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Der Vorleser Rhetorische Mittel - presentation literary devices A Level
Der Vorleser Rhetorische Mittel - presentation literary devices A Level

Der Vorleser Hauptfiguren - presentation on key characters A Level
Der Vorleser Hauptfiguren - presentation on key characters A Level

Der Vorleser Leben & Werk von Bernhard Schlink - introduction lesson A Level
Powerpoint presentation on Der Vorleser - Leben & Werk von Bernhard Schlink. Can be used as first introductory lesson for A-Level book.

Der Vorleser Analphabetismus - illiteracy A Level
Der Vorleser Analphabetismus - lesson on illiteracy A Level

Food Riddles Game German - Essen und trinken
A fun game of riddles, where students are given a few sentences about the food and they have to guess it. Works really well with Y10- Y9 students, can be used as a revision of food items when necessary. All slides have animations with photos and answers.

Der Vorleser Themen und Aufbau - themes and structure A Level
A powerpoint resource and worksheet on themes and structure of “Der Vorleser”. Lesson plan:
PPT - “Themen und Aufbau“
• Die Zeitgestalltung im Überblick
• Teil 1/ Teil 2/ Teil 3 sorting activity
• Welche Hauptthemen gibt es?
• Verbindung der Teile
Aufgabe: Vervollständigen Sie die Mindmap für Kapitel 1.1, 2.1, 3.1

Technology German Y10 lesson - Stimmt! GCSE
Full lesson slides for German Y10 lesson using textbook Stimmt! Slides contain starter activity, vocabulary, reading and listening with animations of answers on the topic of technology.

Stimmt 2 Unit 5: Wir gehen aus (Clothes and Fashion)
Stimmt 2 Unit 5 with 9 ready made lessons, some slides including animations and answers.

Y11 German Revision Pack
This pack includes powerpoints for three revision lessons that can be used before Y11 mock exams focusing on reading and writing.

Der Vorleser Schuld und Generationenkonflikt - blame and generational conflict A Level
Der Vorleser Schuld und Generationenkonflikt - presentation on blame and generational conflict A Level

German climate change vocabulary posters display
German climate change/environment posters with vocabulary for a classroom display

German Y7-8 resource Family members - Sprechen über Familiemitglieder
A resource on talking about family members in German - suitable for beginner level.

Der Vorleser Themen und Aufbau - worksheet on key themes and structure A Level
Der Vorleser Themen und Aufbau - worksheet on key themes and structure A Level

Der Vorleser Rhetorische Mittel - worksheet literary devices A Level
Der Vorleser Rhetorische Mittel - worksheet on literary devices for A Level.
Contains a file with answers!

Der Vorleser Historischer Hintergrund - presentation on historical background A Level
Der Vorleser Historischer Hintergrund - presentation on historical background A Level

Der Vorleser Film und Buch- film and book A Level
Der Vorleser Film und Buch- presentation film and book A Level and a worksheet on scenes from the film

AQA GCSE School 2026 lesson pack
AQA GCSE School 2026 lesson pack that includes 4 complete lesson powerpoints according to the new specification