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Geo_pal2000's Shop

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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Poverty : Meaning, Causes, types and levels of poverty.

Poverty : Meaning, Causes, types and levels of poverty.

The resource is a power point lesson prepared for students who take Sociology. It explains the meaning of poverty. It explains three levels of poverty and shows the causes and consequences of poverty and how it can be checked. it uses example to explain the phenomenon and attributes of poverty.
Theories of Development and : Mordern and  Post Mordern Theories.

Theories of Development and : Mordern and Post Mordern Theories.

The resource explains the theories of modern and post -modern theory. The resource shows stages of development , using Rostow’s model of development. It explains the neo- modern theories and uses illustrations to show why some countries are less developed than others , and what they need to do to become developed.
Liberal Feminism:  meaning , explanations and criticsims.

Liberal Feminism: meaning , explanations and criticsims.

The resource is a power point resource for sociology. Made for A/S and A/L sociology. It demonstrates what liberalism means , it explains theories and arguments used in the explanations and criticisms of Liberal feminism. The resources uses different examples, descriptions sociological models to explain the topic.
Socioogical Perspective: Scientific Method of  Studying  Sociology

Socioogical Perspective: Scientific Method of Studying Sociology

This resource is made for A/S and A/L Sociology. The resource is explains Scientific Method of studying Sociology. It explains how experimentation and hypothesis are used in Sociology. It also shows how sociology differ with physical sciences in terms of experimentation and observation. It explains other forms of sociological methods.
Liberal and Cultural Feminism: a Comparison.

Liberal and Cultural Feminism: a Comparison.

This resource is prepared for A/S and A/L Sociology. It is a power point resource on Radical and Cultural Feminism. The resource explains the distinctions between the two types of feminism. It traces their roots and origin and history. It explains the legal implications of the two concepts and their criticisms.
Gender Identity in Everyday Life.

Gender Identity in Everyday Life.

This resource is made for Sociology AS/ AL . It explains the issue of gender . It explains trans-gender, cigender and gender binary. It explains individual perspectives on gender. It also shows perspectives of in different cultures on gender, gender and the law etc.
Gender Based Violence: Rape and Sexual Harrasement

Gender Based Violence: Rape and Sexual Harrasement

The resource explains Gender - Based Violence. Such as sexual harassment and different forms of rape. It explains rape and the law,and the consequences of rape.It also explain rape and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Prepared for AS/ AL Sociology.
Meaning of Socialization, Primary Socialization  and Secondary Socialization

Meaning of Socialization, Primary Socialization and Secondary Socialization

The resource explains The meaning of socialization and re- socialization occur. It is made for AS/ AL Sociology. It explains agents and the processes of socialization. It also shows Primary and Secondary Socialization etc.Contains activities and examples of how to apply peer group, social groups in socialization. It also explains different variables as criticisms of socialization.
Political Socialization

Political Socialization

This resource explains the meaning of political socialization.The resource explains various factors/ influences of political socialization. It explains other agents of socialization, and shows ways and examples how individuals are get politically socialized. The resource is prepared for AS/ AL Sociology. Apower point resource , and contains activities.
Social Stratification and Social Class  in sociology

Social Stratification and Social Class in sociology

This resource explains the meaning of social stratification and social class. It explains theories such as Conflict theory and feminism as approaches to understand social class and social stratification. It explains functionalism and uses interpretivist theory in understanding social stratification. It explains the caste system and class system as stratified social systems. Prepared for GCSE Sociology
Culture , Elements of Culture and Identity

Culture , Elements of Culture and Identity

This resource is prepared for Sociology GCSE. It explains Culture and Identity. It shows the meaning of culture and identity, personal and social identity, and explains various concepts as self image and self esteem. It also explains social interactions etc.
Lone Parenthood and Child Centeredness

Lone Parenthood and Child Centeredness

This resource is prepared for Sociology GCSE /AS Levels. It explains the concepts of lone parent and child centerdness . It shows the roles of Nuclear family in childcenteredness , it explains other variables such as affluence, education, women independence etc. It compares families in the pre -industrial and industrial periods regarding child centeredness . It presents argument for and against child centeredness.
Pre-Industrial , Industrial and Post- Industrial Societies

Pre-Industrial , Industrial and Post- Industrial Societies

The resource is prepared for IGCSE Sociology.The resource explains the meaning of Pre -industrial, industrial and post industrial societies. It shows there features and differences. It explains the structure of families in the three periods. It shows the impact of technology on the industrial era etc.
Life Chances and individuals in society

Life Chances and individuals in society

This resource explains what is meant by Life Chances. It explains the meaning of life chances and how it impact on individuals and groups. The resource explains poverty, social class , ethnicity, gender etc and how they affect life chances. It explains the roles of education and youth in determining life chances.Prepared for Sociology .
Gender and Socialisation

Gender and Socialisation

The resource explains gender and socialisation. It explains gender roles and family. It shows socialisation before and after birth, through adolescence, and how gender internalisation of roles occur.The resource explains gender inequality and how women empowerment can be achieved. Prepared for sociology , IGCSE, with focus on family.
Violence Against  Women

Violence Against Women

The resource expains different violence world against women.I drawsexamples from different parts of the world .The resource explains cultural differences that encourages violence and impact its impact on women.The resource expains gender inquality and more…