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Creating detailed KS3 & KS4 resources tailored to improve student skills and knowledge as well as strengthen learning attributes such as teamwork, resilience, communication, independence and problem solving.




Creating detailed KS3 & KS4 resources tailored to improve student skills and knowledge as well as strengthen learning attributes such as teamwork, resilience, communication, independence and problem solving.
Piaget's theory of cognitive development

Piaget's theory of cognitive development

An AQA GCSE Psychology lesson centred on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Students will review who Piaget was and how he thought we learned as we developed from a child into an adult. Students will be familiar with the stages of development, what schemas are and how accommodation and assimilation impact on our understanding of the world. The theory is then evaluated before students attempt to apply new learning by answering GCSE style questions. This lesson is self-contained and could be set as independent work/homework without the need for teacher guidance.
1980s Britain

1980s Britain

A KS3 History lesson looking at life in Britain in the 1980s. Transport, entertainment and technology are focused upon as students investigate life post-war and what it was like for the average person in Britain. Students are given a number of tasks to complete at the end of the lesson.
How was Ancient Rome governed?

How was Ancient Rome governed?

History lesson on how Ancient Rome was governed. Students are to recap on previous knowledge on how the Ancient Greeks governed themselves. Students will then look at the various stages of Rome and how each stage was ruled differently and by different people. Students will then look, specifically, at the Senate with a two-sided information sheet to be printed and a questions sheet to be given to the students to direct them. An extension task is given to students to extend learning. Students will then look at the similarities and differences between the House of Commons (and MPs) today and compare it to the Roman Senate.
Ancient Cultures Scheme of Work

Ancient Cultures Scheme of Work

3 Resources
14 KS3/4 History lessons based on Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The lessons cover origins, government, health/medicine, religion and key individuals. Perfect for a complete half term of work.
Dresden Bombing

Dresden Bombing

A KS3 History lesson on the Dresden bombings; assessing if they were necessary or a potential war crime. This lesson will take two hours as students use information and sources to form a judgement to the issue above. There are some sensitive images so review before teaching.
Nuclear War

Nuclear War

KS3 History lesson centred on the introduction of the USA into the Second World War and the use of Nuclear weapons against Japan. Students have questions to answer regarding the use of nuclear weapons and the ending of the Second World War.
The Schlieffen Plan

The Schlieffen Plan

A KS4 AQA History lesson on the Germany Schlieffen Plan, put into effect during the start of the First World War. Students will look at the creation of the Schlieffen Plan, with it’s creator Alfred von Schlieffen, as well as it’s strengths and weaknesses. The failure of the plan is discussed towards the end of the lesson with a source to analyze alongside some questions.
Emily Davison: Martyr or Accident?

Emily Davison: Martyr or Accident?

A KS3 History lesson based on the suffragette Emily Davison and the events surrounding her death. Students are given a series of sources to read through and decide whether the event was a purposeful act of martyrdom or a tragic accent. Students are tasked with creating a report detailing their opinion on the matter.
The Moon Landings

The Moon Landings

2 KS3 History lessons that centres on the moon landings. Students will focus on source analysis in both lessons; firstly addressing sources that discredit the landings and claim they are a hoax. The second uses sources that aim to prove that the landings were real. A report type task is present at the end of the second lesson where students are asked to present a balanced response before a opinionated conclusion on what the student thinks is true and why.
Life in Nazi Germany

Life in Nazi Germany

3 KS3 History lessons based on life inside Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Lesson one will approach how Hitler came to power and the laws he changed to persecute the Jewish population. Lesson two will focus on children and their role within Hitler’s vision for a prosperous German future. Lesson three centres on women, Nazi incentives and propaganda. All 3 lessons have comprehension questions to challenge students at the end of the lesson.
Multiculturalism in Britain

Multiculturalism in Britain

A KS3 History lesson that focuses on the effects of multiculturalism on Britain. Students will look at how healthcare, food, sport and the arts have all been impacted due to multiculturalism. Students will then be challenged with a series of comprehension questions at the end of the lesson.
The Windrush

The Windrush

A KS3 History lesson on the Empire Windrush. Students will look at the context for immigration from the West Indies to Britain and the treatment of the immigrants upon their arrival. There are a few first hand accounts of immigrants to analyse. Students will then answer comprehension questions at the end of the lesson.
What is a Revolution?

