resource explains the distinctions between the two types of feminism. It traces their roots and origin and history. It explains the legal implications of the two concepts and their criticisms.
Gender Identity in Everyday Life.

Gender Identity in Everyday Life.

This resource is made for Sociology AS/ AL . It explains the issue of gender . It explains trans-gender, cigender and gender binary. It explains individual perspectives on gender. It also shows perspectives of in different cultures on gender, gender and the law etc.