What is a Revolution?

KS3 History lesson introducing the concept of revolution. Students will be told about the most notable Revolutions (French, American, Industrial and Russian) A modern day example of Football is there to use but is optional as well as a starter task based around the ‘digital revolution’ of today. Students begin to understand how a collective change in thoughts and actions brings about a revolution. Powerpoint contains a few slides to begin with about standards as this lesson is used at the start of a new term before heading on to the French Revolution.
Piliavin's Subway Study

Piliavin's Subway Study

A KS4 Psychology lesson centred on Piliavin’s Subway Study on prosocial behaviour - for AQA specification. Students will look at the aim, method, results and conclusion as well as 3 evaluation points. Students will also use some real-life situations as a starter to instigate conversations around the bystander effect. Students will then answer some GCSE exam questions at the end of the lesson.
The Plains Indians - Lakota Sioux

The Plains Indians - Lakota Sioux

An introductory lesson into the lives of the Plains Indians. Students will analyse the lifestyles of the Apache, Cheyenne and Lakota Sioux and complete a Venn diagram highlighting similarities and differences. Students will then investigate the Lakota Sioux as a focused Case Study: Home & Family, Leadership, Warfare and Beliefs are the aspects of Lakota Sioux life that the students will be made aware of. This is a great resource to use to begin looking at the American West; both at KS3 as a taster lesson or KS4 as the start of the GCSE curriculum.
Ancient Greek Religion/Mythology

Ancient Greek Religion/Mythology

History lesson on Ancient Greek religion. Students begin by discussing religion in Ancient Egypt and how it impacted on lives in the Egyptian empire. Students are then introduced to the roles of the Greek temple. Students then travel around the room investigating the different gods on each information sheet (10 in total). Students will then answer the question 'What roles did the Greek gods play in Greek life?' There is an additional task to be set for homework about Heracles and his 12 labours.
Ancient Greek Medicine

Ancient Greek Medicine

History lesson on Ancient Greek medicine. Students will begin by discussing health in Ancient Egypt; recapping on the progress made as well as the aspects of Egyptian medicine that held back progress. Students will then be presented with an ‘information explosion’ with limited instructions and lots of information on each table. Students will then complete a research worksheet on each of the pieces of information. Students are to then complete an answer to the question ‘How effective was Greek medicine’ using the differentiated help sheets.
How was Ancient Greece Governed?

How was Ancient Greece Governed?

History lesson on how the Ancient Greeks governed themselves. Students are to recap on previous knowledge on how the Ancient Egyptians were governed before looking at Ancient Greek methods. Students will then look at the similarities and differences between todays governance and that of 2500 years ago. Students are then assigned a role within Greek society and it will be their job to share this information with classmates as they go around the room to investigate the other 7 roles. Worksheet is provided for students to complete during the last task.
What is Prejudice?

What is Prejudice?

A KS3 History/Citizenship lesson on the topic of Prejudice. Students will understand the definition of prejudice, examples both in today’s society and historically, reasons behind prejudice and impact prejudice has on people. There are activities provided within the lesson.
George Floyd - Black Lives Matter PSHE

George Floyd - Black Lives Matter PSHE

KS3 & KS4 PSHE lesson on the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement. This lesson features the recent coverage of the murder of George Floyd by police officers in the USA. Students will have access to videos and a mural dedicated to George Floyd and other black citizens who have needlessly lost their lives through unacceptable actions by people in positions of power. This lesson is to encourage students to be a part of the solution and stand united with black people across the world, regardless of the students’ own heritage. This lesson is also online friendly so can be set as work for students who are remotely learning; instructions are clear and information is clearly signposted.